
Acting ‘AS IF’

Ladies, listen up!

I want you to know this.

You get to have your cake and eat it too.

You get to choose the belief that life gets better and better in all the areas.

You get to bring your dream life to reality today.

You get to choose to act ‘as is’ and fully embody what it is you want to create in this life.

I literally live my dream life full of all the wonderful things and full of support. All because I chose it and made it happen – it took time, but it’s been a journey well worth it. I never really did believe that I couldn’t have it ALL! I always just knew that I would have it ALL and that life just keeps getting better every day.

Are there things I’m still working on? YES! But they will keep adding to the beautiful life I’ve already created for myself.

If there is something you want, act as though it’s yours!

And that means:

? How does it feel to have the thing you want? {Feel that feeling now!}
? How would you be acting right now if you had the thing? What would you be doing? {Do that now, Act that way now!}
? How would you be thinking if you had the thing? {Think that way now! Fill your thoughts with gratitude for the thing your heart desires!}

This is the money secret. This is the body secret. This is the love secret. This is the business secret. This is the secret to changing your point of attraction.

Act ‘AS IF’.

You make your plans. You absolutely don’t hold any expectations. You release.

Expectations are the KILLER of you stepping into your dream life. Whatever that looks like for you.

This is hard to do by the way. Every time I have expectations on money, business, humans and expecting them to act a certain way – that’s when you get let down.

You never get let down when you hold no expectations.

And what does that do for you? It keeps your point of attraction oscillating at the right frequency to bring in what you desire.

No timeline. Time is an expectation.

You must release the timeline.

You have to play. You have to keep things light and fun. ? (This I’m bad at but getting better!)

That’s how it’s done baby!

That’s how you..

Live Your Legacy!

xx Lisa

PS. You also get to choose to be sexy AF and make no apologies about it. ?

PPS. You also get to choose to be a WEALTHY WOMAN! If you want to get started, click here!


Get Over Financial Worry

Get over worry and fast.

This is key when it comes to our relationship with money – and yes, don’t kid yourself, money is a prominent relationship in your life!

Let’s start with this.

Worry is a sin.

What is a sin technically?! 

In simple terms, it’s something that is not good for you.

It goes against your perfect divine nature to be in harmony with the universe.

Worry pulls you from that.

Pulls you away from your best self.

And then you start that vicious downward spiral.

And once it starts, it begins to slowly carry over from one area of your life into others.

Hence why it’s so important to constantly be guiding yourself back into perfect harmony with yourself.

You can’t even be one degree out of alignment; ask any pilot or captain where you end up when you are one degree off course!

We know we shouldn’t waste time worrying. 

What a waste of our most precious resource. Time.

Yet here I am in so much worry this morning.

It’s creeped in. Business. Family. Even had a bizarre dream that I had some mutating skin disease and turned into a lizard. Weird.

Worry does creep in, even to the best of us.

Worry is an illusion that you have actual control over an outcome.

And that somehow your time spent in worrying over an outcome will make it better.

So, how do we get over worry, especially financial worries?

This is what I do.

2 things.

  1. Face it. Is there anything you can do on your end to clear it out of your energy field. Any action steps, conversations, emails, doing something – like acting on a request of another – so that you can stay in your integrity and when you put your head on the pillow at night, you can say you did you best. And that is the best thing you can do for yourself. Don’t erode the integrity you have with yourself. That is the worst feeling. Do everything in your power to always have your back! That is the one relationship you must be loyal to above all others. That’s when you are in harmony with you, your higher self and essentially your universe!! That’s the connection you have to make.
  1. Hand it over. It’s not your problem any more after you’ve dealt with it.  It doesn’t serve you. It doesn’t serve the world. It doesn’t make the world a better place to sit and focus on the worry. Let it go. breath. Walk. Scream. Call a friend. Talk it through. Aaaaaaaaand release.
  1. Ask yourself, “Where is the opportunity in this?” You may not see it right away but with all the problems you are facing, is there a glimmer of hope or questions you can ask your self to see if you can find the opportunity in your worrying.

When we rid our lives of worry, especially financial worries, we create space for more joy to fill our lives and when we have more joy, we create better a better world and a beautiful ripple effect that flows out.

This is important.

Mostly, because you are here for a purpose, and worry need not be a part of what you are creating.

This is how you…

Live Your Legacy!

xx Lisa

PS. If you are done with financial worry, and want to make sure you have a zero-worry financial plan in place, then make sure you book a conversation with us to see if you are a good fit to work with us in Wealthy Woman Accelerator! Apply for your call here:


Creating The Upward Spiral

Upward Spiral

We all know about the downward spiral, but how do we create the upward spiral in our lives?

I’m not going to sugar coat that life is no bed of roses half the time, and there are many times we linger in the waiting room of life?

I usually find myself in a waiting room here and there. Right now, there are 2 big things I’m waiting on and they are fully out of my control. I’m sure you can identify an area of your life where you wait for answers.

This is a big part as to why the downward spiral begins.

We lose sight of the blessings in our life and slip from the place of gratitude to a space where we are focused solely on what we don’t have.

When we get thrown into the waiting room of life, what we don’t have is answers and us peeps really don’t like that – it’s uncomfortable to the max!

We don’t have answers on a diagnosis, housing, job status, money coming in, the health status of loved ones or a relationship status.

Waiting rooms are real and painful places to have to visit.

And to add insult to injury, the point of the waiting room may not ever become evident in our lifetime.

You may actually never get closure, answers, reasons for bad things that happened, explanations about why this happened. 

We may never know. We may never get to the real reasons why things didn’t work out.

The truth is that some things work out and somethings don’t.

Holding the belief that everything that is happening is happening for your highest good to draw you closer to your authentic real aligned self where you get to live a life in full expression of what your soul is here to express is key in creating the upward spiral in your life.

It’s that mind shift, the thinking, the thoughts that will eventually shift you from downward to upward.

You have to remember life is not happening to you. You are happening to it.

Again, and for emphasis… (really let this become a deep core belief and it will serve you greatly!)

You are happening to life, not the other way around.

You are not a victim of your circumstances.


This is so hard – so hard – to remind ourselves of when we have been beat down by life and it feels the floor is coming out from under us.

You may be in what feels like a downward spiral, but when we catch that within us, we can reverse it.

The sooner we reverse the downward spiral the better.

And how do we do that?

We do that by asking.

Ask for help.

Speak up to YOU about what you desire. (Personally, I wouldn’t go around sharing your deepest desires with very many people unless you can find a safe person who will 100% have your back! Otherwise, people have a natural tendency to nay-say your dreams and keep you small. There is so much psychology behind this, mostly due to the fact that we are tribal by nature and for safety’s sake {& other people’s fear of losing you} you shouldn’t break-free from the norms of society.)

Don’t hide and tuck away your plans in the basement of your heart – truly pulling those dreams into a place where you can clearly state what it is you want with confidence – this is the moment you will reverse the downward spiral and create upward momentum.

Complaining about your circumstances will not get you to that place.

Neither will making fun of other people, judging others.

Being on your phone and watching TV 24/7 doesn’t help much either. 

I’m not saying any of these is bad but you really have to question what this does for you!

The questions to always ask yourself is this: How is this serving me?

If it is serving you, then it is serving the world!

If it is not serving you, then it is taking away from the light of the world.

We are all connected, and your good vibes and energy have a massive impact as they resonate out into the world.

And because the only thing in your control, truly, is your mind and choices of how you want to feel, then that is your main job to make sure you are spreading some good vibrations.

If you really want to master the art of creating and sustaining the upward spiral in your life, become familiar with integrity.

Integrity is not just being a ‘good person’ or following a moral code. I don’t use that as a definition at all.

Integrity is doing what you say you are going to do and not wavering, and when you don’t do what you say you are going to do, then being forthcoming and owning your mistakes.

It’s being in integrity with your word to yourself which starts as baby steps.

Baby teeny tiny steps in making promises to yourself, keeping the promise to yourself, and then making another one and keeping it with yourself.

Getting so good in keeping your word to yourself that you absolutely don’t have to deal in low level emotional vibrations of shame and guilt.

That’s how you love yourself.

That’s how you trust yourself.

That’s how you build a solid relationship with yourself.

Some times for so many of us, it’s easier to keep our integrity with a perfect stranger more than it is with ourselves. We have disregarded ourselves is such a way that everyone else is more important. {This used to be so true for me and I know it’s still true for so many of us!}

All of this will help you shift into the upward spiral and this is the goal, so you can spend more time in a beautiful freeing, joyful, happy energy and share that with your neighbours, regardless of the circumstances you find yourself in.

Same goes for your money.

You need to reclaim your financial independence and start creating the upward spiral with your money. Savings integrity, spending integrity, integrity with your business and financial goals.

Don’t forget…

You are a wealthy woman.

It’s time to reclaim that and when you do, you…

Live Your Legacy!

xx Lisa

PS. It’s time to join the wealthy woman revolution and receive The Ultimate Guide to Financial Bliss at


What does your HEART have to do with your MONEY?

There is always one thing you will end up having to answer to in your life.

One thing that will demand your full attention at some point.

  • You will get ill if you don’t answer it.
  • You will gain weight if you ignore it. (Yup!)
  • You will feel financially burdened if you push it aside.
  • You will struggle in all areas of your life if you decline its call.

Your heart. ♥️

That is what you must listen to. Its call is strong and powerful. Its echo vibes through your entire core and energy field.

Set your heart free to wildly beat and watch your dreams unfold before your eyes.

You will attract to you all that your heart desires.

But you must FREE it first. (And that is scary because that means putting yourself out there vulnerably!!!)

This is one recollection of that ✨MAGIC✨ that happened for me when I ventured out to NYC on my own, 2013 and set my heart free to be as wild as it could be.

?I got to dance and sing in Times Square alone. There were no people in Times Square… it was a rare and precious moment. I had a Blackberry and selfies weren’t a feature on phone yet so you had to flip your phone around and hope for the best!
?I got to have my Holly Golightly Breakfast at Tiffany’s and cross off the one thing on my bucket list.
? I met a lovely soul from Bangladesh on the Bow Bridge in Central Park and we exchanged moments of heart felt songs that changed our lives. (I shared with him ‘Emmanuel’ by Chris Botti and he shared with me a Gershwin Song. Truly, loving humans are all around if you are open for them and wanting to connect with you?)
?I got to stay in one of the original hotels in NYC and my first night there I crawled out of my hotel room up onto the shady fire escape and screamed at the top of my lungs, “HELLO NEW YORK!”

Subsequent trips to New York after this also included me launching my company over 6 years ago from a Midtown diner and singing Karaoke Nancy Sinatra in Times Square amongst many other shenanigans and stories I’m sure I will tell you over a coffee one day…. or in my next book. ?

The universe will dance with you when you ask it to dance. {This is also a choice, a decision, a request which must originate from your soul.}

So what does money have to do with this?

Honey, don’t grind and struggle your way to making money.

It actually wasn’t meant to be hard. {Hard is only a mindset!}

Adopt the mantra that money flows easily to you.

Follow your heart and what turns you on – the same way a lover would!

Love and Money are truly of the same vibe for attracting it!

Be clear in what you want, WANT what you want, go after it and have zero restrictions on the outcome.

Life will surprise you, the same way love does.

Money will easily flow to you to allow you to play out the deepest desires of your heart.

There is a lot of trusting here. Trusting in yourself and the universe.

There is a lot of letting go here.

There is a lot of listening and taking divine aligned action when called to do the work.

Do the work.

But here’s the thing about your heart♥️ –

It was never meant to be ignored.
It was meant to be FREE to LOVE & LIVE WILDLY! ?

Live Your Legacy!

xx Lisa

PS. If you are FINALLY ready to answer your hearts desire to be a WEALTHY WOMAN – click here! {}


Collapsing Time Frames

This is actually a skill.

A skill requires thought and effort and is training to do a particular task.

Collapsing time frames is exactly that.

Getting to your desired goal faster.

Why is this important?!

Because you can create BIGGER results in your life.

So what’s one way to do this.

Be BOLD. Go after exactly what you want. (Note: this actually requires you to know what you want. Most people haven’t figured this out yet!)

Don’t pussy foot around.

Be specific. Very specific

And then…

Have the hard conversations. Have the hard conversations. Enrolment conversations.

Just do the thing that brings you the most fear.

Do the thing.

The only way you will ever create what you want in your life is to go after the BIG goal.

The BIG one.

Not the small baby ones.

Go after the BIG goals.

I have one, I’m working on it.

I have zero clue how it’s going to turn out.

But I’ll keep you posted.  Oh, and the point here is always this.


Release the expected outcome.

You have to be suspended in the air for a few minutes of sheer panic and fear and be okay with it.

That’s the only way you will step into the bigger life that you can only dream of.

The only way is to commit and let go of the rung and fly through the air.

I talk about this all the time. You need to commit to letting go as equally as you commit to grabbing on to the next big thing in your life.

I’ve done this in many areas of my life. It’s always scary.

There is always fear.

But here’s the deal: there much less BS in your life when you are direct and go after exactly what you want.

Much less.

And when there is less BS, there is less resistance

Less resistance means you’ve cleared the energetic path to actually manifest the big things you want in life.

And once you manifest the big things, you can go onto the next and hence, you can collapse time frames in your life.

Again why?

Because you have a BIG life to live!

You weren’t here to play small. 

So don’t.

Do the hard work.

Collapse time frames and…

Live Your Legacy!

xx Lisa

PS. If you are wanting to collapse your financial time frames and reach your money goals faster, then you need to START HERE! {}




Wisdom is from within. It is not from outside or something to attain or something even to ‘try’ for.

All the wisdom you will ever seek is already available to you when you connect to the perfect loving source.

You don’t have to be 80 or 60 or 40 to have wisdom. Wisdom is available to all.

It is not external to you or some wise words said by any prophet. Those are called revelations as they ‘reveal’ to you what your soul has already known but forgot.

Your soul is timeless and wise because it is what connects you to your unlimited perfect divine source of love, but you have to ask for that wisdom and receive it.

Wisdom is trusting that everything is happening for your highest good. EVERYTHING. The good, the bad, the ugly.

Trusting that the universe has you in the exact perfect place – that’s wisdom. Trusting.

Wisdom is putting your trust in things unseen, also called faith.

Wisdom is knowing that you are 100% responsible for your thoughts.

Never forget that your:
? create your
? drive your
? produce your

In ALL the things.

Wisdom is being able to identify your circumstances as facts without the added story your brain defaults to and then powerfully choosing the thoughts that will serve you and the world in love. {Byron Katie – “Is this true? Where would I be without that thought?”}

Wisdom is knowing you can choose the thoughts that will literally transform your life to be the life of your dreams full of peace, joy and love.

Wisdom is also knowing that you are never responsible for anyone’s feelings (this is still hard for me who wants to make sure everyone is happy and not disappoint anyone! Still. Even after a decade of working on this exact thing!)

Wisdom is also knowing that you get to hold yourself to a higher standard than those around you and you don’t have to be anyone but yourself.

Wisdom is knowing it’s not your job to make anyone else happy. That is their job. Wisdom is knowing that it’s your job to make you happy and in return you will bring more light, life and love to the world.

Wisdom is holding yourself in the highest esteem and acting in integrity with your word to yourself and then naturally having that overflow into the world.

Wisdom is knowing it all starts with you and not with your neighbour.

Wisdom is holding strong but loving boundaries that serve you.

Wisdom is knowing the more you choose love and forgiveness and a servants heart the better the world will be.

Wisdom is knowing that LOVE is a win-win-win every time. If it’s not a win-win-win, then technically it’s not out of love.

True love shifts the world.
Transforms it.

LOVE wins every time because it is perfect in all its ways… that is what wisdom knows.

Live Your Legacy!

xx Lisa

PS. Time to tune into your FINANCIAL WISDOM within –> GET STARTED HERE! {}



It’s about trust.

It’s about trusting your gut.

It’s about trusting your instinct.

It’s about trusting your intuition.





This means: YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE WHO NEEDS TO APPROVE AND TRUST AND BE IN LOVE WITH YOUR IDEAS for your business, for your body, for your life, for your money, for your investments, for your relationships, for your education, for your travels, for your home.

And trust me when I say this is HARD because the world will still throw out their opinions on your life, even when you have not requested they do so.

It’s so difficult not to be swayed by the opinions of others.

Are you trusting yourself or relying on others for their opinions about your life or your choices?

You get to fall in love with your choices. You get to go through the journey of the beautiful consequences of your choices. You get to live your FULL life in the way you desire.

And that is how you serve others from a place of being FULL of abundance in all the things: money, love, happiness.

And then you able to give even more back to the world with your abundant life.

? That’s how this works. ?

But this all starts from a place of TRUSTING yourself and having your own back and truly tuning into what your life is meant to look like.

This also means you can change your mind, you don’t have to stick with one thing.

You are allowed to course-correct.

Trusting means choosing and then trusting your choices.

But first you must make a decision and choose what it is you want from life.

Life will serve you up exactly what you order, you just needed to make the order first.

So many people haven’t ordered what it is they want out of life, and they get just that.

Decide and Trust.

Know there is no wrong choice and every moment and choice and decision is brining you closer to everything you ever wanted and is an important part of your story.

That’s what deep trust is.

That is how you..

Live Your Legacy!

xx Lisa

PS. You also get to TRUST that you were meant to be a WEALTHY WOMAN! If you want to get started, click here!

Wealthy Woman.

Wealthy Woman Manifesto

I am a Wealthy Woman.

I create abundance from the inside out.

I invest in my relationship with God, my relationship with myself and my relationship with my family.

I invest in my dreams, my future, my business.

Money is a reflection of my abundant mindset.

I have total financial clarity and confidently fund my dreams.

I handle all my money & finances with total ease.

Money is an extension of the beautiful energy & love I put out into the world.

I reclaim my financial independence.


When Things Go Wrong

When Things Go Wrong

What happens with things go bad?

There are things in your life that will go horribly wrong.

When you are sitting in the muck of it all, I know offering solace to saying things like, ‘this is for my highest good’ is NOT helpful.

I know this, you know this.

You have to sit in your grief, your loss, your heart-break, the fact that things didn’t go as expected.

I write this actually about investments.

I have had hundreds of clients come to me over the years to tell me about their heart-break.

Okay, so yes, I’ve handled many divorces and financial break-ups, but this is not the heart-break I’m talking about.

It’s when your investment goes sour.

So many people have taken on BIG RISKS in their past, investments that didn’t work out.

This happens.

I can speak to this.


This has happened to me too.

28-year-old me.

Half-a-million dollar investment.


And ya, it’s taken me YEARS of processing and working through it.

And I’m still working through it because I’m still paying for it every month, for at least the next handful of years.

It is heart-breaking to lose large sums of money to any investment that goes south.

The truth is this.

You do have to get to a place where you deeply do hold the belief that this is all happening for my highest good.

And then make resolve that you are going to take these lemons and utilize them to make you bigger and better.

When it comes to investing, heck, when it comes to anything in life, if you aren’t experiencing heart-break at somepoint then you aren’t trying hard enough.

I say kudos to the dreamers who put everything on the line to go after their dreams.

Don’t look down on those people because luck plays a big part of this.

Half will make it.

Half won’t make it.

I don’t even know at the end of the day which camp I’ll be in, and truly, does it matter?

Isn’t it worth trying for something big and amazing then just playing life small?

I’m not saying playing small is a bad thing. It’s good to be cautious. That’s what I teach my clients.

However, there is a time and place when you need to go ALL IN energetically, mentally, financially, phsyically.

That is the moment when you committ that the universe has your back.


That’s the mantra.

You go for it.

You don’t look back, and above all you don’t hold onto how the ending looks.

You release the outcome.

You have no choice in the outcome.

You become stronger through this process.

You do it all over again.

Sometimes you will have a win. Many times you won’t.

Enjoy the process.

Grieve when you lose and celebrate the wins.

You have to firmly adopt the belief that everything happening to you is for your highest good, and it will be so.

You will always win when you can find the beauty in your disasters and when things go wrong in your life.

That’s how you…

Live Your Legacy!

xx Lisa

PS. If you want to move forward with your past financial msitakes and create a new plan, you need to book a Financial Clarity Call at