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Your Weak Becomes Strong

Your Weak Becomes Strong by Lisa Elle

The weakest area of your life is meant to become the strongest.

One of my coaches told me that.

Years ago, I wouldn’t never have believed this.

But now, I know its truth.

The area in your life where you are struggling most is most likely the area where you are meant to be a light to someone else.

It’s funny, in a not so ha-ha way, that what we struggle with the most is meant as the perfect guide to our purpose!

Seriously, the thing you are struggling with the most you are only struggling with because it’s something that fires you up and frustrates the bejeezers out of you.

Think about this:

The things that don’t bother you don’t bother you for a reason.

You don’t care about them as much! We can let them roll off our backs.

The things that bother you only bother you because you care so deeply about them.

And you are frustrated because you aren’t obtaining your goals or reaching them in a certain area.

But because you care so deeply about this area.

It’s the area you are so desperately seeking self-expression, expansion and fulfillment in.

And it’s your true hearts desire.

There are areas that you lightly care about, but even when the other areas that you lightly care about go to hell in a handbasket, you can shrug them off easier.

With your purpose area – the area that you were born for – that’s when EVERYTHING gets you down or you get easily irritated, or you flat out freak out.

USE this internal information to your benefit!

The area in your life that’s slapping you around is the area you were meant to shine in and here’s how you know:

1) Acknowledge Your Weakness.

Acknowledge the fact that deep down you want to OWN this ‘weak’ area of your life. You want to DOMINATE it!

This could be a relationship, your dream business, sales, weight loss, physical accomplishments, a financial milestone or a fear or a struggle.

Whatever it is, admit to yourself you want it and you want it bad.

So many people don’t do this or they believe their goal is not worthy.


Even if you think they are silly!

2) Become STRONG in Your Weakness.


Accomplish Your Thing and Then Shine Your Light to the world in your area, your purpose.

Once you accomplish your goals, it’s your JOB and your RESPONSIBILITY to share your secret to success with others!

That’s the shining your light part of this.

People are always wanting to move forward in a certain area of their life and they are always looking to find new ways to get help.



Even if it’s as simple as sharing your “Love Story” or your “Weight Loss Story” with someone to give them hope or creating a business/product or service to help them with their goal.

Plus, for anyone that’s ever read the Bible, this blog was practically stolen right from it! Isaiah 40:29, 2 Corinthians 12:9 etc, etc…..

There is so much truth here!

It’s time you explore it for yourself.

Are you ready to allow your weakness to become your greatest strength?

It’s daunting – no doubt about it.

There’s vulnerability in it.

But the benefits will out weigh all the pain.

I promise.

God promises.

But you have to allow to be broken open in your weakness so the strong within can rise.

You’ve done it so many times in your life already.

You already know this.

It’s no secret that you’ve made your weak become strong so many times throughout your life.

What’s waiting for you on the other side?

Living your EPIC LIFE!

Your weak will be made STRONG.

And that is how you….

Live Your Legacy!

xx Lisa

PS. Want to start living your most epic MONEY life? Then you need to join us at!


Broke Down Dreams

I was on a walk this morning when I realized I was walking along a broke down fence.

A farmer’s fence out in the middle of nowhere.

Okay, so really a few kms from my home, but still I will pretend it was the middle of nowhere as I do on my daily adventure walks.

Just me and the stillness of the earth – oh, and some country music blasting in my ears – to which I am certain there is a song out there called broke down fences, if not, there will be one soon by Luke Bryan or Blake Shelton…

Broke Down Fences – where dreams go to die.

Yup! Country music written all over that!

Yes, like broken fences, broken dishes, and broken hearts – broken dreams are really the worst of it.

The thing with broke down dreams is that they are much harder to repair than a broken fence.

How do we end up with broke down dreams to begin with?

We give up. We get angry. We get frustrated. We find blame.

It’s easy to blame.

It’s easy to blame the weather for the broken fence, or the moose. (I literally did see a moose on this adventure walk moments after I took this cover photo!)

It’s easy to blame the ex-boyfriend for the broken heart.

It’s easy to blame the kids for the broken dishes or the mechanic for the broke down car.

The thing with broke down dreams is that you are the only one to blame.

And that’s the hard part.

You were the one who let yourself down.

You were and are the one responsible for this whole SHEMOZZLE of a mess.

Here’s the deal.

You need to – – –


and stop making excuses about why you aren’t there yet!

Own that shit.

I’d rather be with someone who owns the fact that they didn’t try hard enough or didn’t even try in the first place than hang out with someone who blatantly believes that their dreams, destiny, LIFE is fully out of their control.

So, yes, things will happen. Circumstances will happen to you.

But it’s what you do about it that counts.

Did your investment not go as planned?

Did you lose money?

Did your business or job not go as planned?

Did your relationship not go as planned?

So what?


So what?

And by the so what, I mean, what are you making it mean about you?

Are you making your “failure” mean that you are not worthy of getting back on top?

Because you are worthy of getting back on top.

Here’s a secret.

You are even worthy of holding this belief and actually believing it if you want to:

Life keeps getting better and better.

There is no need to believe otherwise.

Seriously, take that in for a minute.

Are you allowed to choose that life will get better?

Is that a thought you are allowed to choose and think?


Yes, one million times, YES!

So, if you are allowed to choose what you think and then actually go and think it and think it on repeat and hold those thoughts – what might actually happen with your life?

Would it matter that you failed for a minute?

Does it mattered that something failed?

Are you choosing thoughts that it matters if something fails or that it makes it mean something about you – like you are not worthy, you are not smart, you are not pretty, you are not good enough?

You are enough.

And you have to do the work.


And the work regarding fixing your broke down dreams is this:

Dreams, to succeed, require the dreamer to renew and repair the dream on the daily. Every day, hour and minute.

You are required to reinforce and revive and basically keep that dream alive for as long as it takes.


Long it takes, my friend, long it sometimes take.

Not to mention, if you are trying to do something outside of your bubble of “normal” that you will be mocked for it – at least once… or tons.

That is the best thing that can happen to you.

It means you are getting closer to your dreams becoming a reality.

I remember many times I’ve cried over lost clients or haters – sometimes people who didn’t even know me!

This was years ago, but now I relish the people who disagree.

That means you are clear on your message.

You can look at it this way…

The more haters, the more clear you are on your dream!

You will attract what you need and repel the rest.

That’s how it goes.

But to do that, to accomplish the dream, you must first start with your broke down dreams and build them up again.

Brick by brick.

Over and over again.

And it will happen for you.

Your broke down dreams will become whole again.

Angles will rejoice and Blake Shelton may even sing for you – I don’t know!

But I do know this, you damn well will be on your way to living your best life, your dream life, the life you imagined.

Deliver on your dreams.

That is how you…

Live Your Legacy!

xx Lisa

PS. If you want to deliver on your dreams and fund your dreams, sign up at !


Attention Deficit Dreams Disorder

Attention Deficit Dreams Disorder

It is a dis-order.

Things are not in order.

Not that they need be, but it helps make life a little easier!

I’m talking about your DREAMS and your fickle relationship with them.

The issue I see when it comes to people who have big audacious dreams is that they never seem to stick with anything long enough to actually make progress or stay focused on the desired outcome long enough.

It’s easy to see in our world- considering 3-5 years now-a-days makes for a “lengthy” career in something.

But for those who really want to step it up a notch –

For those of you who want to really make an impact:

You’ll need to stick with something longer than 5 minutes.

5 days.

5 months.

5 years.

Okay, so I get “trying” things out.

I get trying everything on and seeing what fits.

I get that when you are a teenager or in your early 20’s – maybe….

But for the people that are here to make an impact, note this.

They are called to what they are doing.

You are called.

You were never meant to just hap-hazardly go through life.

You were given a purpose – and that doesn’t mean you need to earn money from it!

There really is no need for trying stuff on when you tune into your soul’s purpose work.

And this doesn’t mean because you stick with one thing you aren’t multi-passionate.

I am multi-passionate about MANY THINGS and study them on the side, the difference – you don’t go changing you main theme a million times.

Obviously, there is marketing magic in this.

There’s something you will get paid lots of money to do and that is to stick with something, become the best in your field.

And I get this message isn’t for everyone.

But this message is for the entrepreneur who keeps wondering why things never get lift off – it’s usually because you tried something for 2 seconds, determined it didn’t work and now want to quit.

(I feel this way about Insta and all social platforms and all digital and traditional advertising methods!)

The same goes for investors.

You entered the market at a bad time or good time or whatever – and now, 3-6 months later your portfolio is down 20%….

So, I guess quitting is the answer?!?!

No, we know that’s not how it is with investing and we all are taking the long-game (unless you are a day-trader!).

But this is what happens with business owners or marketing efforts for anything really.

Oh, it didn’t work and the clients/customers/jobs aren’t flocking to me as easily as I’d like, so I think it’s time I start a new gig, new career, new business.

And just like that we give up.

Now, there is only one REALLY good reason to give up.

That is if you were ignoring your gut from the beginning and knew this wasn’t for you from day one and now you are finally getting some sense and smacking yo’self upside the head.

(Obviously, if you are ill or have to move, etc – but this isn’t what I’m talking about here today.)

This is for the people who have 20 million things/side-businesses/jobs on the go and don’t take time to honour one of them.

If we know (from Tony Robbins!) that where attention goes energy flows what is happening when you are spreading yourself out so thin?!

Your energy is so scattered.

Scattered energy is so 90’s.

It doesn’t look good on anyone!

Plus, being “busy” doing nothing that moves the needle in your life only hurts you.

So you need to reign it in!

Pull that energy into alignment.

Do the one thing that will move your life forward.

(Read: The One Thing by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan – EXCELLENT read!)

What’s the one thing you need to work on to accomplish your goals and tip over the first domino in your series of goals dominoes?

Do that thing.

Do only that thing for 90-days or until you accomplish the goal.

Okay – so as you know, I always am writing to myself when I write and this time is no different.

I still feel fragmented in my business.

Jack of all trades, master of none – right?!

Okay, so I am and have mastered a few things, but I still have LOTS more work to do in this area!

The good news is that I see it and I can move forward from here.

I’m guessing if we all did an energy audit we’d all find leaks that drain us.

And so here is the challenge, the call to arms.

AND it’s hard because we are more than ever in a society of instant gratification.

Can we choose one main thing – one main goal – and stick with it long enough to see it through without fragmenting our time and energy into a million different places?

Will we get rid of our ADDD and be able to focus on the ONE THING that will radically change our lives?

This is bold.

This is scary.

This does mean rocking the boat because none of your friends or family or peer group will be doing this… you will for the most part be a lone wolf in this!


If everyone did this, we’d have a LOT more millionaires.

So, that leads me to believe, no one is really doing this.

No one is really sticking with the one dream to see it through to the end.

You have to do 1% actions to get 1% results.

That is how you….

Live Your Legacy!

xx Lisa

P.S. If you haven’t checked out then do so! It’s where you receive my top 25 money tips and sign up to receive this blog weekly!


Mark My Words!

Mark My Words

It just came out one day when I was spewing off about my business and the goal that I have for this little company and taking it across Canada in a big and meaningful way.

I said, “Mark my words!”

I think my Grandma used to say that when they yelled at us kids when we were growing up.

It was a great threat to our well being! No one wanted the wrath of Grandma to come down on them – although it was always loving.

But when she said, “Mark my words!” – you knew that she meant business.

And declaring it was so powerful that you would never mess with her!

Question for you:

What in your life would you mark your words by?

In other words, what do you SO STRONGLY stand behind that you would etch those words into a rock and chisel away for days?!

I think there are 2 parts to “Marking Your Words”

  1. Intention
  2. Integrity in Communication

So we start with INTENTION.

That is your declaration.

That is what speaks life into life.

Words are so powerful – be careful with what you say – it’s been known more than once to come true! Good, Bad or Ugly!

But I feel we’ve mastered the idea of the intention.

What we haven’t mastered with the intention is the specificity.

We are definitely not specific enough.

“I want a million dollars” will never get you a million dollars.

The more specific we can be for our subconscious to really begin to see what we are trying to produce will work wonders for us.

This is what prayer and journaling are good for!

Let’s turn the table and talk about the other side of marking your words.

Integrity with your word and communication.

This is the area you will probably want to master if you have to live with yourself or even other humans. 🙂

Lack of communication or lack of keeping your word will cause conflict.

  • Conflict in your life.
  • Conflict in relations with others.
  • Conflict with your soul. (this is usually the worst one!)
  • Conflict with your job, your boss, your clients, etc.

Mark my words: The more you can be in INTEGRITY with your words the better your quality of life will be.

What’s Integrity?

Doing what you say you will do, doing it on TIME (yes! this is a thing!), and doing it to the best of your ability and not sloughing off.

Yes, our souls always know when we are half-assing it!

And yes, many times, that means having hard conversations or conversations we are scared to have or perceive to be hard.

And listen up People Pleasers!

This is where you end up becoming a “liar” to others and yourself when you don’t speak up and speak your truth and stand in integrity with yourself.

“No, I don’t want to do that.”
But instead go along with it because you don’t rock the boat of your life.

Been there.

Done that.

It doesn’t end well for anyone!

So this is where going back to BEING YOUR WORD or HAVING INTEGRITY WITH YOUR WORD is so important!

Now, isn’t it interesting that this also shows up with yo’ money ya’ll!!

Here’s a truth bomb!

Do you think most of your money problems stem from the fact that you never kept your word with yourself? You acted out of integrity?

Think on that.

As I always joke, we would ALL be skinny, rich & hot if we all just did what we said we were gonna do.

Eat healthy? Check.

Save money? Check.

Go above and beyond for a client? Check.

You see where this “not staying in alignment” with your word really throws you off course!

Mark my words.

Declare BIG THINGS for your life.

Do what you say you are going to do.


Communicate well with yourself and others.

AND you will surely….

Live Your Legacy!

xx Lisa


Money Mastery

Money Mastery by Lisa Elle

There’s something to be said about Mastery.

I think mastery is so easily passed upon in society today and isn’t it funny – when you think of people who’ve mastered something, they aren’t famous for a bunch of things – especially early on in their careers.

Usually, famous people are known for one thing.

That is the thing they have mastered.

For me, I want to master my business.

I want to be the best in my business.

I want to have the best customer service in my business.

Can you relate to something you want to master in your life?

When it comes to money, I think it’s important that we work on mastering a few key things with our money.

I’m sure we all having mastering spending down pat!

This is what mastering is to me:

Doing something to the best of your ability for the time you have invested in it.

Note how I wrote in ‘for the time you have invested in it’ because there is the element of time that is at play when we talk about mastery – although the element of time, be it long or short, is always up to you.

Here’s the other thing to consider:

The mark of mastery is only defined by yourself according to your desired outcome.

Meaning: you choose what you master, when you master it, and how you feel about it.

No one else needs to “tell you” if you’ve mastered something or not.

There is no judgement call to make here except your own.

Your level of mastery in any particular area is entirely up to you.

The problem is that we keep putting ourselves into the category of inadequacy.

The thing is this: who is the judge?

You keep outsourcing “the judge” of your life to the wrong people.

Your boss, your partner, your friends, society, your in-laws, your parents, family, co-workers, etc.

Stop outsourcing who “the judge” of your life is!

You are the judge, you are the jury.

You are the master.

And now I want to say

{insert deep evil voice and laugh now}


Here are some areas of money that may interest you to master:

  • mastering and growing your cash flow
  • mastering your investment knowledge
  • mastering knowing what your net worth is & growing it
  • mastering marketing and sales efforts to grow your revenue streams
  • mastering different types of income streams
  • mastering real estate and property cash flow

And I could go on and on, but here’s the thing – there’s probably one area of money that interests you and you may want to master.

Then choose that area and be a master of it.


Do the thing that interests you the most.

Don’t do the thing that makes you want to claw your eyes out.

Where you have natural curiosity is usually the path you should follow.

So, when it comes to mastering your money, choose the thing that lights you up and you may just stick with it long enough to master it!

You probably won’t be a master in all areas of life – and why would you want to be?

Too much.

It’s too exhausting!

Get rid of the things that suck the energy right out of you, and this includes ridiculous money rituals that aren’t serving you!

For me, that was budgeting.

OMG – did she really just say that?!?!

Yes, I did.

I had to find my own way of doing things that filled me up and made me enjoy my money more.

I found my own way of budgeting.

I call it allocating – and it puts the FUN in my FUNds.

Okay, cheesy – I know.

I think you get what I’m putting down without me writing any more hilarious puns!

Find the “thing” you want to master.

Learn all you can about it.

Have fun with it.

Mastering your money is definitely one way to….

Live Your Legacy!

xx Lisa

PS. If you haven’t signed up at and unlocked your FREE money tips to help you master your money then you need to do that PRONTO TORONTO! xx


The Art of Saying No

The Art of Saying No by Lisa Elle

I’ve never written about this before – mostly, because I suck at this!

There’s definitely an art to saying ‘NO’.

The problem is most people say ‘YES’ when they want to say ‘NO’ or they just don’t show up and hide and avoid the situation all together, when they should have just said ‘NO’ upfront and avoided the whole hiding/no show/avoiding thing.

You’ve met people like this.

Heck, if you are honest with yourself, you are this person.

I know I am.

I have not perfected the art of saying ‘NO’! (#2021goals?!?)

You won’t ever see me no show or hide, but you will see me say ‘YES’ to some things I really don’t want to do.

Here’s why I LOVED staying at home during COVID:

I didn’t have to say ‘NO’ to any events cause they were all cancelled! YIPEE!!

And because the pressure to go to all these work meetings, work events, networking, friend events or even family events were off the calendar, I was able to live the life I really wanted to live.

Seriously, for me, it was a dream-come-true-time and I was able to focus on what really mattered to me!

Fast forward 2-3 months, and now, with the return of the restaurant and some work meetings, I am now shrinking back to the old ‘YES’ person – partly because I do enjoy going out from time to time but also because I feel bad saying ‘NO’.

I do know what happens to the person who always says ‘NO’, they stop being invited to things.

AND hence the FOMO appears. (Deep down, we all want to be like and invited to things, even if we can’t go!)

Sure, I can say ‘NO’ once, but if I say it all the time, then surely I will be ostracized from society and hence the ‘YES’ comes in to play.

I’ve had to reflect what this default ‘NO’ time (aka. hanging out at home with no where to go) has done for me – and I DO LIKE IT!

I’ve had time to work on all my projects and move them forward.

I’ve had time to plan and come up with some marketing strategies.

I’ve had time to hire and train some people to help me grow this business.

I’ve had time to work out more.

I’ve had time to do more self-care.

I’ve had the time to grow my business.

I’ve had more time for my children!

And all because I didn’t have to say ‘YES’ to things I deep down wanted to say ‘NO’ to.

The Warren Buffet quote always gets to me….

“The difference between successful people and REALLY successful people is that REALLY successful people say ‘NO’ to almost anything.”

And I can’t help but agree with him.

I’m successful.

You are successful.

But to really get to be REALLY successful, I know I will have to start saying ‘NO’.

And here’s the other thing, MAMA’s have a hard time saying ‘NO’.

Well, maybe not all the time. I can say ‘NO’ to the constant barrage of children asking me to take them for ice cream, but when they are wanting to spend time with you, I can’t say ‘NO’.

ALL the people pleasers in the world have a hard time saying ‘NO’ to anything.

After all, most of us were raised to be ‘TEAM PLAYERS’ – and while that may be good for somethings, it actually keeps you stuck in the team and forced to use the teams goals as your own, even if they aren’t in alignment with your goals.

We were trained that the ‘TEAMS’ goals are more important than our own!

We were brought up (sometimes!) that our parent’s goals, our teacher’s goals, our school’s goals, our society’s goals – are more important than our own agenda.

You have to be a little MAD to step away from ‘group think’ and follow your true path in the world.

Really, at the end of the day, if you really want to follow your own passion and desires, 99% of the time you are going to be going against the grain.

And that’s okay.

I think if anything I’ve learned is that I really liked my life when I had “nothing scheduled” outside of my home or office for a few months.

(You should also know I am a true introvert and absolutely enjoy being alone – which most people find so interesting about me – but truth be told – I NEED – like absolutely NEED 3-6 hours a day ALONE – no people, no talk. Just me – reading, writing, running, walking, listening…. I need that to enjoy my life and recharge before I go before the peoples!)

And now here’s my challenge – as life, for the most part, is back to being in person, I will have to learn how to say ‘NO’.

I caught this glimpse of how great life was when I didn’t have to say ‘NO’ and my schedule was exactly the way I wanted it, that now I have to protect that time.

I also want make a point about how this affects your money.

When you say ‘YES’ to everything, you will be broke.

Saying ‘NO’ is actually a great skill required in growing your wealth.

Chew on that…

And so here’s my message to myself, and maybe to you too…

Become a fierce protector of your time.

It’s the most valuable ASSet you have.

Learn how to say ‘NO’ and you will probably find you really like your life!

And if you are like me, and you know your purpose and what you are creating in the world, it’s a non-negotiable to make sure you protect that body of work or art by protecting your time.

When you don’t protect your time, your art will suffer.

Saying ‘NO’ is really all about protecting your precious ASSet of time and trust me when I say….

That is how you….

Live Your Legacy!

xx Lisa


The Masculine and Feminine Sides of Money

The Masculine and Feminine Sides of Money

This is the balance you are so desperately trying to seek with your money!

For most of us there is a pull and a push around our money. 

The trick is to learn to dance in that money flow and acknowledge the masculine and feminine sides of money!

Let’s start with energy.

That’s where everything has its beginning anyways!

There are the 2 opposing forces.

The masculine and feminine – for lack of better words, but we can relate to this energy.

(You’ll have to note, this does not necessarily mean man or woman however, there are certain characteristics that tend to relate more to men or women in general terms.)

I want to explain what it means to allow the beautiful dance between these opposing energies to exist in harmony in your business or in your life.

The masculine energy is there to be supportive of the feminine energy.

Both energies are of equal importance, you will need to harvest the energies from both sides, albeit, at different times one will be more prevalent than the other.

There will be a pull.

A back and forth.

A dance.

A dance between the two worlds.

But this is how you grow.

This is how you build upon what was there.

This is how you create momentum.

It’s like dancing practice.

Soon, you know exactly what steps need to be taken and at the right time – so you can create your masterpiece – or in this case – accomplish all your desires.

Masculine energy is the support you need.

Masculine energy is the foundation.

The structure you need in place to build.

It’s the systems.

The masculine comes off as a strong energy.

But it’s needed to support the whimsical, wild, creative side of the feminine.

Feminine energy is the creative, the intuition – the FLOW side of business, life, money, when you feel in total alignment with what you are doing and you are making money (or deriving an income!) doing exactly what you are called to be doing.

Do you get what I’m putting down?

Without masculine support systems in place, feminine energy will not be able to support itself.

The feminine energy needs to find refuge in times of rest in the masculine.

The masculine is the protector.

The feminine is the artist, the creator, the divine intuition and the speaker to what is possible.

So what does that mean for your business?

What does that mean for your money?

If you want to really take your business, your money and your life to the next level, we need to incorporate both sides of this into your business.

You need to have the systems, structure and foundation in place first.

Then you can build in the sales, the creative, the expansion.

And it is a dance.

There are many times in business when your systems need to be checked and tweaked, and other times you can bask in the flow of everything working exactly as you imagined.

Usually, we have one energy side, either the masculine or feminine, that is really overpowering our business or life in one way or another.

So we have to figure out which energy is dominant in order to allow the other energy to come forth and balance out.

We need both to shine!

You will need both the masculine and feminine energies doing their roles in creating and manifestin your dreams into reality.

Just something to think about if you are “stuck” right now.

It’s usually because you need to invite the opposing energy into your life.

Maybe it means have more fun?

Maybe it means create more structure?

Being aware of the feminine and masculine sides of energy will surely help you create the life you want and the money you want!

This is just another piece of the puzzle you need to….

Live Your Legacy!

xx Lisa


Money Boss

Money Boss Lisa Elle

What does it mean to be a Money Boss?

It means to be cool, confident and collected with your money.

Nothing fazes you.

You’ve got this.

You are the boss when it comes to your money.


Getting there IS SIMPLE, but obviously not easy – otherwise we’d all be there!

In order to really step into our role as Money Boss in our lives and businesses we need to take it back the the beginning.

Let’s start with energy.

That’s where everything has its beginning anyways!

There are the 2 opposing forces.

The masculine and feminine – for lack of better words, but we can relate to this energy.

(You’ll have to note, this does not necessarily mean man or woman however, there are certain characteristics that tend to relate more to men or women in general terms.)

I want to explain what it is to be a Money Boss and from allowing the beautiful dance between these 2 energies to exist in harmony in your business or in your life.

The masculine energy is there to be supportive of the feminine energy.

Both energies are of equal importance, and to really be a Money Boss, you will need to harvest the energies from both sides, albeit, at different times one will be more prevalent than the other.

There will be a pull.

A back and forth.

A dance.

A dance between the two worlds.

But this is how you grow.

This is how you build upon what was there.

This is how you create momentum.

It’s like dancing practice.

Soon, you know exactly what steps need to be taken and at the right time – so you can create your masterpiece – or in this case – accomplish all your desires.

Masculine energy is the support you need.

Masculine energy is the foundation.

The structure you need in place to build.

It’s the systems.

The masculine comes off as a strong energy.

But it’s needed to support the whimsical, wild, creative side of the feminine.

Feminine energy is the creative, the intuition – the FLOW side of business when you feel in total alignment with what you are doing and you are making money doing exactly what you are called to be doing.

Do you get what I’m putting down?

Without masculine support systems in place, feminine energy will not be able to support itself.

The feminine energy needs to find refuge in times of rest in the masculine.

The masculine is the protector.

The feminine is the artist, the creator, the divine intuition and the speaker to what is possible.

So what does that mean for your business?

What does that mean for your money?

If you want to really take your business, your money and your life to the next level, we need to incorporate both sides of this into your business.

You need to have the systems, structure and foundation in place first.

Then you can build in the sales, the creative, the expansion.

And it is a dance.

There are many times in business when your systems need to be checked and tweaked, and other times you can bask in the flow of everything working exactly as you imagined.

But to get there we need to uncover 6 of our biggest money blocks holding us back from allowing this energy to really shine.

Usually, we have one energy side, either the masculine or feminine, that is really overpowering our business in one way or another.

So we have to figure out in our business which energy is dominant in order to allow the other energy to come forth and balance out.

Here are 6 of the biggest money blocks that network marketers block from generating the abundance that they desire and deserve:

  • lack of financial clarity (feminine)
  • lack of confidence to receive money (feminine)
  • lack of courage to declare what they truly desire (masculine)
  • lack of certainty in their own ability to growth their income every month (masculine)
  • lack of commitment to create their financial break through (masculine)
  • lack of flow, divine intuition in taking next steps (feminine)


See The Money

See The Money

You aren’t seeing the money.

I mean really seeing money manifest in your life.

I think there are 2 main ways to do this:

One: Visualize the actual “thing/service” you are wanting to receive or experience in your life. (Like see the new kitchen reno or dream trip – in the exact way you wish it to appear in your life.


Two: Visualize the amount of money you want to see – the number, the actual bank notes/bills in your hands, the amount printed on your statement or cheque.

But the problem with most people is this:

They don’t know what they want.


Most people are walking zombies and don’t know what they really want.

They haven’t sat still for 5 minutes to really search their heart and know what it is they want.

I see this all the time, and like I ALWAYS say, this goes back to getting clarity around your money goals and what you want out of life.

Money is just here to SERVE YOU and help you pay for what YOU want out of life.

So, again, it’s not about the money, it’s about what you want.

If you don’t have any money, or the money you desire it’s only because of one thing.

THAT thing is THAT you aren’t clear.

There’s a reason my tag line is “Create Financial Clarity, Fund Your Dreams, Live Your Legacy!”

You can’t even get to the fund your dreams part if you aren’t clear on what you want.

AND TRUST ME when I say this is ALL THE WORK around money!

Allowing yourself to dream.

Allowing those dreams to be “allowed” in your world and shake up the status quo is the fear we most have.

Seriously, having no money is not really the big fear – sure it’s one end of the spectrum.

BUT the biggest fear for most is the fear of success – the fear of HAVING, BEING RESPONSIBLE FOR, MAKING, SPENDING, LOTS OF MONEY!

I kid you not.

It’s a fear because you won’t fit in (for the most part!) with your current tribe. AND THAT is what causes fear.

But besides the fear, it also causes us to not dream big.

AND when we don’t allow ourselves to dream big, we don’t allow for dreams to ever manifest.

Read that again.

Are you allowing yourself to SEE THE BIG MONEY?!

I already mentioned “we” collectively are over receiving the “baby money”.

What is ‘baby money’?

~b a b y m o n e y is the small amount of money you are settling for right now~

And regardless what that number is for your, you just know deep down in your soul that you are settling and not going out to get what is rightfully yours.


That fair share, btw, is any amount you deem it to be!

You need to SEE THE BIG MONEY!

Do you see THE BIG MONEY?

I mean do you really see it in your mind every time you close your eyes?

AND here’s the thing….

There’s nothing WRONG with seeing the BIG MONEY!

Stop thinking that there is.

Don’t forget that money is just energy and it’s what you make of it.

I think money is so FRICKIN’ FUN and like living in a dream!

Why not create some good vibes around your money when you see it?

People judge me all the time and think I’m obsessed with money.

Knowing the tax code inside and out – it makes me good at my job.

And ya.

Let’s face it.

I’m obsessed with money.

AND I also do this for a living.


Did you hear me?

You want to make change?

No offence, but no hashtag in the world is going to make and create real transformation in the world like money will.

Don’t forget that.

Don’t forget that money will make your life better and the lives of all those around you.

That’s seeing the money.

Don’t forget that’s how you….

Live Your Legacy!

xx Lisa


Happy 5th Birthday!

Happy 5th Birthday Ellements Group!

The cosmic joke is that if you really want to be ‘spiritual’ or do all the self-growth/self-help work on yourself become SELF-EMPLOYED, start a business and find ways of making your own product, service, earning your money, etc.

That’s one GUARANTEED way for all of your personal shit to come right up in your face and smack you around a bit (or a lot!)

{Yes, this is a very real and candid blog and I’m sorry to use the word shit, but only #sorrytothefarmerswholiterallyhavetoshovelshiteveryday! Calling it like it is.}

You want to be enlightened?

You want to be the next best version of yourself?

Take the plunge into entrepreneurship.

It’s a guaranteed way to deflate your ego from the corporate world so fast your head will spin.

It will challenge you at every level of business.

Want a new level of success in your business = peel off an old layer of personal shit.

Rinse. Repeat. {Yes, you really do need to rinse after that!}

I often – OFTEN – in the last 5 years of business (and even in the last 20 years of being self-employed!) thought of going to get a ‘steddie eddie’ paycheque more than once – isn’t that the dream?

To be honest, I’m fabulous on a budget.

I was so good at managing my money at age 20 it got boring and realized I needed another challenge – like, oh, I don’t know – finding ways to blow all my money on a career/business that was related to money.

WOW! That girl had some balls!

Seriously – who the heck was I to be giving financial advice at age 20.

I barely see parts of that BRAZEN girl I once was who thought she could take over the world, although, I’m realizing more and more she’s still here and she’s still comes out to play – EVEN WHEN my common sense brain is SCREAMING NO!


  • Don’t hire another person!
  • Don’t spend that money – you’ll need it for next month’s payroll!
  • Don’t subscribe to yet another SAAS, system, or buy yet another iPhone, iPad, computer!
  • AND for GOD’S SAKE, stop buying fresh flowers for your office and fancy candles!

I think to be an entrepreneur you must have to go a little mad and definitely throw caution to the wind most of the time.

AND constantly do the things that scare the life out of you.

WOW! The internal struggle is SO in your face when you are an ENTREPRENEUR and anyone knows, this is the best self-growth and lessons you are going to get on the planet about anything.

Want to test your family, your marriage, your relationships?

Become an entrepreneur!

Want to watch all your savings trickle away?

Start a business with your own capital.

Want to cry 20 times a day and hide under your blankie?

Yup, you got it – go do commission sales work!

On the plus side, entrepreneurship has given me LOADS of compassion for humans and the hard work that goes into a business of any size.

Seriously, when did entrepreneurship become sexy?! This isn’t sexy at all – and also leaves you exhausted and no time for….

I also realize the stress of it is not for everyone, and I am jealous 99% of the time of people with the ‘steddie eddies’.

Most entrepreneurs – especially if you are just starting out – don’t have the luxury of consistent reliable cash flow – it’s usually paycheque to paycheque and living off savings from a past life or the equity in your home for quite a while.

(SIDE NOTE: I PRAISE entrepreneurs who put their capital at risk to create change in our world. That’s how it’s done and don’t let anyone shame you into thinking you are doing something stupid with your money – especially family! If that’s you – I applaud you and your BRAZENNESS & BALLS to put yourself and YOUR MONEY out there!)

There’s usually a hump in your business.

Or call it a mountain! (tomatoe, tomato)

The break-even point when you slowly feel the wheels arrive at the top of the hill and teeter there for a minute before you may actually get a little bit of downhill relief.

As much as I joke, I still feel I don’t know what that is – and quite honestly, wonder at what point I will feel that. (Maybe when I stop expanding my business, but then aren’t you just dying at that point?!)

I guess it depends on your goals.

If I wanted just a me, myself and I operation, I probably could be living the laptop lifestyle now in Bali (but I wouldn’t be, because well, you know…)

But for ya’ll that know me you know this was never the plan.

The plan is and always has been: GO BIG OR GO HOME!

(Also known as re-investing in your business over and over and over again….)

I feel like my soul is here to just say “what the hell” and throw caution to the wind and deep down – not give a shit what anyone thinks.

That BRAZEN GIRL is still coming out to play.

And yes, I still think ENTREPRENEURSHIP is the FUNNEST game around!

Hey, you can’t take the money with you, it’s never been yours to begin with, money is just energy, money is a renewable resource, money is in abundance, money in not finite – all the points that make me want to play the game because in ALL the ways that’s all it is anyways.

Life is always what you make it mean.

And I think that’s the whole point here as I celebrate my 5th Business Anniversary today. (From New York City to Cochrane, Alberta – Happy 5th Birthday Ellements Group & this blog #261!!)

I think the point is this.

I still come to play everyday.

I still love to come play everyday.

And I damn well know, on the deepest of levels, down in my soul, that I am…


Living My Legacy.

On the DAILY.

Showing up.

Showing up for the world.

And as I always say to you, beautiful….

Live Your Legacy!

xx Lisa

PS. CELEBRATING 5 Years of the Money Makeover Blog and 261 Blog Posts – every week! Want to read a good blog? Go to!