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Building Vibrational Wealth

This is my most favorite selfie of all time.

I remember this moment – the moment I declared myself FREE. Free from everything and anything that ever got on my stage.

What stage?

My stage.

Lately, when I find people get in my head, or the ways in which I should live my life get in my head, I have to remember that it’s my stage, my show and that sometimes (most times!) these extra characters don’t need to be on my stage – if anything, they are annoying evil flying monkeys that buzz around and cut into my space, my thoughts, my life. (I was the WWoftheW in my 5th Grade musical!)

I’ve got GOOD at telling them to shut up and get off the stage. They have no place in my thoughts or mind.

Guard your thoughts, very carefully. Be selective in who you let on your stage.

I say this because there are times in your life, many times actually, when staying in alignment with your purpose, your path, means that you aren’t heading in the same way as what you think society, your best friend, your kids, your partner thinks you should. How ludicrous is it that we allow other people to tell us what is best for us! They aren’t in our mind, heart or body – yet, so many people throw out their opinions for our lives, and we listen – we are good listeners, great followers.

I heard the best quote yesterday while driving, and I’m sorry, I don’t remember who said it!

Truth is a PATHLESS journey.

There are no paths to your truth. You always have to be the one creating that path – and don’t get me wrong – it is easier to listen and follow! It’s easy to be a sheep. It’s so damn hard to cut through that forest with a machete and find your own way. But we all have to do it. To be true, most of us just want the path paved for us.

I know I do. God, that would make my life so easy and simple.

I know my clients want that too. Human behavior is that we always choose the path of least resistance (because it’s paved, and our heels don’t get wrecked on it!), and it leads usually to the wrong place my friends – Take it from a RECOVERING PEOPLE PLEASER!

Yesterday, I had a great day. However, I didn’t make any money. (Yes, this is a real thing in the life of the self-employed/entrepreneur!)

I hate to say there are more days that I don’t make any money than there are days in which I do make money.

In fact, FACT: I have only in the last 204 months in business, I have really only met my goals – the goals I set out for myself THREE TIMES!

Yes, 3 times out of 204 months have I actually made the money I said I was going to make. Holy POOP!

And I haven’t quit.

GEEZ, just realizing that, according to society, would make me a massive failure. According to most “corporate guys” that I know, they’d have fired me long ago – AND THANK GOD! I would never want to be part of their competitive business-in-a-box structure anyways – I BALK at business done with focus only on profits and not on people. (I do know you can have both and in abundance too! Zero-Love companies you can smell a mile away!)

But here’s the truth about yesterday that I wanted to share with you, to encourage you financially.

My job, as a money healer and teacher, is to bring you WEALTH not just financially, but in all areas of your life.

Yesterday, was the BEST day.

I was able to stretch, do my yoga outside on my front porch, get my girls ready for school, go on a 5km walk through the farmer’s field, saw 2 MOOSE (super cool!), spend 3 hours with a brilliant monk (for lack of a better word – he’s like my new spiritual guru and he really is a monk!), where I was able to hang on his every word and discussed spirituality and how we can make the world a better place through our respective businesses, and then I got to serve my sister for the rest of the day and my nieces and nephew and spend some time with them because my sister fell and hurt her knee so bad. I was so blessed I was able to come and help her out and even massage her legs and knees for over an hour while we talked! Then I got to spend an hour in my favorite car, praise God for the gorgeous mountains and countryside as I drove the back roads back to my house.

“I banked pennies in heaven today.” I thought as I kissed my kid’s goodnight.

I put my head on my pillow. It was a GREAT day.

I maybe didn’t make my goal – not even close. I worked for about 1 hour in the morning on paperwork and that was it.

But on a day like yesterday, I could feel my vibrational currency in FULL.

ABUNDANCE. A deep peace knowing that even though I didn’t “make” money, I had all that I needed, plus MILLIONS more.

I help people with money. Sometimes, my job is to sit with my clients, hold their hands and tell them that this isn’t their season for making money, and that’s okay.

Sometimes, we spend seasons of our lives building our vibrational currency through giving of our time, love and compassion.

And, so many people need to hear that it’s OKAY (especially us women!). It’s OKAY to not make money all the time. It’s OKAY to sit with a loved one at the hospital, or raise kids or help out a friend and not be so worried about the BOTTOM LINE all the time.

It’s also OKAY to not contribute to your RRSP or follow the step by step process for building wealth according to all the textbooks. (However, it is important that you have a WILL and proper risk management in place – such as life insurance, disability, and critical illness insurance – THAT IS NO EXC– USE! I said you can be easy on yourself for not saving or making as much money as you’d like – YOU CAN’T BE FLAT OUT STUPID about it! 2 different things! 😉 Said with LOVE! xo)

So, I encourage you to consider all your wealth, and where you are building it at this time, this season of your life. And remember that you don’t have to build material wealth, you can build your vibrational wealth too, both or however you choose to build – JUST BUILD! (And don’t tear down other’s for not building the same way as you!)

On that note, I want to work with the women (and men – for that matter!) that really want to build REAL Wealth – in all areas of their lives, not just the material wealth. The people who resonate with this message, who get that there is abundance in all forms of wealth and want to focus on building that. This is my gift, and I want to share it with you – but only if this is your heart’s desire. I only want to work with clients that really know deep down they are here for more, more than just to serve themselves, but are called to serve on a greater level through business or other ways. I want the people who care more about their money than I do. If that’s you, then pop me a note. I want to buy you a coffee or skype with you and I really want to meet you. Because joining people in a greater mission and purpose with alignment can only result in magic! xo



For The Matriarchs

This is not your regular Mother’s Day post.

I have more to say than some nice sentimental hallmark card to the mother’s out there.

This is a call to arms for mothers around the world. Almost a ‘KICK IT UP A NOTCH’ post that I dare you to not just read, but implement in your life as a MOM of ANY AGE!

See here’s the thing MOMMIES – You aren’t really playing MOMMY at the level that you need to be. Okay, I’m not for a second saying you aren’t a good mom when it comes to your kids, because, shit, I just let my child watch hours of Netflix and eat a bag of chips, and then probably got all pissy at them as to why the house was a mess. So, I NEVER point fingers. Plus, I know we are all doing our best when it comes to this mess of motherhood.

HOWEVER…today is more about the bigger picture. What I’m talking about today is MOM-SUPERSIZED.

The one role as a mother you may have overlooked or not even really considered for yourself.


You aren’t calling yourself/acting like/taking actions like a MATRIARCH.

OKAY, I know what you are thinking. Matriarchs are like old, snotty, wealthy, cricket-playing women and sit on their throne approving arranged marriages, or something like that.

I want to share with you my view of a Matriarch and I really encourage you to consider these words as you play out your days here as a MOM.

This is what I believe a Matriarch is:

A matriarch is full of grace.

A matriarch is patient.

A matriarch grows assets & children.

A matriarch is meticulous and aware of everything happening under her roof. (And doesn’t meddle in the affairs under other roofs!)

A matriarch is wealthy with love and claims her abundance for her and her family and it is given.

A matriarch is involved with the education, resources, and environment for future generations today.

A matriarch gives and receives.

A matriarch is confident, courageous, stead-fast and abundant.

DAMN, where do I sign up?

Historically, patriarchs ran the business (make the money) and the matriarch ran the home business (pay the bills, keep the home running, manage all assets, raise children). At the end of the day, we all know it isn’t 1950 or 1850 – HOWEVER, most moms are making the money, and running the business, and raising the kids, that they leave the “money part” to their partners or let me be frank and tell you what is really happening, THEY DON’T HAVE TIME FOR IT! (Okay, they really don’t make time for it – I see this all the time with my clients! We are worn out MOMMIES these days!)

First of all the reason why it’s so important that MOMS step into the role of financial leadership in the family (or at least know every bloody thing that is happening under their roof, especially where money is concerned) is because men die. No, still true, men still die younger than women and it will be up to the MATRIARCH to efficiently effectively prepare the next few generations that follow her to manage the family dynasty for future generations. Even if the patriarch lasts longer, don’t think for a second that the matriarch’s role in her family is not important, and can be sluffed off to the patriarch.

MEN barely hear us ROAR – especially when it comes to money – they hear us roar about dirty clothes on the floor long before they hear us talk about money! For the record, being a matriarch is not about having power over men or anyone else, it’s about purposeful stewardship of all one’s resources.

Now, the family dynasty could mean anything you want it to mean, like making sure wealth isn’t squandered, or that children are educated properly about how to manage money & resources, or that money is gifted to the community or to a cause, but mostly it means future generations benefit from the stewardship & growth of past generations, as we all have today.

Right now, we seem to be all about feminism, women’s rights, and gender equality these days. However, as a woman, and especially as a MOM, when you try to give that power away or play down your role as a mom or when you don’t fully allow the blessing of motherhood to really sink in and try to be equal to a man, you will fail miserably. YOU WERE CALLED TO BE A MATRIARCH.

And let me be clear, even if you don’t have children yet or never did have children, you are still called to be a MATRIARCH to whatever your soul purpose is – be it caring for animals, a mom to kids without parents, or even to contributing back to your community or people you care about – helping along side cause that stirs your soul. These are equally as important so just because you don’t have kids, doesn’t mean you get to slack off either! Financially or otherwise!

Matriarchs need to FIGHT for the future and on behalf of her dynasty or tribe. (PS. You can define that however, you see fit – there are no rules here!)

These are divine roles you fully have the choice to choose. You don’t have to be a MATRIARCH, you can be a regular old mom or person, die scared, not sure of what’s happening with your money, leave it all to your husband to manage, and basically, give into fear that abundance isn’t really for you or your family. In other words, you can ignore your calling.

It’s okay to act like the QUEEN when you are one.

To all the moms out there, I challenge you this for the remainder of your days.

  1. Claim your title of Matriarch and own that bitch! Declare you are MATRIARCH of your family. Buy a mug or t-shirt with matriarch on it or write it down somewhere – I don’t care how you do it, just make sure everyone knows that you be wearing that crown!
  2. Claim yourself as financial leader of your empire, of your tribe (ps. being a leader doesn’t mean you don’t have partners – leaders NEED partners – husbands, financial planners, accountants or otherwise! And don’t wait around for someone else to take control, this is your job!)
  3. Make it a POINT to think about the next generation when planning your financial affairs (it’s not about you and the side note here is – guess what?! You can’t take it with you when you die….when you plan for your family financially, you will reap the most from it! I guarantee it! Financial blessings and blessings you won’t even dream of, the good stuff God will blow your mind away with!)

FFS, you still don’t have a WILL – do you? You still haven’t bought life insurance or bought life insurance for your children to secure millions for generations to come (for only $50-$100 a month!) And you still haven’t asked me how to do this! (Oh yeah, cause I haven’t told you yet how the government funded millions of dollars for my grandchildren and great-grandchildren – maybe you should ask me about that if you are serious about being a matriarch!!!)

So, my loving moms, stop aiming to be the inside of a HALLMARK card and start claiming your power (financially too!) and living up to the GREATEST ROLE you were CALLED. TO. BE.





Follow Your Gut

Today I’ve literally written about 4 blogs (about 4000 words) to come up with this one.

I’ve had a hard week. Only because I’ve been hard on myself. This is all on me. I have no one else to blame.

I’ve learned some lessons too. I’ve gained some wisdom. And all’s not lost….

I feel sometimes (most times) I get conflicting advice, be it from business books or mentors, or society or mainstream media, whatever it is, I do listen, and I find sometimes I don’t really know which way is up with all these conflicting messages out there in the world.

So, I’m trusting my gut. I have to. I have no other options at this point.

I got tired of trying to play with the BIG BOYS and join their club and bending to their formulas, step-by-step “proven” systems on how to build a business, how to attract clients, and to be quite frank, none of it has worked for me.

That’s because I don’t resonate with inauthenticity. I resonate with heart-centered connections. Fake businesses with their silly ads that put a nice bow around everything and make it seem like life comes in a nice little box with a bow on top – does that really work? I mean it must, obvi, they are making more money than I, but does it really resonate, or is it just fear that people are buying into? I’m sure I can guess.

I don’t want to do fear-based business. (Yet, even my most recent business conference was all about “create fear-based ads and copy”!)

So, once again, I find myself as a lone trailblazer on this path.

And, damn straight that’s how it should be.

You are a trailblazer. No one can live your life for you.

You need to be a lone trailblazer – because anyone who’s in the loop knows that conforming to society doesn’t help anyone out in the long run.

You need to do things YOUR WAY.

With your money. Your business. Your relationships.

Now, you still need mentors/coaches/tools/systems and help, but ultimately, you are at the helm of steering this ship.

We should be doing what is right for us, what works for us, not what works for your neighbour.

If that means investing most of your money in yourself or your business, then do that.

I think this is what I hate so much about the financial industry. There are so many people that think financial planning fits in a box or a step-by-step process.

It doesn’t.

In fact, anybody that knows me well knows I put the LIONS SHARE of my money into my business, and then after that is done, then I make sure that I’m properly insured, saving, etc. But my investing in myself, in my business, in my purpose (which for me is around transforming the financial industry, but could be anything I deem it to be!) has to come first.

And my point here is that whatever your purpose is should be your biggest investment.

Now, I’m not telling you to be stupid with your money, but at some point, you have to stop listening to the NAYSAYERS and trust your gut.

You know intuitively what is going to drive you and your life’s work forward.

By the way, the NAYSAYERS are alive and well and always ready to give their opinions on your business. Tune them out. Sometimes people don’t need to know everything that is going on.

After a total meltdown this week, I stumbled upon yet more wisdom.

Wisdom is knowing when to speak up. Wisdom is knowing when to shut your mouth. Wisdom is knowing that not everybody is ready to hear your message. Wisdom is knowing that you need to guard your dreams/goals/plans and only share them with your true cheerleaders, and the rest on a “need-to-know” basis.

I also wrote out my MANIFESTO!

I think I’ll attach it because, why not. I’m happy to share this with everyone, maybe in hopes that someone wants to join the movement I’m creating (cause I could really use some help right about now – if you want to be a financial advisor, make money by helping me attract new clients/online affiliates, exciting JV opportunities, etc. I’m hiring people who resonate with my message! If it’s not your gig, then all good!)

In my manifesto, I wrote some of my values (and by the way, I did get this idea from one of my mentors, Kat Loterzo, just in case you were wondering).


One that resonates with me on a deep level that I will take with me through my life’s work and while I’m creating this billion-dollar business:

Intuition before Logic

I need not say more.





The What If’s!

Every once in a while I feel like disappearing.

I mean, I want to hop in my car, and never look back. Okay, my life is really not that bad at all – in fact, I’m rather in love with my life right now! But there are times I want to get in my car with my old guitar and a brand new set of strings….. wait that’s a country song.

Okay, so I’ll admit I’m a bit cliché. This really is a photo of my feet (in hot-damn sexy shoes) on the hood of my black sports car. I really do enact county songs on old back roads, but not with beer, and not with whatever else they do in the back of trucks, so my country song would be rather lackluster and go something like this:

She sat by herself on the hood of her car, all by herself, all by herself.

No beer, no cigarette, no hand to hold, just her and the wind and bugs.

At least she has a great pair of shoes on…..da…da…da…

Okay, so it doesn’t rhyme, but you get the picture before I really start to depress myself.

Here’s the thing.

Sometimes, I think we all want to get away. I mean, really get away from it all. We maybe wonder what our life would be like if we had chosen a different life path. What if we had moved to Tegucigalpa or Toledo? Or dated Bruno from the high school football team? Or married the banker? Or lived in Germany permanently? What if we had one more child? Or one less child? Or won the lottery that you really knew was yours to win? Or if I was hot and skinny? (cough)

Sometimes “what if’s” can spin both ways. They can make you incredibly thankful (like you are soooo glad you didn’t marry Bruno) or they can also put you in a funk REALLY fast (like when your neighbour won the lottery instead and stole your wife, your dog and your chickens too!)

Especially when you start considering your financial “what if’s”.

My biggest what if lately is what my life would be like if I didn’t have this financial albatross around my neck in the form of crappy rental properties that I’ve had for 10-years already. Long story, which I will save for another time.

However, here’s the deal with “what if’s” – they really don’t serve us – at all!

“What if’s” can paralyze us, keep us dreaming and not in action towards our real goals, and keep us stuck in the past.

“What if’s” can really make us feel sorry for ourselves – another useless emotion.

Anything that keeps us from taking action on our goals, dreams, plans, is completely useless to us.

Where do you find yourself tossing around the “what if’s” in your head right now? Use that as a clue to what your dreams are! Use that as an indicator to what your next steps, your actions should be!

For example, if you find yourself thinking, “What if we had this debt paid off?” or “What if we had money to buy that boat?” Then use your “what if” to make a plan to pay off your debt, or save money for that boat, and then go to work on that plan. Set the intention and get to work on it!

“What if’s” usually are the things that really stir your soul!

You don’t go around wondering, “What if I went grocery shopping right now?” If you need groceries, you just go and get them. It’s not something that stirs your soul and probably doesn’t cause you to sit and ponder it on the hood of your car (in sexy stilettos) in the country. No, only deep, important, soul-stirring things will cause you to go out to the country and sit inside a depressing country music song.

So, next time you are caught in your “what if’s”, use them to your benefit to figure out what’s really important to you! (And be thankful you didn’t marry Bruno!)



How Long Have You Been Doing That?

It’s day 35 of Lent. How do I know? I don’t.

My abs however do. I’ve done 3,500 sit-ups. 100-a-day for the last 35 days.

To be fair, this is the first time I’ve actually stuck with something through Lent and I wasn’t even raised Catholic (I’m Christian) and you are asking how that draws me closer to God? You can be sure my mommy-flabby-abs and I are desperately praying, “Dear God, when will this end?!”

Here’s the cool thing about doing something consistently. I’m damn proud of myself and it feels so good to be proud of yourself. I’ve decided that I’m going to continue the sit-ups after Lent. They make me feel good. I can actually suck in my stomach now when need be, like when entering and leaving the hot tub in my bathing suit and I can almost feel my muscles under their nice comforter when I flex them. (They stay warm. I feel sorry for those poor abs that have to be exposed to the elements without a nice comfy blanket. 😉 )

Here’s the thing. I really do suck at consistency. The one thing I can say I’ve done 90 times in a row is this blog. That is it! Creating and keeping good habits are not my strong suit, and I know as humans we aren’t programmed to have consistency and persistency come naturally to us.

Habits = Work

What you do every day matters more than what you do every once in a while.

Accomplishing great goals takes consistent persistent action.

I was having an internal yelling match in my head with one of my business coaches, wondering why my business wasn’t where I wanted it yet. I wanted to know why I haven’t “made it” yet. Then she asked me and our whole group of entrepreneurs, “Well, how long have you been doing X?” And I replied, “Maybe 5-6 weeks for this one thing, maybe 6 months for other things?!”

She said, “Come back and let’s talk once you’ve been doing it for 2-5 years consistently.” BOOM to my head. Yah, duh!

Yup, somehow we think that doing things a handful of times (like exercise, eating healthy, selling something, growing something, etc.) should yield us the results we want. It rarely works that way.

We all want the over-night success that we think we see others have, however we don’t stop to consider the small actions that we need to take today to make us great one day. (One day, people will meet me and think my business and author fame (LOL) happened overnight, however, it really took over 17 years consistently staying in the same industry doing the same job, not jumping from industry to industry or job to job. Sure, there may have been minor detours to figure stuff out, but overall, I’ve been consistent in what I’ve done. Many people I know have not.)

It blows my mind why people think that I’m amazing because I wrote a book.

Let me re-assure you that I’m not uber amazing (just semi-amazing!)

All I did was write a little every day.

If you write 1000 words a day, then in 50 days you will have a 50,000-word book too!

The problem is that we haven’t habitualized (I made it up!) what is really important to us.

Do you ever wonder why some people are rich, even though they make the same amount of money that you make? It’s because they saved better than you did. My guess is that they started good savings habits early on, then one day you stand side-by-side a person who saved and one who didn’t save, yet still earned the same throughout all their years, and their net worth will be dramatically different.

Yesterday, I was really hard on myself while I was doing my morning journaling. I back engineered what I want to be known for in my life and what kind of leader I want to be, and then wrote out the habits that will get me there.

I came up with a few new habits I need to start making non-negotiable. (Don’t do them all at once – that may be too hard, add them in slowly to your routine! Just speaking from personal experience – being in a feeling of overwhelm is a sure way to make you NOT do anything habitually!)

I love this quote:

Everyone must choose one of two pains:

The pain of discipline or the pain of regret.

What do you choose?

What do you really want from life?

I encourage you to back engineer your goals to figure out what habits done consistently are going to get you there.

Is it writing, learning, practicing a skill, saving, messaging, giving, loving, exercising, diet?

And then once you figure out your new non-negotiable daily habits.




No exception. It may take 1 or 2 or 10 years, but I can guarantee YOU WILL BE GREAT at it and go off to ACCOMPLISH GREAT THINGS!

And above all, you will FEEL AMAZING!



Want to learn how to feel amazing about your financial situation? Join me for Wealth Spa Workshop at Wealth Ranch in Cochrane on Saturday, May 13 from 10am – 1pm. Cost is $99. Message me for details at [email protected]


Caramilk Sit-Ups

My life is going amazing! Why might you ask? Well, let me tell you!


  • can’t lose another pound for whatever reason, been stuck at this place for 4 MONTHS trying!
  • feel like I’m making ZERO headway in my business – ALL AREAS (regular business, book, online, etc.)** This is my BIGGEST UPSTREAM
  • my kids are constantly fighting, and I’m ready to sell them
  • I snore. I don’t know why I’m telling you that, but I was diagnosed with a big tongue (There’s not even a surgery for that!) To be fair – I sleep like a baby, but no one else does

I want to blame today’s MASSIVE FRUSTRATION on PMS, because I seem to go through this every bloody month (no pun intended) and I’m so over it!

So my friends, I write you today because I’m really grouchy, pissed, depressed at life, and maybe so are you. Maybe you’ve been working hard toward your ideal goal too and it isn’t happening. Maybe it’s been years and you still feel you have no headway.

I’m sitting here writing like I do every Tuesday morning at 4am. I’m in my dining room, I can look out and see the stars, sip on my coffee and listen to the quiet and write myself some good advice. Any writer knows the secret truth of writing is not for others, but for yourself!

In these moments, my cherished ambrosial hours of the morning, with no one in my head, and no one in my inbox and voicemail, and no one around, I get to connect with the future me.

FUTURE LISA: Why are you so blah women? Get it together! Get off your lazy ass and get up out there and make stuff happen! Come on! You are SOOOO CLOSE TO ACCOMPLISHING SOME OF YOUR BIG GOALS, why are you quitting now? What else are you going to do all day? Sit on your ass and watch NETFLIX? (Side note: I just realized after editing this that FUTURE LISA sounds just like my mom….. hmmmm!)

CURRENT LISA: Yes, damn straight. I’m going to do that and eat some chocolate. I’m right in the middle of “The Blacklist” and trying to figure out why I have a secret crush on James Spader, because it baffles me, he’s not that good looking. Maybe it’s his brains….. I could re-watch Sherlock and get me some more Benedict Cumberbatch – nothing wrong with that… my brain would rather turn off the rest of my life FOREVER.

FUTURE LISA: PULL IT TOGETHER LADY! Those abs you want ain’t going to carve themselves. The impact and transformation you want to make happen in the world ain’t going to happen while hiding in bed making love to a CARAMILK.

CURRENT LISA: I don’t see your point. I’m doing situps every time I reach for a piece of my Caramilk. So far, that equals, hmmm, 24 sit-ups, clearly enough to negate the calories of the actual chocolate bar.

And this is why CURRENT LISA always wins. SHE’S STEALTHY, and she makes a really good point about sit-ups, and is damn good at justification  – she’s been practicing it for many years!

What’s the point here of this whole spiel? Good question, you are asking the wrong LISA. CURRENT LISA may be heading back to bed in a few minutes to make love to a chocolate bar. Better to ask the other one what this is all about.

FUTURE LISA has finished her next 4 books, completely transformed financial literacy in Canada, raised 2 amazing ladies that are living with love & on purpose, ran a marathon, had a REAL New York Times Best-Seller, inspired millions of people around the world to get their ASSets in order, helped thousands of families create a legacy to last for generations to come, and still does Caramilk sit-ups.

So maybe have a talk with your future self when feeling frustrated, depressed, or grouchy and get inspired to continue on, despite things not happening the way you want them to.

How can your future self inspire you today?



The Recipe for Wealth

Want to know the recipe for Wealth?


It’s really not a secret, yet most of us think that wealth is just this elusive thing we will never obtain or feel we are not worth.

And you are right, if you feel you aren’t worth it, wealth will run from you.

Self-Worth and Wealth go hand in hand. (Have you ever met a billionaire with low self-esteem?!) You weren’t created to live a ho-hum life. NO, YOU WEREN’T!

You have been given gifts, talents and a purpose. God or the Universe chose you to do something magnificent, be something magnificent and have something magnificent. All the desires of your heart! HE WANTS TO GIVE YOU THAT!

You are here to teach, to heal, to help, to share, to explore, to design, to make people laugh, to open hearts.

YOU have a specific purpose here on earth, and part of that, part of your divine right, your GOD given inheritance is ABUNDANCE and WEALTH!

So why are you sitting there right now stressed about money?

Why are you sitting here reading this thinking it’s not really for you?

Why are you sitting here thinking that you’re not smart enough or feel you don’t deserve it?


AND you are making it much harder than you think!

STEP ONE is to KNOW YOU ARE WORTH IT! That God or the universe created you and that you are worthy of money and wealth! You know deep down all the amazing things you can do with money? Do you know how you could make an impact in your family, your town, your city, your province, your country, your world? Do you know that money can be used for AMAZING things like cures, education, new technology, and you are here to be a BIG part of God’s plan for that? He wants to use you! I know you know that deep down.

So why haven’t you figured out the recipe for Wealth?

It’s simple. My old friend, Earl Nightingale taught me this years ago!

If you have a desire for pie tonight, what do you do?

You walk over to your recipe box, or the internet and look up the recipe for pie.

You then study the recipe. You decide it’s easy to make (if you thought it was too hard to make, then you would quit!)

Then you gather all the ingredients, go to the store if you need to.

Then you assemble the ingredients, follow the steps and allow the magic to happen in the oven.

VOILA! You have pie.

BUT, where did the pie start?

The pie started in your head by the desire to have pie. It was a thought.

Same goes for WEALTH.

The desire to create riches has to start as a thought, then you need to look up the recipe.

Just like pie recipes on the internet, there are thousands, if not millions of ways to build wealth. Sure some pie recipes may taste better than the others, and some wealth recipes may get you there faster, but at the end of the day, no matter which recipe you follow you will get there.

Question for you: Why haven’t you looked up the recipe for wealth yet? What’s holding you back? Is it a limiting money belief?

Do you feel that it’s “bad” to be rich? It’s not.

Do you feel you aren’t worth it? You are.

Do you feel you aren’t smart enough or a good money manager? You will learn as you look up the recipe.

This goes for anything in life. Every time you’ve accomplished something in your life, like getting a job, you looked up the recipe to do so and did it. Wealth is no different. Look it up!

If you want to get started on your recipe with me, then you can join me in my

Money Makeover Online Course or Wealth Spa™!

(Money Makeover Online Course Now has a 4-Month Payment Plan! Check it out!)





The Secret to Money & Love

Wanna know how to totally wreck a good love vibe?!

Bring up the conversation about MONEY!

In most relationships, this is a TOTAL BUZZ-KILL!

Why is that? Simple.

You have 2 different people who come from 2 different families who are of different beliefs, different money experiences, different cultures, different religions, different EVERYTHING, and then we put 2 people, who by the way have had 20-30 years of money habits totally ingrained into them, in the same room for a long period of time (aka. a relationship) and get them to work side-by-side on a topic, such as money.


It’s really a MIRACLE any 2 people can stand each other for more than 2 seconds.

Let’s be real for a second. I want to do money my way. (And I do! 😉 )

Enter: Cupid’s Love Arrow

For some reason or another most of us want to be in relationships, and it’s THE BEST THING IN THE WORLD TO BE IN LOVE, until real life kicks in, the magic love potion died down, and we find we are doing daily life with a partner. Okay, without me sounding too cynical (because I’m totally not! I actually do believe that you create whatever relationship you desire to have, and I’m also the BIGGEST romantic suck out there), when it comes to money, and the reality for relationships and money, this can be a huge struggle for most of us.

So here’s the secret to money and love, if you really want to know.

THERE IS NO SECRET to money and relationships! (Ya, I get it – boooo!)

You get to define how you want to do money in your relationships and no one can judge you.

You are free to keep your money totally separate or fully together. You need to do what works for you.

But I do have some good advice on the subject…

And FYI: YOUR MAN IS NOT A GOOD FINANCIAL PLAN! (I’ll repeat that again!)

Here are 3 tips for different types of relationships. Your relationship will be one of the three!

  • If you are in a relationship where your partner does handle all the money, that is great, however, I do encourage you to learn and understand where all your money is, and take some interest. (My Money Makeover Online Course is GREAT for this!) 9 out of 10 women will be FINANCIALLY ON THEIR OWN at some point in time during their adult life and will be in total control of their finances. (Again: YOUR MAN IS NOT A GOOD FINANCIAL PLAN!)
  • If you are in a relationship where you both are kinda waiting for the other person to handle the money, or don’t want to stir the pot – STIR THE POT! You need to stop waiting for your partner to take the first step, and you need to set up the appointments and the plans and be the one to take the financial reins then. Cause you will both end up sitting there in later years wondering what the hell happened and how did we end up in this crappy financial place (Hint: it’s because neither of you cared enough to just step up and get sh*t done!) (My Money Makeover Online Course is GREAT for this!)
  • If you are in a unicorn relationship, where you both take interest and equally share the financial responsibility within your relationship, then good on you! You deserve a super-hero award in my books! Chances are you both keep your money separate or separate to some degree and make your own decisions around money, which has served you both well. (BTW, my Money Makeover Online Course is GREAT for this ’cause just because you don’t fight about money, doesn’t mean you really know what you are doing with it!)

While my tips may sound like a Chinese fortune cookie, let me assure you that if you are reading this, and if you aren’t mad at this post, that means you probably are handling your relationship and money just dandy. If for some reason this post has triggered you (ie. you are mad at me, or your partner, or the dog, or your morning coffee), then I would definitely take some time to open the communication up around money in your relationship.

If you have a partner that really is not receptive to dealing with any of your money sh*t, then I would take matters into your own hands and start a plan. You don’t need to have your partner on board to take care of you and your family. Besides, they may just not be ready to confront that debt, or they may choose to live in denial. Either way, if you are ready, then you take that first step and your partner/hubs/sexyman, who loves you, will most likely be super grateful that you did.

There is a reason financial matters are the number one reason for divorce. Sometimes couples truly have 2 different life plans and 2 different visions for their lives. And that’s okay. If that is you, or you are walking through that season in your life right now, then take heart, I’m sending you love and encouragement that your financial situation in the future will not be as dire as it may seem right now. You can always start from a clean slate. That’s the beautiful thing about this life. We start each day with a clean slate, able to go out and create!

Bottom Line: Money is messy regardless whether you are single, going through a divorce or in a relationship – but it doesn’t have to be! Everything can be figured out, and it can be easy and effortless. If you have a plan in place, money doesn’t have to be a worry in your life at all.

PS. My Money Makeover Online Course is GREAT for anyone wanting to know how to take their money to the next level, learn financial basics (so the banks can’t pull the wool over your eyes!) and do so in an environment that’s gentle, fun, easy and well, made with LOVE from me! xoxo

Check it out at


Want to know how? Message me!



The Highlight Reels of Money

I had a crazy dream last night!

I usually remember vivid details of my crazy dreams. This was no different.

I was hanging out with my teenage group of friends and we stole the Mona Lisa, although, it wasn’t at the Louvre, it was at a church in Canada.

Once the money came around, we all got like a $2,000,000 cut from the proceeds. I didn’t want any part of it, so all I remember doing for most of my dream was running around this crazy church, which was more like a modern art museum, and trying to find hiding places, so my friends couldn’t find me and give me my $2-mil.

Finally, they found me. I was hiding on a ‘secret’ top floor in the building, and they forced the $2-Million dollars on me. So I took it and hid it in a bench so that the authorities couldn’t link it to me.

My girlfriend, one of my teenage-mob-friends, took her money and glared and me, then ran away with it. I remember yelling to her with deep dramatic passion (like the end scene of a movie) during her escape, “Why do you need this money? Why are you doing this? Don’t you have faith that you will make your own money?”

AAAAAAAND there it was.

I’m no dream expert and 90% of the time I can relate my dreams back to some TV show I watched the night before, like the time Benedict Cumberbatch kissed me…. that was a good dream (the perils of a Sherlock-Christmas-Netflix-Binge). Nonetheless, most of my crazy mixed up dreams come from a something I’ve experienced in ‘real-life’.

This was no different, although a huge break-through for me. I woke up this morning knowing that I didn’t need to steal anything or win any lottery to make my millions (I normally don’t steal, just so we are on the same page…).  It was a peaceful deep calm and knowing that all the abundance, much, much more than the $2,000,000 was already with me and present, I just have to tap into it. (This is something I have been working on for years and no surprise that I have dreams like this!)

All my teenage-gang-mob all felt that they needed to steal the Mona Lisa because they felt scarcity, lack and fear that they weren’t going to be provided for, that this was their only real chance wealth and ‘being rich’.

Who wants to live in fear?

No one does, yet we do. Our brains keep telling us these crazy stories, which are just that – stories.

I did it for SOOOOOO long.

I just got sick and tired of living in fear, lack and scarcity. It’s a very draining place to live. It’s not exciting at ALL!

The stories and the highlight reels we toss around in our brains actually play out in real life. That’s reality. You create it. So guard your thoughts carefully!

I have these conversations ALL the time around MONEY & FEAR with my clients. Daily. The 2 seem to go hand in hand. Too much money, too little money, fear of losing money, fear of not being able to live out the life you want to live, not being able to provide for your family, etc.

These are real fears, just as real as in my dream (Just you probably aren’t stealing the Mona Lisa to reach financial freedom!)

I FINALLY HAVE FAITH. Faith that abundance and my financial situation are my choice, my decision, and with that taking full ownership & responsibility – jumping into a full commitment around abundance and all that has to offer.

That’s what I was yelling to my girlfriend as she was running away with her cut of the money. I was desperately trying to get her to see that she can have the faith inside of her and that abundance could be hers if she chose it. She ran away.

We all can run away, live in denial, fear, lack & scarcity or choose something different. Neither is right or wrong – it’s just a choice.

Yours to make.


Want to jump into ABUNDANCE this year?

Check out my signature online money program!



The Secret to Accomplishing Anything

It’s so simple. It actually blew my mind when I first heard it YEARS ago. And, technically it’s easy too, yet I would bet anyone who hasn’t accomplished what they set out to accomplish for themselves or the people who find themselves not happy where they are at in relation to their goals, seldom, if ever, implement this secret.

I believe this secret works well with money too!

Actually, it’s really not a secret at all. But the simple fact that nobody seems to be “doing it” must mean it’s some secret.

The secret to accomplishing anything you want is this:

What Gets Scheduled Gets Done!

That’s it!


This is why.

When was the last time you fully missed an appointment scheduled in your calendar? Rarely right?

If you are like most people, you value being on time, meeting your appointments and you typically do so with integrity.

The problem is that we rarely schedule in what is most important to us.

Health, Cooking, Exercise, Writing, Prayer, Meditation, Reading, Learning, Family time, Romance – you name it, we don’t have it scheduled and yet we hope these things happen in our lives.

Am I not more important than my dentist appointment? Yet, I will always be there and be on time!

Are you prioritizing everyone else above yourself? I have more dates in my calendar for my kids half the time then I do for myself!

It’s no secret then that I can’t seem to always meet my goals – right? My work-out goals, writing goals, business goals, family goals, relationship goals?

Plain as day. I didn’t make time, schedule time for them and honour those commitments to myself.

I used to be really good at this by the way!  I have accomplished some very big things using this secret. I just need to get back in the habit.

How did I write my first book? I scheduled in writing time to my schedule every day.

How am I going to write my second? The same way.

Want to make more money? Schedule in the actions you need to take.

Want a better relationship with your money? Schedule in a Money Date and track your money weekly!

So, my one goal, my secret to making 2017 a huge success and accomplishing EVERYTHING & ANYTHING that I want to this year is to make sure that I have my goals scheduled in and that I have each day planned, scheduled in the most important things to me, then I know it will be a done deal. All my goals will be accomplished. It’s as easy and as simple as that! I’m making a habit to do this Sunday night for the week, and every evening or morning before my day begins!


This will change your life! Trust me!

PS. If you haven’t heard of the Pomodoro Technique, it’s brilliant! Google it – you can honestly accomplish almost anything in 25-minute increments.


This is YOUR year to create ANYTHING you WANT!

Message me for details or email me at [email protected]