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Getting It Right In 2022!

I want to leave you with some words that have been spoken many times and in many ways regarding to money:

Fortune favors the prepared.

Fortune favors the bold.

Fortune favors the courageous.

Fortune favors the brave.

Fortune favors the strong.

So, here’s the thing:

Where are you in regards to taking those daring leaps with your money towards your goals?

Are you STRETCHING & CHALLENGING youself to earn more, save more, invest more, keep more, spend more?

Yes, you read that correctly, I did write “SPEND MORE”!

There are so many ways we live a small life and don’t really take that leap and step out in faith for the things we desire most.

And don’t think that I’m not practicing what I’m preaching.

Here’s a few ways I’ve stepped out in my own life in total faith, because at this point, I’m stepping out to grow my business and praying the money will appear to help us reach our goal as a company.

I’m hiring people to help me build my great vision.

I’m increasing my monthly contributions to investment accounts.

I’m planning events and trips and things that I don’t even know if they will pan out with the state of the globe..

But I’m doing this all in faith.

I realize, the worst case scenario in many areas is that my pride, my ego will get hurt or my bank account will suffer dramatically, but is that not worth taking the risk?!

What area of your life do you want to GET RIGHT in 2022?

What part of you life has been stagnant?

What part of your life have you not even begun to dream big in?

I’m excited!

I know one thing and that is that this year, I am making plans to keep my big dreams before me, even though they seem COMPLETELY RIDICULOUS at this moment, I’m trusting that this will be the year that me and my team make things happen.

I’m excited for us.

I’m excited for you and your goals too!


Because who better to accomplish their dreams than you?!

You are the perfect person to accomplish the desires that you have!


So what are you waiting for?!

Get it down on paper, meditate, journal, do walking meditations like I do, or just speak the words outloud to life.

This is your chance.

Turn off the outside noise.

Yes, I’m aware of a riot happening in the White House, but it doesn’t matter as much as my dreams!

I matter more.

I am more worthy of accomplishing my dreams than watching hours of news casts over something that is totally out of my control and which will truly add nothing to my life (but it will take away time, energy and brain cells…. and create worry and fear.)

You matter more.

You are worthy of all the dreams you have.

Don’t play at the level of others.

Elevate yourself, your thoughts, your tone, your vibration to that of your goals and dreams.

Hold it there.

Don’t sink back down into the muck of the world.

It’s just going to ruin your Kate Spade Outfit and mess up those Jimmy Choo’s!

Not worth it.

You are worth it.

Make your plans to get right with 2022

and baby….

You’re gonna..

Live Your Legacy!

xx Lisa


Getting Complete With 2020

Completion is such a beautiful thing.

To be complete with something means that it is finished, that there are no extras laying around, no little tid-bits left hanging out and it really truly allows for closure.

When you are complete with something: a job, a client, a realtionship, 2020, then you get to create a blank slate – with no left over markings on it – and create again, NEW, from that place of nothingness.

That is what being complete is all about.

You can complete a marriage or romantic partnership, and yet, stay in the same relationship but change the terms of it. {Being complete doesn’t necessarily meaning cutting people out.}

You can complete a contract and deem it to be over and then start a new contract – with your employer, with your clients, with your jobs.

You get to choose and live in the place of being COMPLETE.

You also get to do this with yourself.

You get to be complete with the “old you” and start a “new you”.

You get to be complete with your thoughts that didn’t serve you, and then create new thoughts to believe into.

Being complete is magical!

Completing areas of your life will provide you with MIRACLES!


Because the process of completion clears away the old energy that you are holding on to.

I want to liken COMPLETENESS to this:

When you are complete, your energy field is clear.

You are like stainless steel – nothing can stick to you, things/circumstances slide right off of you and have nowhere to attach themselves to.

When you are INCOMPLETE, when you have lots of unfinished business, unfinished energy business, lots of balls hanging in the air –

You are like Velcro. Everything will stick to your energy field.

The good, the bad, the ugly and it sticks and doesn’t easily dissappear, in fact, it grows, gets uglier and you end up attracting more ugly energy balls to your Velcro self.

This is why you need to get COMPLETE.

This is why this is a decision and a decision you have to make and a decision ONLY you can make.

This is something you can only discover for yourself.

Life is better when nothing can ‘stick’ to your energy field and you can let it flow through you and not fester in your Velcro thoughts.

I had an energy healer explain it in this way.

She was referring to 2020 and how it is sticking to so many people who have not done ‘the work’.

It’s easy to identify if you have done ‘the work’ on yourself or not.

How are you coping with 2020?

Are you allowing things to slide off your energy field fairly quickly or are they staying around and flaring up?

How does this look for your money?

There are probably a LOT of areas with your money that you are not complete with.

Where are you feeling INCOMPLETE with regards to your finances?

  • Have you incomplete financial goals?
  • Have you not held integrity with your savings goals?
  • Have you a financial to-do list that has been sitting incomplete for a while?
  • Incomplete bills that need to be paid?
  • Incomplete taxes that need to be filed or paid?
  • Do you have an incomplete will or estate plan?
  • Do you have investment research or financial reviews that you’ve been putting off and are incomplete?
  • A financial appointment to book that you’ve been meaning to, which leaves you…. incomplete?

This is your chance to get complete with all the things you left incomplete.


This is your CHANCE! New Slate 2021 is calling your name to get complete!

If you are experiencing flare ups in your life, the energy is stuck, and you feel like you are a walking Velcro target for all things bad to happen to you, then you need to take time and get complete.

One by one, take the energy balls that aren’t aligning with the life you desire and COMPLETE them.

Thank them for their service and say GOOD-BYE!

Also, tell them they are not welcome in your life again!

This is choice. This is a decision to not lower yourself to that lower vibrational energy field again!

This doesn’t mean bad things won’t happen to you, but it does mean you will react differently next time they do and you will be able to move through the negative energy and back into the good vibes quick QUICK!

After all, that is the goal of this.

It’s being able to shift to the desired energy, desired feelings as fast as possible.

That is how you become a magnet for attracting exactly what you want into your life.

So get complete.

GET COMPLETE with the energy that no longer serves you.

GET COMPLETE with the thoughts that no longer serve you.

GET COMPLETE with the feelings that no longer serve you.

Detangle the energy balls from your Velro and send them back where they came from.

Become smooth as silk, strong as stainless steel and don’t allow those little energy sucks to stick to you!


This is how you….

Live Your Legacy!

xx Lisa


How To Manifest Your Desires

It will serve you to learn the craziest secret about money, about energy, about love, about relationships, about all the things….

It’s to understand the balance of energy that needs to be directed to the things that you want out of life.

Although we have access to infinite energy, we are bound by earthly time and a physical body, but that’s why it’s so important how to channel and focus explicitly on what you want to manifest in your life time.

How do you want this life to look?

This is how you manifest your desire!

You have to hold steadfast your desires while at the same time not be so focused on them that you squeeze the life out of them.

So yes, hold lightly (almost an ‘I don’t care about the outcome attitude’)


Stay Laser Focused (sooo focused, almost obsessed!)


Totally counterintuitive.

But isn’t that how life is?

A TOTAL CONTRADICTION most of the time…

And, if you aren’t good with the contradiction of it all you will have a harder time manifesting what you want and if you can’t ease into the flow of life you will come across more blocks that will hinder the speed of obtaining your outcome.

{There’s a reason that easy going people seem to manifest so easily – they know how to go with the FLOW!}

When you are dealing with the energy of your goals, your money, your desires, you absolutely must not strangle your desire, and yet, you must stay radically focused on them.

It’s so hard to care and not care in the same breath.

But in that case, it is like breathing.

Breath in the deep desire.

And then,

Breath out the outcome.

RELEASE it and let it go.

RELEASE the desired outcome.

It is out of your control anyways…

Let Go, Let God.

But you do first have to BREATH it in.

You have to know exactly what that first breath is all about.

I’ll be honest, I struggle with this.

I feel every year for the last 20 years I have the same goals.

And I’m struggling to find new goals that breath LIFE INTO ME.

It’s been actually amazing to look back and see all the goals I did accomplish.

I think – and I’ll be totally blunt here… I get uninspired with MANY of my lame goals…

Always the same ones…

Lose weight, make money, blah, blah…

I can’t even breath life into those goals.

And yes, I have accomplished them in someway, shape or form.

But I need to do this, and I know I’m not alone! MOST of ya’ll need to do this too!

REALLY, TRULY create the deepest of deepest clarity with some really heartfelt INSPIRING goals that get you jazzed up.

And I get it…

I feel it…

Right now, it’s hard to get jazzed up about life.

I feel the oppression in so many ways.

So, we dig.

We do this.

For me, I need to plan a trip or trip(S) {with a capital S!}

I need to have something to look forward to and go on some adventuring!

Plan the dates, the costs, book the hotel, flights, etc.

I just need to do it.

What is it in your life that you really just feel called to do?!


Push past the fear and think of all the wonderful things that are waiting for you once your materialize your dreams.

Stop giving it mouth service or thought service, and actually pick up the damn phone or put your credit card where your thoughts and mouth are!

If you want to take a course or learn something new, then do that!

If you want to create something, then do that!

If you want to start a new business, then do that!

If you have a dream to take your entire family on a big trip, then do that!

There is no PRESENT like the PRESENT!

Do what will give you life, fuel you and bring you JOY!

JOY is always available.

And with JOY is FREEDOM!

Don’t ever forget that!

When you breath in your desires and breath out the outcome and release you will find your joy – and MANIFEST YOUR DESIRES and…

Live Your Legacy!

xx Lisa

PS. Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired when it comes to your finances and money? We have the secret sauce to make all your money blues go away – ONCE AND FOR ALL! Check out The Wealth Collective™!


The Message

This MESSAGE! This… right here, right now.

This is THE message that you must remember.

Especially now when the collective energy is radical, the polarity is strong, and fear has taken hold of so many.

You must remember LOVE.

Love being the opposite of FEAR.

You can not be in FEAR and be in a state of LOVE at the same time.

Remember that.

And everytime fear creeps in…

because it’s creeping in….

about money, about health, about death….

remember LOVE.

Remember that UNCONDITIONAL LOVE wins…

PERFECT LOVE will always win.

Love that is patient, and kind.

Love that is not easily angered.

Love that is not jealous or envious.

Love that is PURE and doesn’t remember the wrongs of others.

(1 Corinthians 13:4-8 – It’s worth a read…)


That LOVE will drive out fear.

You must push through this scary time, the fear.

And you do that by staying in your JOY.


Only you can choose to LOVE over the rest.


TO LOVE is to be set free.

If you want to be set free, you must find your JOY state.

Okay, so this is what your charge is – for today and ever more….

Your job is YOUR VIBE.

Only you create and set your vibe, your vibration.

Love radiates at a much higher frequency than fear.

They say that one person vibrating at a level of 500hz or higher (which is the frequency of LOVE), can actually affect in a positive manner up to 750,000 people…. (Ref. Power Vs. Force by Dr. David Hawkins)

That is what being the LIGHT does…

And this positively reflects in every area of your life – INCLUDING your money….

You need to find your JOY.

Being JOYFUL sets you FREE. (One of my mentors said these exact words recently!)

I found mine this week.

A little bit of sun.

It does wonders…

A little bit of adventure hiking.

A little bit of alone time.

A little bit of reading.

A little bit of hot tubbing.

A little bit of talking to random strangers and connecting with new humans.

That is my JOY.

You need to find what brings you JOY and keep doing it.

Stay in that joy-filled place.

That is how you are easily able to be LOVE and LOVE OTHERS.

This is also where you don’t get to stay in GUILT.

Guilt is a wasted emotion, as my girlfriend told me this week.

I also think MOMS are plagued with mom guilt any time they try to do anything for themselves… even going alone on a trip away from their kids for a much-needed break. Don’t buy into that.

Don’t let the mom guilt hold you back…. besides, your kids need to see you take care of yourself first and your KIDS need to SEE a HAPPY JOYFUL CONFIDENT MOM! {Yes, moms, go and do something for yourself! Leave the mom guilt behind!}

This goes back to the JOY thing.

Can I just say that a HAPPY JOYFUL LISA is the best gift I can give the world!!

It is.

And a happy {insert your name} is the best gift you can give the WORLD!

That’s how you be a light!

But you need to be the person who seeks out your joy-filled activities!

No one can bring you to joy.

Happiness is an inside job.

That may mean – no news, no phone, no social, no government…

Your vibe and your being in a VIBE of LOVE is sooooo much more important than just you – THIS IS THE OPPOSITE OF SELFISH.

It’s how we will make it through the hard times, and above all – it’s the LIFE you were called to.

Being in a vibration of LOVE will ERADICATE FEAR!

Wouldn’t that be a great thing to eradicate FEAR and the place where all the dis-ease in our bodies live?

You were created to enjoy pleasure.

You were created for JOY and LOVE.

Fear must step aside.

Fear will eat you up.

It will cause you to hide.

You have no LIGHT when you are in fear.

You are not a joy spreader when you hide.

Remember that.

Remember God, the Universe, created you shine your LIGHT.

That’s the purpose of all of this.

So, do what you have to do, but above all… stay in your JOY STATE.

Stay in LOVE.

You can never go wrong.

As we enter this new season, this new year…..




Live Your Legacy!

I love you.

xx Lisa


For A Time, Such As This…

Okay, there is LOTS of money stuff that’s going to happen to you in your life – it’s just a matter of when. 

Wait, like today – when many of us are told to stay home and many people are unable to do their jobs.

Yes, a day like today.

The trick is to deal with all your money stuff NOW (Yes, especially now in the middle of a pandemic) and have a plan so when life, death, illness – and everything in between throws you an inevitable curve ball you can say with confidence, “I’ve got this!” and let all the money worry & fear roll off your back – like Chuck Norris would. {Insert laugh, I still think I’m funny!}

This is all about YOU, YOUR MONEY, CALLING YOUR TRUE ABUNDANCE now, not in 10 years from now…. 

It’s also about getting your financial poop in a group now, not in 10 years from now.

It’s also important to remember that money is sitting there waiting for you to go out and take it.

Even if you can’t do your regular job, trust me, money is always available to you – even if it may not be in the money form – because you can still manifest exactly what you need.

Don’t give up on the miracles.

Don’t give up.

Even if it feels bleak and dreary right now, I assure you.

Imagine you are on a plane.

You are in a storm, but you just need to break above the clouds.

You are so close.

You are so close to being able to fly in the blue sky above the clouds where the financial storms can’t reach you. (okay, so life will still be 50% fabulous and 50% crap – that never changes regardless how much money you have, but you can eliminate a WHOLE LOTTA unnecessary stress.)

That, my love, is your true birth right.

That, my dear friend, is yours to claim.

No one can take that from you.

No one can take joy or pleasure from you.

And even with the challenges, what if you were created for a time such as this?

What if this time was YOUR TIME?

What if this challenge in your life right now was the challenge that was ordained to be exactly what you needed for your highest good and what if you trusted that?

What if you trusted that you were made to receive all the desires of your heart and what if all that was needed to truly receive that was to TRUST FULLY and get on that plane to reach the blue skies?

Want to learn how to fly into the blue sky?

If you are stressed right now, full of anxiety, struggling, overwhelmed, not sure where to start, feeling guilt, feeling shame around money, I invite you to check out our webinar.

We want to introduce you to The Wealth Collective™.

This is the plane ticket you’ve been waiting for.

We’ve created something so timely.

And it’s taking off! NOW!

We’ve created the trifecta of accountablity, financial systems, money coaching, and knowledge to help get you out of the fog and into the blue sky.

Blue sky is available for you.

Blue sky is much close than you think.

But only you can choose that.

Only you can choose to….

Live Your Legacy!

xx Lisa

P.S. We want to give you your ticket, save your seat, to join us as we introduce you to The Wealth Collective™ so you can get above the clouds! We have a webinar on Friday, December 18th at 10am MST that we want to invite you to, and we will send you a special gift for hearing us out.

Sign up for the webinar at:


The EQ of Your Financial Plan

I’m a huge fan of all types of coaching and coaching programs.

Anything that helps fuel my own personal growth as well as arms me with the tools for life to be able to cope, calm myself down, relax, release, ground myself and ultimately create my own happiness.

That is what coaching has done for me over the past decade.

And I invest a LOT of money into that.

What it allows of me?

It allows me to be emotionally available for my clients and hold the space for them.

It allows me to be a ‘money healer’ for them.

And none of that I learned in a financial text book.

It’s EQ. It’s emotional intelligence and it’s a skill that can be mastered over time, like anything you put your mind to.

I invest heavily in my EQ and my IQ.

Both equally.

My IQ? Well not that I even know what it is – ha! However, I have invested heavily in my IQ and gaining knowledge to be able to teach others.

But for me personally, I don’t really care as much about my IQ as I do my EQ. I really just enjoy learning and keeping sharp and no doubt will have my 50 letters behind my name by age 50 for which I think is a fun bucket list thing to accomplish. I’m over half way there.

But where I really excel. And also part of my gift as a woman is my EQ. My emotional intelligence and intuition.

And I can mix my EQ perfectly with my knowledge. Perfect Alchemical creation at its best. 

That’s what I offer my clients.

If you think only IQ (Knowledge) is going to get you to your financial goals – think again!

If you really think for one minute that it’s all about the numbers or the returns or the fees or even the actual money… then you’ve already lost your money game before you even started!

It’s because money is energy. 

And your ability to make the dream amount you want to make has nothing to do with return, and fees and numbers… and has everything to do with what’s between your ears. 

I see that. 

I’m your person to help you make sure you’ve tidied a nice little clear path to flow in your brain so you don’t have to live with money fear or worry or those pesky money blocks ever again. 

You need a cheerleader. You need a guide. You need someone who’s been there before and can show you the right tools to help you get to where you want to go!

We all require support and tools and coaching – and don’t I know it.

{I still invest thousands per month in my coaching! Yes, over $1000 per month in my EQ – sometimes way more than that! And it’s paid off so much more than any IQ teachings!}

Coaching and learning the tools to be better equipped with what life throws our way is what this is all about.

Seeking out and investing in yourself in this way around money is truly how you….

Live Your Legacy!

xx Lisa

When it comes to your money, your overall holistic financial plan, your money mindset & money coaching we want to partner with you in The Wealth Collective™.

You need support, knowledge and the tools to help you make the best financial decisions for your life. 

You may just want a second opinion.

You may just need to learn the knowledge so you can ask the right questions to the right people.

You may want to create an additional stream of income.

We can help you with that!

That’s the Wealth Collective™. 

Join here to watch & learn what The Wealth Collective™ is all about!


Need to Dream Again?

Let me tell you why you need to chase DREAMS and not Accomplishments!


I get bored with accomplishments the day after I accomplish something.  If you think about it – I’m sure you feel similar.

I can remember the day after I got my degree or my latest letters behind my name. Sure, it felt awesome for like a day, but it really didn’t leave me inspired much past that, in fact – truth be told – I just wanted to start another course and get another designation. 

It’s like eating fast food. Accomplishments taste so good in the moment, but leave you wanting more and never really satisfy you – especially if you are a high achiever, like yours truly.

What are accomplishments?

Accomplishments are like awards you can put on your fireplace mantle that say things like “Debt-Free” and “Retired with $2,000,000 in Assets.” Congratulations! Those things are accomplishments.

Accomplishments are great; however (and a BIG however!) – they don’t leave us inspired.

They don’t lead to a LIFE YOU LOVE.


Accomplishments do IGNITE & inspire others and it’s important to note they are the side effects of YOUR amazing dream.

Accomplishment are a way to brag to the world about how much money you have or what education you’ve collected on your resume.

Who cares?

You can’t leave this world with it anyways.

You can’t leave this world with your accomplishments!  

What do accomplishments really do for you at the end of the day besides feed your ego? Good, Bad or Ugly.

Dreams are different.

Dreams are what fuels YOU. 

Dreams are expansive.

Dreams are the vision you have for your life – to create something worthwhile, to have a positive impact on the world, your community, your family, your friends.

Accomplishments are ‘after the fact’ – whereas DREAMS are the best part of the journey.

Accomplishments usually come after a ‘period of time’ of achievement. That doesn’t sound fun for anyone who wants to LIVE NOW!

Where does the rubber meet the road?

When you use your accomplishments – the money, the skills, the education you have acquired and apply it to your dreams. 

That’s what your calling is. 

That is living in the sweet spot.

Do you have dreams? Of course you do!

Do you need to wake some of those dreams up and shake things up again?

Sure you do.

{I think many of us find ourselves in this space where we need to dream again. Plus it’s healthy to dream! And even more healthy to dream BIG! Did you know your dreams had health benefits?! They do!}

When you discover or re-discover your dreams and put a plan in place to call them into reality that’s 100% how you….

Live Your Legacy!

xx Lisa

Do you need to dream again? Do you need to realize your dreams?

That’s where I come in.  That’s what I will help you with! 

I want to help you fund your dreams.

And I have the system, the support and the education you need to be able to accomplish this for your life.

Want to hear more?

Step into The Wealth Collective™ with me.

I will help you get your dreams on paper with a plan to bring them to life. 

Grab your dream, and book your FREE ONE-ON-ONE session with me to help you LIVE YOUR LEGACY and fund your dreams today.


The Cost of Financial Inaction

The cost of financial inaction always boils down to one thing.


Fear – which is the opposite of love – is what is holding you back from actually doing the things you know you should do and the things that align with your values.

Especially when it comes to your money or financial plan.

So why haven’t you done the things you know are in alignment for your life?

Why haven’t you completed your will or final instructions yet to save your family lots of frustration and pain when you pass away?

Why haven’t you set aside money or cash (or at least started the stash) for when you lose your job to next years pandemic or have to close your business for a period of time?

Why haven’t you protected the family that you love with a stream of income if you happen to get disabled or die?

It boils down to fear.

Fear that you won’t have the money to pay the lawyer for the will.

Fear that you might actually have to face your mortality (this is a big fear for many).

Fear that you will have to think through all the bad stuff and worst case scenarios, such as job loss or illness.

Fear that you might get declined for insurance or fear that the lender may discover your bad credit score.

Fear that you will be shamed for not saving enough or for carrying too much debt when you knew better.

These are all legitimate fears.

Some big, some not so big – but all valid reasons and the reasons why people get stuck in inaction.

Fear is holding you back.

And there’s a cost of that fear.

There’s a cost to you, to your family and to your community.

Here’s a crazy way new way to think about your procrastination and inaction.

Love – which is the opposite of fear – is expansive.

Love believes and IS infinite abundance.

Love knows no bounds and is not shackled by fear.

Where LOVE and belief in true abundance (abundance comes from the purest of love also known as the universe or God) will bring the money for all the needs and desires, whereas fear will cost you money because it is rooted in lack and not-enoughness.

Fear leaves you in inaction.

Inaction leaves you without a will, without insurance, without savings, without a plan, without a business, without goals, without dreams.

Fear leaves you WITHOUT.

Love brings with it ALL THE THINGS your heart desires because they were laid on your heart for a reason with a purpose.

Do you see the connection between fear and inaction in your life?

Do you see the cost that inaction brings you?

I will tell you this.

Fear and inaction has cost me millions of dollars.

I’m sure if you looked into your fears and all the action you didn’t take you will also find that it cost you dearly.

In all the areas.

Years that you could have been financially without worry, thinner, fitter, thriving business, better relationships, more opportunities for you and your family.

ALL THE THINGS you ever wanted.

That is the financial cost of inaction.

That is why you need to find the area in your life where you aren’t taking action and start taking the small steps towards changing that.

That’s where true and lasting transformation occurs – in the small actions, the small habits.

Love yourself enough to take the actions and to stop costing yourself all the things you ever wanted in life.

Get out of inaction.

Step into loving actions and you will surely…

Live Your Legacy!

xx Lisa

PS. If you want to step into financial action, you need to join us at – that is where you will find the 5-Day Financial Basecamp to get you set up with a SOLID FINANCIAL base for your life.


The Ruins of Busy

Busy will ruin you.

It will disguise itself as good and in many ways as there are desirable qualities busy carries with it.

I was sitting with a man having a drink and he proceeded to tell me he was busy.

He’s always telling me that.

It’s such a turn off.

(Not in a sexual manner, but let’s face it – in that way too. Who wants a lover that’s too busy for them?! #thisistrue!)

Who even wants to be associated with people that are too busy?

Now, ya’ll know what I have preached – every which way to Sunday – about time management, schedule it or it’s not getting done and then also on the fact that once you have it scheduled you need to be in INTEGRITY around your calendar.

But ‘busy’ goes far beyond the fact that some people still need to learn how to schedule and use a day planner (although, yes, I would still suggest that some people really still need to get into integrity with their time management!)

Busy is a word that when used makes the other party feel not important.

So there is that as well.

Again, back to the friends you have that say they are too busy to visit you or hang out with you – total bummer eh?

I’ve already made my points about ‘busy’ and could stop writing the blog right here and be totally fine with my reasoning and justification to never use the word ‘busy’ again.

However, today, my loves, I want to take this to a whole other realm.

I want to dive into why ‘busy’ is actually keeping you from accomplishing your goals and keeping you disconnected from your source, your power.

Ya, it’s that harsh.

Being disconnected from your source and your power is serious stuff.

And being busy and using that word, along with its connotation and definition is doing just that to you.

What if you began to hold the belief that there was time for everything that you wanted to do?

What if you began to believe that there was an abundance of time?

I started believing in time abundance years ago and as I’ve grown my business, hired people, and still drive my kids around – I know there is an abundance of time. {Einstein actually came up with this… seriously… you can google….}

But even deeper than that, is this.

What if you truly believed that you could create your life exactly as you wanted it, would ‘busy’ be a part of it?

I think ‘busy’ was for the 1980’s mom who couldn’t outsource or connect as easy we can these days.

Busy to me implies this.

Stressed out.


Flying by the seat of your pants.

And hey, that’s okay sometimes.

But there’s nothing you are helping your soul with when you can’t sit still for even 5 minutes because you are so busy.

So, I want you to get out of ‘busy’ and step into your Queenhood.

Queens do not tell anyone they are busy, yet in reality, they probably have the most full schedule.

Queens handle things like… ummm… a queen!

They are not scatterbrained.

The handle everything with grace, elegance and poise.

They have a deep faith.

They know everything is working together for their highest good – even all the wars and bad stuff.

They know how to delegate.


That’s the big one.

They will create the biggest visions, but always know they will delegate out all the parts to others with expansive faith (not stress or worry), but they also know how to prioritize self-care first and realize they first must give to themselves before they can give to others.

That’s what happens when you can slow down, take a deep breath and get to that place of nothingness.

SECRET: That’s the place you need to get to in order to create, you must have the blank slate in front of you before you can draw out the big vision – the big vision never comes when you are BUSY doing all the things and very few of them in alignment with your big vision – YES, that BIG VISION – the big vision you haven’t even made time to map out because you’ve been so busy and keep blaming where you are in life on that.

Stop blaming BUSY for what you know is really you not being in alignment with your life….

or too scared to actually sit in the stillness and hear your thoughts.

Trust me.

It’s not for the faint of heart.

The universe will most likely ask you to do something BIG and 100% out of your comfort zone.

And that’s why you stay in the negative energy of ‘busy’.

If 2020 had one glimmering bit of light it was this:

Be Still.

(Oh and funny story, on Dec 31, 2019 I literally chose my phrase or word of the year for 2020 and it was BE STILL. Funny, not funny – but I feel I manifested this whole year of shut downs. 😉 Be careful what you wish for!!)

So on that note, I want to say that I run from people who always tell me they are busy. Usually, they aren’t open to receiving the gifts that await them when they truly hold the POWER of TIME ABUNDANCE.

That’s what this is all about.

Being able to create at the highest level.

Not serving all the millions of things on your to-do list, but really being able to step into your power.


Make a commitment to completely rid yourself of the word busy.

Try other words: I’m full or previously engaged at that time or actively engaged or I’m unavailable at that time, maybe we can do another time?

When you commit to time abundance you commit to stand in your power and elevate your life (& money!)…..

and that’s how you….

Live Your Legacy!

xx Lisa

PS. There’s something NEW in the air… want to see what it is? We can probably guarantee this will transform your life.

Go to to see what all the fuss is about!


Base in Place

I want you to succeed – especially when it comes to your money. 

Success looks like this.

No stress, no worry around money. 

That’s financial success.

And guess what, it doesn’t take millions to get out of the stress and overwhelm when it comes to your money.

What it takes is creating a solid financial base.

That’s why I created Financial Basecamp. 

It’s FREE and it’s in the Money Makeover Facebook Group under the tab UNITS.

If you haven’t checked out Financial Basecamp {my FREE 5-Day Course} in the Money Makeover Facebook Group – do so! {Especially now as we head into this next season of our lives!}

Everyday I’m signing wills with clients, setting up investment accounts, making sure they have enough insurance and I am reminded that most of the people out there still do not have the financial basics down and it really only takes 2-3 hours to CHANGE THE TRAJECTORY of your family’s financial future forever!

So what are you waiting for?!  Call us or reply to this email if you need help putting your financial base into place!

Oh ya baby! That rhymed!

And that’s what happens when you write damn good copy and everything falls into place!

So again, what are you waiting for? 

Go out and…..

Live Your Legacy!

xx Lisa