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Follow Your Own Advice

Follow Your Own Advice Blog

I’m so over it!

The advice.

All the advice.

Don’t tell me what to do unless you want to be standing behind the buck when it decides to kick up its feet!

And it’s not your usual suspects – like

It’s really the well meaning people of your life.

When can ANYONE on the planet really know whats good for you?

It’s always, as it always has been, up to you to actually learn to tune into your higher self – your intuition – and follow it.

The problem I believe is 2 fold:

One) That we have no time to tune in and actually hear ourselves think


B) That when we do get the nudges of intuition from our higher self we don’t TRUST them

The first problemo UNO, is probably where 90% of people actually fall into.

I’m too busy.

Lamest excuse ever.

I will say that it really isn’t that most people are busy, most people could make time – have the time.

I think it’s way bigger than that.

I would say most people don’t want to look in the mirror.

The fear of facing themselves is too great, so they sit with Candy Crush or watch the news – ANYTHING to not actually have to look inside and actually admit what’s going on in their world.

They are like this 24/7.

Creating some noise in their head so they don’t actually have to quiet down and think for a few minutes a day (which is really all it would take to tune in!)

The hardest thing you will ever have to do is unveil your true self to your true self and then deal with the fall out:

forgiveness, knowing you are worthy, loving yourself.

Most people don’t.

NEVER be “most people”.

It’s a rotten way to be.

Then comes B.

You do actually begin to tune in, pray, meditate, QUIET your mind, body & soul to ALLOW whatever messages need to come through you and then…..


You get the download!

The GREAT idea!




But what if…..

I can’t…..

MONKEY MIND goes nuts.

Brain totally talks you out of your *brilliant* truth – which you actually know is your truth, the next step you are to take – but don’t!

You go into the biggest resistance of your life.

Faking that all is okay, meanwhile you are just placating your soul with Netflix, 1990’s Meg Ryan movies because if you could just go back there, life could be, would be different……..

Then for what you KNEW was your truth, the answer you were seeking is now a few weeks behind you.

You made it so damn hard on yourself for what?

Fear – being scared to actually step out and have your back on whatever it was that you were so desperately looking for.

Your soul handed you the keys to the kingdom of WHATEVER YOUR dreams were and you basically threw them right back at her.

Oh boy….

And you wonder why we are in the place that we are?

The place where society doesn’t seem to trust anyone?

It’s no wonder, considering we can’t even trust ourselves – we don’t even have our own back….

I made a huge decision last week.

BUT… I knew ONE YEAR AGO to make this decision, and didn’t.

I was always wanting everyone and their dog’s opinion.

I got it.

Every opinion I ever wanted.

I got them all.

The “Yes”, the “No” and everything in between.

The problem when you go looking for advice and OPO (other people’s opinions) is that you will get HIGH on OPO!

But which HUMAN do you trust more with their opinion?

I mean after all, they ALL make a strong case for whatever it is that you are deciding.


This is where the real damage is done my friends.

  • In the place of in-action.
  • In the place of lull.
  • In the place of waiting on others.
  • In the place of pause.
  • In the place of procrastination.

Don’t be in that place. I’ve seen some people stay there forever!

One day….

one day is today….

One Day Is Today….


Have your own back means to really put yourself first!

Tune in and just bite the bullet and go for what it is that your higher self is leading you too!

Don’t look back.

This is NOT their journey – it’s yours.

Walk your walk.

Talk your talk.

Do YOU because only you do you best!

Follow your own advice

and don’t forget to….

Live Your Legacy!



PS. LAST CALL! Doors are closing FOREVER for this 10-day KICK IN THE PANTS start your September off right and APPRECIATE all areas of your life!  —>



How To Deal With Being Triggered (All The Time)

How To Deal With Being Triggered All The Time

The beautiful bikini wearing girl with sun hat on her yacht in the South of France.


The girl who lost 20 lbs in one month, without going for a run.


Those yoga positions I can’t do.


25-year-olds making $1,000,000 a year from You Tube Ads.


Women who have a more successful business than moi.


Anyone on any trip anywhere or anyone who can fit into a size 8 (or less).

Just flat out TRIGGERED!

It’s happening.

It’s happening all the time.

Social Media, News, Gossip, Work, Social Events…are making you angry, frustrated, mad, sad, depressed.

There’s an entire whole host of negative emotions that can just “not feel good”.

You can barely do anything these days without getting triggered about something.

One second you are on top of the world, then BOOM – you are in a heap on the ground.

This is life – yes, but even more so now with things splashed in our faces 24/7….

100 years ago, you probably only got triggered when the weekly print newspaper came out! (OMG – look at her Fascinator! She sewed that dress by hand… )

You get my point.

I’m guessing it’s worse in 2018 than any other time in history.

I’m going to walk you through exactly what I do every time something triggers me.

It’s a practice.

I won’t lie. It took work to get to this place.


It’s life changing gold!

Step 1: You have to recognize what it is that is triggering you.

All the gossip you hear is usually something that has someone else triggered.

All the gossip you speak – that’s usually nothing more than what’s triggering you.

What are you ranting about lately? That’s usually a good indication.

You sometimes have to dig deep to find out why, but it usually relates to one of these 3 ares:

Love, Money, Health

Step 2: You have to find a way to take (consistent) action on what you want for your life.

If it’s a relationship you want, then go date.

If it’s money you want, then go make some sales, pick up the phone, network, get a job, etc.

If it’s health/body you want, go for a walk, eat better, or hire a coach, find a better doctor, try alternative treatments, etc.


That’s all you can do.

And I’m going to take it one step further (one step more than my FB Live the other day)….

and let’s be clear here’s where the magic happens….

Step 3: Be GRATEFUL for the Trigger

Be thankful to the person who triggered you.

Send them a note, PM, DM, carrier pigeon and say “You inspired me today.”

The thing is this – without “them” living your dream life it’s impossible for you to have known what’s possible!

The fact that they went out and did what you want to do or created what you want to create or have what you want to have is YOUR BIGGEST BLESSING – because without them, if they didn’t exist, you wouldn’t know it was possible for you.

They showed up, and in true Law of Attraction form, you saw whatever it was that you needed to see.

It’s funny what you DIDN’T notice.

If you are happy with your relationship you didn’t see the happy couple.

If you are happy with your body size you didn’t see her bikini wearing body.

If you are happy with your bank account you didn’t see her yacht.

Do you get what I’m putting down here?

There’s a million things passing by your beautiful eyes every day.

Many of them WON’T trigger you.

And you are attracted to the things that trigger the BEEP out of you!

Your eyes MAGICALLY zero in on all the STUFF you want.

And guess what!

This is how it will always work.

This is how you are programmed.

For increase, to expand, to grow, to stretch, to BE ABUNDANT in all areas.

You will be dealing with triggers until you are in the nursing home and some hot babe in their 70’s is stealing your 80+-nursing-home boyfriend from you.

Knowing that TRIGGERS are going to be around you till the day you check out, you have to find a way to use them to your advantage.

Blessing another person with a note of thanks or a word of gratitude is always the BEST solution.

The other thing I do when I’m scrolling on FB or Insta, I will say a blessing to that person – so I may not actually contact them directly.

I will utter under my breath – “God, bless them!” or “Thank you for showing this to me, thank you for showing me it’s possible!”

PLUS – here’s what happens when you are doing your best in the area that’s triggering you & you are grateful – you actually stop creating negative emotions within and begin to focus on the fact that you are on your way to allowing/receiving in that area of your life.

Or in other words – you are changing your point of attraction – sending out a different signal which will SHIFT you to what it is that you DO want for your life.

You may not realize it now, but you are ONE step closer to having everything you desire, but you can’t stay trapped in negative emotion – so shift as FAST as you can out of the trigger or what ever negative emotion you are carrying around with you – so you can get to what you are really after….

feeling good.


a good feeling.

No matter how you say it – that’s what this whole thing (aka. LIFE) is really about….

All the time we spend chasing the money, love, health is only for one thing – to FEEL GOOD.

So, use the internal GPS you’ve been blessed with.

The negative emotion, the trigger, it’s sooo USEFUL in helping guide you to what you really want to create in you life.

So this begs the question to you my beautiful,

What do you want to create?

Because the life you create, is how you…

Live Your Legacy!

xx Lisa


PS. I want to invite you to join me for a 10-day deep dive into APPRECIATING all areas of your life. Time to start this new school year off right! Plus, if you join me now I’m giving you one month of Wealth Spa for FREE! We are starting September 1 – check it out —>


How To Get Real Clear On What You Want

How To Get Real Clear On What You Want

The reason you feel stuck in your life right now is NOT because you actually are.

It’s because you are feeling uninspired – you are either stuck in boredom or the opposite, anxiety.

You aren’t living in the FLOW ZONE. (This is kinda the optimal goal!)

I would even go as far to say that your anxiety about life right now – the worry, stress and overwhelm or the boredom (if you are on that end of the spectrum) is mostly caused by not having enough clarity for what you want, and not being in flow.

Flow being defined as a state of mind when your consciousness is harmoniously ordered, according to Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.

Or in my words: being in that place where you are present focused, in the zone, creating, making a difference where your whole world just seems to clicks with ease.

So, how do we really REALLY get clear on what we want to get to a flow state?

Ask questions.

“Why does my life suck?” Is NOT a good question to ask yourself!

You’ll get bad answers and continue down your vicious circle into the realms of despair.

Been there, got the t-shirt.

The trick here is to ask GOOD questions to gain clarity.

“How can I make my life better?”

“What do I need right now to be the best version of myself?”

Ask BETTER questions, get better answers.

Better Answers = Better Clarity

And like I’ve always said, the person with the most clarity wins.

It’s true.

The reason you are struggling in ANY area of your life right now is because of a lack of clarity.

Self-Reflection reveals that to me in SPADES!

I see exactly where I need some SERIOUS clarity in certain areas and keep waffling.

Like, exactly what are my physical body goals?

What exactly are my money goals for the year, month, day?

I’m very sure I’m a walking contradiction, especially when it comes to my goals.

This year I have probably like 10 different financial goals!

How do I know that? Well, I make my goals my passwords, and then realize that every one of my devices is a different number – GEEZ.

This doesn’t bode well for manifesting!

Let me tell you – I’m like a firework – off in all different directions! (And not like a good Katy Perry Firework!)

The same goes for my health, physical goals…. even my hobby goals or fun goals seem to be a disaster.

And then it comes back to this – NOT having your own back in certain areas of your life!

You want to know why you have anxiety, stress, worry, and all the crap in your life?

Easy to answer:

  • Because you didn’t have your own back.
  • Because you think life happens to you.
  • Because you still have to be right about everything.
  • Because you haven’t really learned to LET IT GO (see last week’s blog!)
  • Because you didn’t follow through with your word to yourself.

And then it happens.

You feel like a completely sh*tty person for letting yourself down once again.

You know – deep down – that you created this mess your in.

Look at the body, the bank account, the relationships, the CRAP you’ve settled for.

Why are you settling?

Bad question.

We know why.

It’s the easy way out.

Better question.

What do you want to create in these few (very few) precious days you have left?

or another way of looking at it….

What’s it going to take to get you from where you are stuck and unclear right now to where you are living your best life?

Hand to paper.

Finger to keys.

Map it. Write it. Goal it. Intention it.

Paint it so clear in your mind that there is no turning back.

That what you want (having it all – in all areas of your life) is possible!

And baby, it’s possible.

It will happen for you.

Keep going with GREAT clarity.

and don’t forget…

Live Your Legacy!

xx L



PS. I’m doing a deep dive intensive for 10-days on how to APPRECIATE, elevate, up-level, increase, make better in ALL areas of your life. You won’t want to miss this! I’m going to help you kick ANXIETY, WORRY & FEAR to the curb and get clear on what you want so your life can FLOW!


  • Clarity & Mind
  • Self-Love
  • Surroundings
  • Cash Flow & Money
  • Net Worth
  • Body
  • Business
  • Relationships
  • Flow
  • Abundance

PLUS – get one month FREE Wealth Spa Membership if you sign up now!


What are you waiting for? This is no doubt the best value you will find on the world wide web to take your life to the next level!



Let It Go!

Let It Go

The message is this: LET IT GO!

Because the OTHER shoe is dropping my friend, whether you like it or not!

(Hint: There’s always going to be a shoe dropping as you go through life.)

Shoes I take VERY seriously.

But the rest of life?

I don’t take that seriously. I mean, like most things in my life, I’m past the seriousness of most of it!

If you choose to take life seriously, that’s your choice. You won’t get out alive!


I CHOOSE FUN, laughter and responsibility and above all LIGHTNESS!

That’s my choice.

When you choose your life on purpose, the shoes can drop all around you and usually end up finding that you are OKAY.

I used to be the queen of holding on.

I still have over 500 (maybe 1000 sq. feet!) of STUFF in my basement in boxes.

I’m that person who literally SAVED everything.

Baby outfits (MINE! LOL!!), Cards from ALL my birthdays!, Yearbooks, All my Text Books (this is now a fire hazard!), plus – at one point I sewed, I did crafts, then not to mention my boxes labeled ‘Valentines’, ‘Thanksgiving’, ‘Halloween’, ‘Christmas’, ‘St. Patrick’s Day’ – YES, I even have boxes of decor for all the holidays – including ‘Oktoberfest’! (Don’t get me started on BOOKS!)

So as a life-long-hoarder, I’m still working on letting go. (Side note: My Opa had a farm full of junk – like old houses and cars – so I swear it’s hereditary!)

I love my little treasures.

(Side note: they are all labeled and organized and hiding in the basement – junk dare not show up in my actual living space! But yes, I do hold on to a LOT of stuff!)

Stuff is one thing to let go of, but getting over the rest of life – the stuff you can’t control – is another.

Letting go of the outcome.

Letting go of all the outcomes.

I know I have work to do on this.

I’m doing the work.

I’m taking responsibility.

And I’m having fun with it.

Holding life like a feather.


Maybe it’s time to let some things go.

I’ve actually made a list.

I have a LOT of things I’m going to let go!

And the things that I’m ready to let go of WILL create space for some new and exciting opportunities to come in.

Maybe its time to let go of:

  • relationships that don’t serve you
  • businesses that aren’t working
  • negative thought patterns
  • beliefs holding you back
  • perfection
  • perfection
  • being the perfect mom (ha! ha! I let go of that 2 weeks in 10 years ago!)
  • yelling
  • yelling at kids (my fav summer activity – YIKES!)
  • extra pounds?!?  Ya, those can go too!

Remember that your cup doesn’t need to be FULL!

A cup that is filled to the brim is so full that even one more drop of liquid will make it overflow.

Q for you.

Is your cup full of sludgy guck? (ie. stuff that doesn’t serve you where you are right now? stuff that doesn’t lift you up?)

Who really wants to live with their cup THAT full and full of STUFF that ain’t good?

That’s like drinking 5 cent draught beer! (Ughhh, I did that in college!)

I mean, why can’t you have a few sips of the good stuff and refill as needed?

I’m just saying that sometimes letting go of all the excess to make room for a few very specific things is the way to go.

It’s more classy.

Like champagne.

Be champagne.

Don’t be draught.

I could probably make T-Shirts out of these sayings.

But I won’t.

I’ll spare you.

However, don’t you think there’s something so calming and peaceful when you sit around people who aren’t scattered or all over the place.

People who aren’t full.

Calm, cool, collected – with room for more.

The space to create.

Also, when your energy is scattered, you better believe you won’t be attracting anything good into your life!

The money, the relationship, the body, that purse….. all the things that you want will flow easier to you when you are calm and centered – not flailing around with your arms flapping like a duck and squawking all over the place…. you get what I mean.

I’ve been there.

I’ve literally felt like a crazy person out of control.

Don’t even get me started on what that does to your anxiety level or how your skin reacts (zits, pimples – HELLO!)

Here’s a great thought to fill your cup with:

You and God together form a MAJORITY.

Think about that for a minute.

Isn’t that huge?!?!

If you and God together form a majority,

  • Why are you still minoring in the minors?
  • Why are you still living like the pauper?
  • Why are you still allowing the crap you don’t want into your life?
  • Why are you still filling your cup with cheap draught beer or bad wine?
  • Why aren’t you letting it go?

Could what you are holding on so tightly to be something that’s holding you back from reaching the next level, living your best life?

Are you holding onto an outcome?

Are you giving your goals a chance to breath?

What a world it would be, for you my dear, if you let the people be people, the songs be songs, the no be the no, the yes be the yes and not let it mean anything about you?

For you my dear, what if you just took the world as it was: perfect imperfection.

What if you just took a deep breath and breathed it all in?






and you will….

Live Your Legacy!

xx L


PS.  Want to increase your sales with total confidence? Check out the FREE Sales Mentality Give Away Party – 15 experts giving your their best sales strategies! Sign up now!


How To Stand In Your Power

How To Stand In Your Power

Recently I was robbed!

I can’t lie.

They stole my JOY!

To be fair, I kinda let it hang out there for the taking.

As much as it was stolen, it probably ran from me.

And if I’m being honest, I probably just let it go – but blaming seems to somehow feel better in the interim.

Blaming actually feels justified.

It sometimes feels good to POUR out our responsibility onto someone else, anyone else, even blame the poor innocent guy walking down the street.

We like to cling to the fact that life happens to us. That we can’t do anything about it.

We want life to sometimes happen to us because when we happen to life, it gets scary.

That’s when we have to step out of our safe zone and enter into the fear zone.

Clearly it’s safer staying in the known part of life versus venturing out into the unknown part.

We stopped happening to it.

So here’s what I did to get it back:

I decided to happen to life.

I decided that life was mine for the taking.

I decided life was best done on my terms and that THAT is A-O-K!

I woke up in the middle of the night with this:

“You’re going to have to get over what other people did or didn’t do for you – it’s all about what you did or didn’t do for yourself. The real power lies there.”    – Lisa Elle

Yup, you can quote me on that.

OMG Squirrel, seriously, a cute squirrel is running about my feet as I’m writing this at the beach by the lake this morning. I’m not sidetracked ever!

AND this goes right into what I’m actually writing about today on how to get your power back.

To get you power back is actually easy.

First, you have to decide that you matter.

BOOM!  I don’t know about you, but it feels like EVERYONE on the planet has come before me lately, mostly family, then friends, but somewhere this summer I’ve lost myself, my routine, my 3-6 hours of alone time I need everyday to process and be happy.

There is no one to blame but me.

I get caught up in all the activities & festivities and forget about me.

STOP BEING SIDETRACKED and hence, putting everything else first!

When that happens, I’m usually not my happy optimistic self and my life suffers, as do the people around me.

So, best to remember to put me #1.

(And for the people that think that’s bad, get OVER it!)

Second, you have to stop blaming everyone and everything, including you.

This means take responsibility for where you are right now.


Third, get some clarity on your big vision.

How do you do that?



Create some plans.

Plan out your calendar.

Set a goal.

Always ask if what you are doing serves your BIG VISION.

The truth is this: You’ll always find the answers when you tune in.

My deal for today?

I’m taking back my power and for me personally that means getting clear on what I want.

Not waiting for someone else to make me an offer, for someone else to step in and save the day.

I’m going to have my own back.

I’m going to be my own hero in this story.

In my story.


That FEELS better!

My JOY is back!

Live Your Legacy!



P.S. Shout out to MaryAnne M. who brought me my joy this morning – coffee at the beach while writing this blog! I’m blessed to have met you and your generous soul!

P.P.S. I hope you stand in your power this week. If you want help in uncovering what that looks like for you, PM me or email me at [email protected] <3



How To Find Yourself

Find Yourself

How do you find yourself?

The old cliché.

‘Finding Yourself’

Go to Tibet and sit with monks or find yourself a Shaman or Yagya?

Maybe watch Eat, Pray, Love a million times while gorging on ice cream?

Lock yourself in a cabin in the woods alone…

or complete a 10-day Vipassana?

Maybe you are one of the lucky ones and you aren’t lost?

I found myself recently.

On a toilet.

From trying the Eat, Pray, Love and giant tub of ice cream thing.

It doesn’t work.

From one soul to another – finding yourself is easy once you know what your looking for.

Me? Well, let’s say I’ve traveled many places, read many books, hired many teachers and laid with the singing bowls.

Finding yourself can be costly.

I mean, in a good way. After all, who doesn’t want to visit the monasteries of Italy?

Filling yourself with distractions is usually not the way to do it.

It’s actually much easier than that.

So, ya, I found myself.

It wasn’t a hallelujah moment when the sky departed and GOD himself came down and whispered in my ear.

The problem is that most of us are still waiting for that bolt of lightning, the clouds to part, the call from beyond, or a ghost to visit us in the middle of the night with an instruction manual, or even a pirate map would be good at this point.

We are all so desperately waiting for something to tap us on that shoulder and say “come forth my child and do this…”

It doesn’t work like that.

Maybe for a select few of really intuitive people who’ve honed their skills, but for the rest of us – there will be no bolt of lightning when it comes to finding ourselves, our true path, our calling.

Finding myself was UNEVENTFUL at best!

Sorry, not sorry, to disappoint.

The truth is you will need to pick up your magic wand and ANOINT & APPOINT yourself.

You still haven’t done that.

And that is why you are still STUCK in the “finding myself” phase – and will be forever and ever AMEN.

That is NOT the place you want to be STUCK.

Okay, it is fun for the first year when you are backpacking across Europe.

However, from one seeker to another – it gets old after a while, and you end up wishing you just comitted in the first place.

When you don’t find yourself, it eventually goes from FUN to BUM.

Yes, it becomes a bummer to flip-flop through your life. (See chapter 2 of my book: Strut)

YOU become a bummer to be around.

YOU have no direction and people who are directionless are B-O-R-I-N-G!

YOU end up attracting more BUMS around you.

However, there is a way to overcome all of this.

There is a way to FIND YOURSELF.

And of course, I want you to find yourself, so hence I’m sharing the STEPS to FINDING YOURSELF!

Here’s HOW I found myself and YOU can too!

STEP1: Assert your “I”


Follow me for a minute here.

When you use the word “I” you invoke the “WILL” or your innermost part of you, your spirit and ego and all the stuff you can’t see.

Using the word “I” is the most power of words. The word “I” is always used in setting an intention.

“I am going to exercise.”

“I need to get groceries.”

“I want to watch TV.”

You can’t NOT use “I” without setting an intention.

Even if the intention is trivial, like going to the bathroom, you still, in some way, shape, or form, set that intention.


Almost every time!

When you assert the “I” statements, you draw up from your internal “WILL” you actually end up “establishing a close connection between the Individual Will (your own personal desires) and the Universal Will (that of the universe or God, whatever you believe)” according to my ol’ pal William Walker Atkinson in his 1901 works on Thought Vibration. (Another great read from the past!)

The problem with many of us is that other than asserting ourselves for great purposes we don’t aim very high and claim what is rightfully ours.

We aim for comfort, not for the magnificent. 

Finding yourself requires one simple thing and that is asserting your “I” in a powerful way.

Create the statements of what you want to bring forth into your reality.

When you don’t know what you want to create or bring forth in your life you are scattered, directionless, and chaotic energy.

When you set the clear intentions of ‘I will’ or ‘I am’ you instantly create some order in your life, a path to follow.

You have found yourself when you have direction, and when you have direction, you have found meaning for your life.

Assert your “I”.

Then take it a step further and….

STEP 2: Claim Self-Mastery of Your Lower Self


Again, my good friend, William Walker Atkinson writes this.

AND it hit me on the head.


This is where I flail about.

This is where I get stuck.

I imagine most of us do.

We haven’t mastered ourselves.

We haven’t mastered the “animal” part of us that just wants to eat, drink, and have sex all day long.

“All things are good when we learn to master them – but no thing is good when it masters us.” – William W. Atkinson

How are we to do amazing things when we are “slaves to the lower parts of our mental being”?

We are slave to our moods, passions, appetites, unworthy thoughts, negative thoughts – to name a few.

I ask myself then, “So, how do we master the parts of us that end up running the show?”

Ask good questions, get good answers.

To this, I have but one answer so far…

Give yourself some marching orders.

Your “rebellious” self is running the show.

Create a new show.

Get a new script.

Create new thoughts.

Get a new cast.

Take your rightful place as QUEEN (or KING) of the gong show you are calling your life right now.

Again, I speak to myself here. But, you know that you are called by the Divine to be the Queen/King of your life, so why are you letting the lower planes, lower vibrations, lower self take hold of you?

All I know is this, that all the people I admire, look up to, & who inspire me are the people who have mastered the lower levels of themselves.

They eat with restrain, exercise, do the work, have all the money and relationships and pretty much HAVE IT ALL!

And they have self-mastery in ALL areas. Not just one or two areas.

So, I encourage you to find yourself, where you are today, right here, right now.

Don’t wait!

Because today you….

Live Your Legacy!




PS. Ready to find yourself? It’s your time to make the impossible possible.

PPS. If you want to hear more and get all the insider info, then join me at and get started with my top 25 money tips!






Why Growth Matters

Why Growth Matters

I think we get success and happiness confused many times.

We’ve somehow received the message that success and happiness go hand-in-hand – that you can’t have one without the other.

I’m guilty of this.

So many times I think my happiness is based on my success or past accomplishments.

I think my self-worth many times is based on the stuff I did or didn’t do.

Which, by the way, has proven itself as a horrible place to live and ends up manifesting in your life as a mire of depression and disease.

Been there, done that, got the T-shirt – BUT I still really haven’t got the message.

There are big differences between success and happiness.

The thing about success is that you can have huge successes and be miserable.

Success doesn’t guarantee happiness.

Many countless people in history, who successfully impacted and changed the world or had all the money in the world still lived a miserable existence. Howard Hughes comes to mind.

Happiness, on the other hand, does not require success.

You can be happy just by choice.

No success needed. No money needed.

We all know that once you reach a goal there sometimes comes a success-hangover. An ending. Sometimes sadness or depression.

In fact, it’s such a real thing to not want to start the whole process again that we actually have fear of accomplishing our big goals.

Because we won’t know what to do after we have reached our goal.

It’s new territory.

We don’t know what danger lies once we reach the top of the mountain.

So what do we do?

I’ll tell you what I do in spades.

I self-sabotage all my goals.

You have to understand this – I really do live my dream life.

I’m also a super happy person and laugh easily.

I sleep like a baby (maybe more like a teenager!)

I love all aspects of my life right now.


I’m super healthy – no medications, no issues, etc.

So, why would I self-sabotage?

I think partly because I can’t see past the goal.

I think things like this:

–> Does life end when you reach your big goals? Seriously, do you just roll-over and die or worse RETIRE?

–> Or, do I have to go out and start a new goal once I accomplish the old goal and go through all this “growth crap” again? Yuck.

–> Add in a little superstition, such as, ‘my life can’t really go from this good to that AMAZING without the rest of my life falling to complete sh*t’.

–> Then there is the simple fact that I’ve spend my adult life creating these neural pathways that pretty much have deeply ingrained in me the “struggle” or the “striving” which has become now super comfortable to me – which are some beliefs that I’ve been deeply working on reprogramming!

–> Self-Talk which ends up sounding like ‘it’s hard to (fill in the blank) make money, lose weight, eat healthy, have kids, find a partner, etc’.

So the struggle stays real my friends, but only because I keep it real in my mind.

We insistently keep choosing the struggle.

It’s like we beat ourselves daily.

And then there comes the point, the big question.


Why go after big goals?

Why go after success if you are happy already?

AND there it is…

My million dollar question.

Why go after BIG GOALS if you are happy already?

What can accomplishing a big goal do for your happiness factor if you already are super happy with your life?

I’ve researched this, asked this and studied this and have come up with this answer.

Life is meant to move forward.

Life is meant to increase.

Your soul is going through this human experience to experience growth.

Growth – as in – that is the ultimate goal.

And if growth is the ultimate goal or purpose of life, then how do we measure growth?

In measuring growth, who or what do we have to compare ourselves to?

And there is only one answer.


Only the past you.

The you yesterday.

That’s your only real benchmark.

The rest of the people, the rest of your external experiences are here to help you grow.

All the people in your path, the people that trigger you, the people that love you, the people that hate you, the people that inspire you –

That is the only purpose they serve.

Your experiences SERVE UP growth.

Think about this:

The only purpose your thoughts serve is for growth, for increase.

And growth is happening with or without you on board.

The ship has left the harbour.

You basically have no choice in the matter.

So fight me on this all you want.

I think where the gold lies in life is to be in a place where you gratefully accept this and take on the challenge – this game of life- with all the fervor and splendor of a small child – full of wonder.

To be able to take on your past self and intentionally create a new beautiful, amazing, powerful you, a little better everyday.

1% at a time.

Grow in the direction your soul is calling you to grow.

Set the intentions and follow through.

Learn to have your own back.

Create your own personal success definition and choose happiness in that.

Which really means…

Live YOUR Legacy.




PS. If you want to get your life on track, organized and make sure you’ve covered all your bases financially – OR if you want to GROW your wealth – then you need to book and appointment with me and WEALTH SPA™! Go to!





Really Powerful Questions Answered

Really Powerful Questions Answered

I want to answer some REALLY powerful questions for you. These are questions I ask myself often.

I got the downloads for these this week. Some answers I already knew, just needed to learn them again (and again!)


–> How do you go from bad or good to GREAT in your life today, instantly?

Answer: Be still, be thankful for every little thing in your reality, the things you are looking at right now. Say “Thank You” for them. Saying thank you will always elevate your vibration & feelings no matter how hard life feels right now. When you are in a state of gratefulness YOU CANNOT BE IN ANY OTHER STATE (ie. grouchy, mad, pissed, angry, frustrated…) so do whatever you need to to get to that place of gratefulness – this will make today GREAT.


–> Does LOVE and BEING in LOVE matter?

I went to my family reunion this week. My great-grandma and great-grandpa had the most amazing love story. It really was a Cinderella story. She was orphaned, and he was sent to date the “evil step-sisters”, but saw great-grandma and fell in love with her instantly on New Year’s Eve no less. They were married 4 weeks later on January 29, 1918.

Their love has grown into 215 people 100 years later.

How cool is that?

Don’t EVER think that your LOVE story isn’t important. All of you & the love you give is important in the making of your story. The legacy you leave behind is going to affect the next generations. Even if you feel like a small orphan who doesn’t have any money, or any family – you can still impact hundreds of people with your life, your light and love.



–> Is debt bad?

Answer: I’ve wrestled with this for a long time, especially as someone who is a financial planner and someone who was indoctrinated to “HATE DEBT”. But I don’t. I’m probably the only planner who actually looks at debt from an energy standpoint rather than from just a negative number on a piece of paper.

And after meeting with literally thousands of people in my career, I have come to learn this:

All ideas require capital. All ideas.

So, if you plan on living life to the full it will require capital of some form.

Most of the time this capital comes in the form of money.

And most of the time requires the lending of money from investors (aka other humans who also have a dream), be it a bank loan or raising funds from the stock market.

The world is run on the sharing, moving and flow of capital.

There are two kinds of people in the world.

The people who stretch themselves and the people who don’t.

Growth doesn’t happen if you don’t stretch yourself. Sometimes, that means taking on debt to see a dream realized, such as buying a home or business.

On the flip side, the people who refuse to carry any debt whatsoever I wonder if they are hiding from their dreams, if they are too scared or stuck in a mindset where they fear not having enough.

I’ve seen it, so I know that as much as not having debt is one less stress to worry about, those people many times are still worried about cash flow or some other money issue.

But more importantly, I hope they aren’t hiding their ideas from the world and dying with their dreams still inside their heart.

Because let’s face it, as humanity, we rise and fall with ideas, but mostly we rise. We are all left holding the bag at the end of the day, so investing in ideas that propel humanity forward is the best we can all do in this lifetime.

So no, I don’t think debt is bad. It’s courageous for those who have the balls to raise millions of dollars to see a dream, an idea come into reality, and for the rest who just racked up credit card debt on their last vacation, it’s maybe a lesson – but either way, it’s not bad unless you make it bad.

Here’s another question you can answer for yourself: Are you playing your life small and safe? What’s the payoff?


–> What’s the purpose of life?

Answer: Joy. Living in deep-soaked-in-your-bones-joy regardless of circumstance.


xx L



The Most Important Thing To Remember

The Most Important Thing to Remember

Obviously, if you haven’t figured out that the only way to do your life is to do your life they way you want to and let ALL the opinions about you and how you choose to live fly out the window.

By the way, you have to do that to step fully into your purpose!

You have to NOT GIVE TWO HOOTS what people think if you are going to step into your power, step into your purpose!!

When you don’t care what others say about you or think about you, and you come to a place in your life where you’ve learned never to actually even care what other people think of you, family, friends, business or otherwise – this is when you really get your power back!

All of this not caring in a loving way of course, because you get to be love – that’s on you. Being LOVE first.

The trick here is that the “haters”, like in my fav Taylor Swift song ‘Shake It Off’, is usually not from the random public, it’s usually the people closest to us. Not that they hate us – it’s just we spend so much time with our family, friends, partners, co-workers, etc. – that they tend to be the ones biggest in our heads and their opinions of us end up ruling!

Here’s another observation I’ve made about people and I will take it to my grave or until I feel this belief no longer serves me.

I call it First Impression Anchoring.

I made that up. But it sounds official, so we’ll stick with it.

It means, however or whenever you met someone (that first point of contact) is anchored in their head and remains throughout your relationship – no matter how long!

Makes sense if you think about it.

Mom & Dad think of me a cute little girl (although, I’m blessed to have supportive parents, they still will always see me as their little girl and I will see my girls like that too!)

My friends from grade school & my teenage years still see ‘that’ Lisa.  Crazy no doubt.

Fast forward to now when I meet people they see & meet a totally different Lisa. Confident? Who knows?

I like these new people I meet today because they see me more in alignment with who I actually am today and not the old Lisa from the past. (And I’m attracting at a different level, a different vibration than when I was 6. Obviously….)

(I really believe there are people in my life that still see me like a 10-year-old and my goals/dreams as “Oh that’s cute! She wants to help millions of people! What a pipe dream!” {Sidenote: I don’t even know what a pipe dream is or why anyone would want to dream about pipes!} Not that I end up staying around these people very long – it doesn’t serve my purpose and I don’t need that in my head!)

I do believe people can grow together and see you how you really are now, even if you’ve known them your whole life.

Besides all this mumbo-jumbo – by far the BEST people I choose to keep in my life are people who see me for who I am going to BE and know that even though today I’m not where I want to be, they know, support and LOVE me for where I am headed! Those are the people to keep in your company. Period.

The reason I really love my “THEORY” of First Impression Anchoring is because it reminds me that EVERYONE will see me differently.

And that I will have million different opinions from a million different people about me.


The only opinion that EVER matters are the opinions you have about yourself!

So here is my opinion of myself.

You are welcome to disagree, but don’t email me or call me about it. I really won’t respond to you. Neither will my assistant. 🙂

This is what I journal on, affirm, repeat in my head on an ongoing mantra all day long. These are my #innermost thoughts and what really goes on in my head all day:


I am LOVE.

I shine. I help. I am here to bring LOVE to the people in my space.

I am the FUNNIEST person I know.

I am light and laughter.

I bring JOY to myself and it radiates out of me and rubs off on other people.

I literally change lives. I am helping millions of women in Canada and around the world.

I am a best selling author (naturally, I’m actually close…)

I am beautiful – outside and even more so on the inside.

I am healthy. My body is here to serve my souls purpose.

I am a runner. I live to run FREE and FLY like a bird.

I am making a difference.

I speak powerful, important, funny, entertaining, life transforming words.

I am the queen of GIVING first and receiving – in flow.

I am bad, good and everything in between and I love to grow.

I keep my word with myself and have integrity with myself.

I do my best to keep my word with others, and forgive myself when I don’t.

I treat my family, employees, clients, friends AMAZING.

I want to be friends with me.

I LOVE spending time alone with myself, because I love LOVE myself.

I am my favorite person to hang with (which is good because I spend a LOT of time with me!)

I BRING the energy.

I BRING it with my whole heart.

I BRING LOVE with my whole heart.

So let’s just call it what it is: I’m awesome!


I sure hope your opinion of yourself is Rockin’ Awesome!

If your inner dialogue is awesome, you can’t not be an awesome person!

If your inner dialogue is sh*t, then well…. you will basically manifest a lot of poop in your life.

(FYI, my opinion hasn’t always been awesome of myself. Many times, even now, I get down and so hard on myself, and depression sets in, along with Netflix, and I invite Benedict Cumberbatch, Ben AND Jerry over…. Jerry doesn’t like Benedict so it’s a little awkward in my bed sometimes….)

You have to have some awesome words floating around in your brain if you plan on creating, sharing, giving, living LIFE to the FULL!

If you plan on living and playing a small game, then keep thinking you suck. That’s about as far as you will get.

Connect to your deeper purpose and you will be able to find those words to propel you to your future you, which actually is HERE right now. SO step into that and BE the new you from this moment on.

This is your choice. Like choosing chocolate or vanilla.

The new you that doesn’t let the opinions of others dictate your steps, your path, your plans to help make this world rock on its axis.

Because you are here to do that.

Are you doing it?

God doesn’t create mistakes.

SO maybe it’s time….

Live YOUR Legacy!

xx L


PS. This is what really has me in a stir this morning! Did you know that only 0.1% of women in Canada made over $250,000 in 2015 according to Stats Canada! 56,020 women made over $250,000. I also recently heard that only 5 women in Alberta made over $1,000,000 last year. FIVE!

1.7% of Canadians were women who made over $100,000 in 2015.

0.5% of Canadians were women who made over $150,000 in 2015.

I’m going to change this!

Wealth Spa is the start of this. I want millions of dollar to flow through women and into the hands of all the things we want to change in the world and make better.

Are you with me?

You need to be!

Join me now! You’ll be glad you did!




8 Steps to Being The Best Lover Ever

8 Steps to Being The Best Lover Ever

How to be the best lover ever?

You’re wanting the end result, right?

Love, Passion, Fireworks?

So, how are you going to get there?

How you do LOVE is how you do life. (No truer words have been spoken…)

Okay, let me take this a step back for a minute before I talk about the “how-to” steps of being a good lover because this applies to your whole life.

It started way back.

With a seed.

(And to reference, not the seed you are thinking about, the other seed. The seed of your dreams – PEOPLE! Get your head out of the gutter. This is a G-rated blog – okay, maybe PG-13.)

You wanted something.

You still want something.

So, what do you do? What do you do when you want to receive a harvest in your life?

You need to plant seeds.


The problem with your seeds and the harvest you are lacking?

  • You aren’t really sure what you want your end result to be (roses are great, but you also like carrots. Squirrel!)
  • You believe you don’t really deserve a harvest
  • You believe that receiving is flat out evil
  • You haven’t even bought the seeds nor asked for them
  • You haven’t planted your seeds
  • You planted one seed and expected acres of crops
  • You are impatient so you ripped up the seeds
  • You aren’t asking in faith (serious lack of belief)
  • You’re so skeptical and negative, your soil wants to run and hide from you!

Okay, now take this and apply it to your life.

Your Money.

Your Health.

Your Business.

Your Love Life.

So you want to be the best lover around?

Come on.

Do I have to teach you everything?! 😉

The only way to make good loving is to already know, think, be, act like a good lover.

Once you are BEing the best love you can be, only then will you act from the place of being the best lover and produce a result of being the best lover – duh?!

If you OBVIOUSLY (maybe to some, not obvious!?!) show up and lie down in bed and expect your partner to do all the work – it ain’t going to end the way you want it to.

Not to mention, the energy that you bring to anything is the results you are going to get!

So let’s get clear on how to BE the best at whatever you want to be the best at (lover or otherwise):


(Hopefully you know this every time you jump into bed! 🙂 )


Stuff doesn’t just fall in your lap. You have to start planting the seed by asking for it. Most people don’t take the simple step and ask for what they want (& don’t forget to say please!)


If you just kinda, sorta, maybe want it – you aren’t going all in! You need to go all in! #nohalfassing


You want to be a leader – act like it. NOW.

You want to be a cook – start cooking. NOW.

You want to star in a show – start shooting. NOW.

You want to be the best lover – start…… you know….  (Note: playing Thunder by Imagine Dragons does NOT make for good lovin’… just my tip for the day!)


Self-worth, self-confidence and deserving what you desire rear their ugly heads again.


The only voice God respects is FAITH. BOOM! #micdrop

Desperation, Manipulation, Fear, Tears, Your Fancy Education – THEY DON’T WORK ON GOD!

Faith is also the only pleasure God gets from you – so have faith it’s headed your way.  <– HUGE statements (And if you don’t believe in God, your higher power, source, universe, etc.)


This is, honestly, what kills most things…. love and otherwise… learn to be patient. The best things in life are worth waiting for!!


It’s a magical art… But You MUST GIVE first. You must plant first, then you will receive. Consistently.

“The seed that leaves your hand really never leaves your life – it simply leaves your hand and goes into YOUR own future where it MULTIPLIES.” – Dr. M. Murdock

Okay, you are getting what I’m putting down. The giving and receiving must be mutual and in flow and balance. If you only give, and don’t know how to receive this will cause you problems! As for giving, always give your first fruits…..  (OKAY, I just snorted my coffee through my nose laughing…..)


I know this is like – duh – the most obvious thing, but I have been planting a F-TON of seeds and not expecting a harvest in my own life.

Isn’t that the most screwed up thing?!

Obviously, I still don’t believe I deserve it on some level.



AND that explains why I can’t break into my next level on EVERYTHING IN LIFE…..

So, here we are…

In this mess.

Well, I am, and if I am, and we are all connected on some level, I know you are also in the same gardening mess I am in.

We have our gardens and fields trashed around as if a tornado just blew through.

So today, whether you plan on being a FANTASTIC LOVER, crushing your work goals, making more money than you ever dreamed, changing the world for the better, raising the best kids you know how to, or creating the best body you ev-a had….

Go All In WITH YOUR SEEDING and BRING THAT ENERGY TO THE TABLE (or bed) in all that you do!

Live YOUR Legacy.

xx L



PS. You need to be a part of Wealth Spa!  Check it out at!