Obviously, if you haven’t figured out that the only way to do your life is to do your life they way you want to and let ALL the opinions about you and how you choose to live fly out the window.
By the way, you have to do that to step fully into your purpose!
You have to NOT GIVE TWO HOOTS what people think if you are going to step into your power, step into your purpose!!
When you don’t care what others say about you or think about you, and you come to a place in your life where you’ve learned never to actually even care what other people think of you, family, friends, business or otherwise – this is when you really get your power back!
All of this not caring in a loving way of course, because you get to be love – that’s on you. Being LOVE first.
The trick here is that the “haters”, like in my fav Taylor Swift song ‘Shake It Off’, is usually not from the random public, it’s usually the people closest to us. Not that they hate us – it’s just we spend so much time with our family, friends, partners, co-workers, etc. – that they tend to be the ones biggest in our heads and their opinions of us end up ruling!
Here’s another observation I’ve made about people and I will take it to my grave or until I feel this belief no longer serves me.
I call it First Impression Anchoring.
I made that up. But it sounds official, so we’ll stick with it.
It means, however or whenever you met someone (that first point of contact) is anchored in their head and remains throughout your relationship – no matter how long!
Makes sense if you think about it.
Mom & Dad think of me a cute little girl (although, I’m blessed to have supportive parents, they still will always see me as their little girl and I will see my girls like that too!)
My friends from grade school & my teenage years still see ‘that’ Lisa. Crazy no doubt.
Fast forward to now when I meet people they see & meet a totally different Lisa. Confident? Who knows?
I like these new people I meet today because they see me more in alignment with who I actually am today and not the old Lisa from the past. (And I’m attracting at a different level, a different vibration than when I was 6. Obviously….)
(I really believe there are people in my life that still see me like a 10-year-old and my goals/dreams as “Oh that’s cute! She wants to help millions of people! What a pipe dream!” {Sidenote: I don’t even know what a pipe dream is or why anyone would want to dream about pipes!} Not that I end up staying around these people very long – it doesn’t serve my purpose and I don’t need that in my head!)
I do believe people can grow together and see you how you really are now, even if you’ve known them your whole life.
Besides all this mumbo-jumbo – by far the BEST people I choose to keep in my life are people who see me for who I am going to BE and know that even though today I’m not where I want to be, they know, support and LOVE me for where I am headed! Those are the people to keep in your company. Period.
The reason I really love my “THEORY” of First Impression Anchoring is because it reminds me that EVERYONE will see me differently.
And that I will have million different opinions from a million different people about me.
The only opinion that EVER matters are the opinions you have about yourself!
So here is my opinion of myself.
You are welcome to disagree, but don’t email me or call me about it. I really won’t respond to you. Neither will my assistant. 🙂
This is what I journal on, affirm, repeat in my head on an ongoing mantra all day long. These are my #innermost thoughts and what really goes on in my head all day:
I am LOVE.
I shine. I help. I am here to bring LOVE to the people in my space.
I am the FUNNIEST person I know.
I am light and laughter.
I bring JOY to myself and it radiates out of me and rubs off on other people.
I literally change lives. I am helping millions of women in Canada and around the world.
I am a best selling author (naturally, I’m actually close…)
I am beautiful – outside and even more so on the inside.
I am healthy. My body is here to serve my souls purpose.
I am a runner. I live to run FREE and FLY like a bird.
I am making a difference.
I speak powerful, important, funny, entertaining, life transforming words.
I am the queen of GIVING first and receiving – in flow.
I am bad, good and everything in between and I love to grow.
I keep my word with myself and have integrity with myself.
I do my best to keep my word with others, and forgive myself when I don’t.
I treat my family, employees, clients, friends AMAZING.
I want to be friends with me.
I LOVE spending time alone with myself, because I love LOVE myself.
I am my favorite person to hang with (which is good because I spend a LOT of time with me!)
I BRING the energy.
I BRING it with my whole heart.
I BRING LOVE with my whole heart.
So let’s just call it what it is: I’m awesome!
I sure hope your opinion of yourself is Rockin’ Awesome!
If your inner dialogue is awesome, you can’t not be an awesome person!
If your inner dialogue is sh*t, then well…. you will basically manifest a lot of poop in your life.
(FYI, my opinion hasn’t always been awesome of myself. Many times, even now, I get down and so hard on myself, and depression sets in, along with Netflix, and I invite Benedict Cumberbatch, Ben AND Jerry over…. Jerry doesn’t like Benedict so it’s a little awkward in my bed sometimes….)
You have to have some awesome words floating around in your brain if you plan on creating, sharing, giving, living LIFE to the FULL!
If you plan on living and playing a small game, then keep thinking you suck. That’s about as far as you will get.
Connect to your deeper purpose and you will be able to find those words to propel you to your future you, which actually is HERE right now. SO step into that and BE the new you from this moment on.
This is your choice. Like choosing chocolate or vanilla.
The new you that doesn’t let the opinions of others dictate your steps, your path, your plans to help make this world rock on its axis.
Because you are here to do that.
Are you doing it?
God doesn’t create mistakes.
SO maybe it’s time….
Live YOUR Legacy!
xx L
PS. This is what really has me in a stir this morning! Did you know that only 0.1% of women in Canada made over $250,000 in 2015 according to Stats Canada! 56,020 women made over $250,000. I also recently heard that only 5 women in Alberta made over $1,000,000 last year. FIVE!
1.7% of Canadians were women who made over $100,000 in 2015.
0.5% of Canadians were women who made over $150,000 in 2015.
I’m going to change this!
Wealth Spa is the start of this. I want millions of dollar to flow through women and into the hands of all the things we want to change in the world and make better.
Are you with me?
You need to be!
Join me now! You’ll be glad you did!