
The Rainbow Sprinkle

June 23, 2015 in New York City at the Kingside, I hit publish on my business, website, a blog and a vision.


A vision so big I want to curse God most of the time.

And I do.

I’m also secretly grateful He bestowed this desire and dream on my life.

Magically or not so magically, He gave me all the tools and gifts to be able to see this ridiculously big vision into reality.

As long as I STICK WITH IT.

As much as I want to celebrate my first 3 years in business, I want to be soooooo real with you about what these first 3 years have entailed.

I can see why 90% of businesses fail in the first 5 years.

I don’t think they fail per se.

I think people just get tired of holding their dream up day in and day out, trying to get others on board with their vision, so they throw in the towel, opt for the easier road.

And I don’t blame them one bit!

It’s exhausting. It causes health problems. It causes relationship stress.

Then thoughts like, “How should I market?”, “Do I take on investors?”, “Oh crap – we just lost a client” ……..

ADD TO THAT….. “Does anyone even read my blog/book?” “Am I making a difference?” “Where the F*** DID ALL MY MONEY GO?” (Actually, I do know down to the penny where it went, but it’s still a legit rhetorical question that somehow you ask even when you know the answer.)


Every time I’m sitting beside a client who has a beautiful desk job and a steady salary of $200,000 or more, I’m immediately jealous.

The thought of a steady paycheck sounds amazing.

Like water to my thirsty soul.

Especially for a Financial Planner who LOVES stability and being able to plan!

The thought of not having to give that paycheck to Clickfunnels, go-daddy, MANY online programs/tools, publishers, my amazing assistant, office rent, printer ink, and buying my own stapler (versus stealing it from the corporate office like they do in the movies), errors and omissions insurance and various other expenses that I sometimes feel suck me dry, sounds like a dream.

I want a month off.

I want a month off from all my business expenses.

But you don’t get that as a business owner. You just don’t.

It’s kinda like parenting.

(Cause I also want a month break from all of my Kid’s expenses.)

It doesn’t end.

And pulling the plug on your business usually only happens after you’ve exhausted all other avenues.

Not that that is happening to me, however, I get it.

Some months have been COMPLETE SH*T!

Okay – wait, if I’m being honest, most months.

My brain goes there at least once a month, “Okay, if I needed to wrap everything up, how fast could I do it.”

The answer: less than 30 days.

Just quit and be a stay at home mom or better yet, get a good paying j-o-b. (The dreaded word for all self-employed business owners!)

But HERE is the thing.

YOU CAN QUIT the thing that isn’t right for you.

In fact, if that business, relationship, lifestyle isn’t working for you, then quit.

I fully support you.

HOWEVER, once you do get the CURSE of actually knowing what you are here to do on this earth, THERE IS NO QUIT.

You can’t hide from something that you’ve been called to do.

You can try, but it will come back and haunt you until you step up.

Your dreams & desires SPEAK LOUDLY to your soul that it takes more energy avoiding them than it is just accepting that this is your calling.

And, yes, it’s a curse – CAUSE YOU CAN’T RUN OR HIDE FROM IT!

Just like a ghost. It’s always there… da-da-da…. LURKING.

I’m sometimes jealous of the people who “haven’t figured it out yet”.

They get to go on Yoga Retreats and EAT, PRAY, & LOVE their way to their purpose.

The second that is over, the honeymoon of “finding yourself” ends, it’s hard work.

It’s no longer just fun & games, it’s FUN & PURPOSEFUL, but always with a purpose.

You stop getting “recess”.

Which may sound bad to most people who live for their 2-4 weeks vacation a year, BUT….

You get FULLY recharged from living your purpose!

You don’t actually need to take holidays and you actually don’t want to take holidays because that sounds boring, you’d rather be working.

I still don’t get why people like “holidays”.

Don’t get me wrong, I like changes of scenery and exploration and adventure, but an actual holiday sounds like retirement to me, and I’m not even interested in the least bit.




The world needs you right now.

It needs your special love for that geeky thing you do.

You do have everything inside you to see your dreams become a reality.

God hands it out as STANDARD OPERATING EQUIPMENT at birth.

There are no extra people on this earth.

We all have been given a gift to share with others!

I mean, I actually had a client last week who said, “You find this fun??” and I DO!

Thank GOD we are all made differently!

Thank GOD no one wants to be me!

And THANK GOD that I do want to be me.

I get to choose everyday to be me and to be happy in the life I’ve choosen.

Because, look around.

Look around the room you are in right now.


It’s all you.

Your life has been ALL you.

No point in blaming someone else. (Although, I’d like to blame the economy, government, my kids…)

If you haven’t found your purpose yet, find it.

If you have found your ‘curse’ of purpose, are you going full-throttle?

Are you doubling-down on life?

I am and it’s about killing me – but I LOVE it.

And there are NO other options.

BURN THE BOATS. There’s no turning around.

There’s no icing on this cake….yet! Every once in a while, I bite into a RAINBOW SPRINKLE.

People either support me or just get out of my way!


Live YOUR Legacy!

xx Lisa



PS. My vision is BIGGER than ever. Helping women step into their FINANCIAL POWER. It’s on! – WEALTHSPA.CA !

PPS. This is dedicated to the small tribe of amazing women who have supported me over the last three years by reading my blog, listening to my talks or podcasts (even the ones I deleted), paid for my book, read my book, became clients, followed me, joined me in my vision to help women financially. This is for you. THANK YOU for being the RAINBOW SPRINKLES in my life! xx