
Become Unavailable

Become Unavailable

Become unavailable for the things that don’t serve you.

Becoming unavailable is a step beyond setting boundaries with the external world or other people.

Becoming unavailable is 100% an “inner move” and will require a total energy shift for something to radically transform in an area of your life.

It has nothing to do with anyone else.

And you don’t have to go announcing what you’re becoming ‘unavailable’ for to the world, but you can if you want.

If you become unavailable for something then it will automatically change how you show up in the world – hence the no need to have to go announce it – it will really start to shine through you.

Okay, so what are we becoming unavailable for?

Write it out.

What are you sick and tired of in your life?

What are you unavailable for?

Journal on all the things that aren’t serving you such as:

  • ratty furniture
  • always being late for everything
  • not holding integrity with your schedule and what you said you were going to do
  • missing workouts
  • eating crap
  • putting up with a jerk boss
  • not having any money to do the things you want to do
  • not having a certain level of income
  • making “BABY MONEY”
  • not having a certain amount of money in your bank at all times
  • not having the right clients
  • drinking too much
  • smoking too much
  • not having any time available for yourself or self-care
  • skipping daily prayer, meditations, journaling
  • unhealthy relationships
  • people who you allow to walk all over you

Becoming unavailable for something is the best way to transform your life into the life that you want to live, the life you desire on the deepest of levels.

Me personally, I’m becoming unavailable for a few things.

Sometimes it takes me a while to identify things, but one thing is non-paid speaking engagements or engagements where you can’t sell from the stage.

This is not sitting in good alignment or use of time for our vision and mission as a company.

I decided, and then let my team know that we are no longer available for this.

We also raised some of our rates on certain services.

It’s funny how fast people take you more serious when you raise your rates and how you easily attract your ideal client!

I’m currently unavailable for eating bread and refined sugars by the boat load.

I’m also unavailable to not have at least 3 months of expenses in my business account at all times.

You will have little things and big things that you will have to become unavailable for.

Some things may come easy to you and some not.

But know this…

How you treat the little things is also important because it’s setting you up for practice on how you treat the BIG things when they pop up into your life.

If you can’t seem to keep $5 in your bank account, how will you keep a million?

Become unavailable for the things that don’t serve you and then that created space allows you to be available for the things that do elevate you to the next level and ultimately your desired life!

This is how you fully step into your birthright of living and abundant life.

It’s funny how becoming unavailable for things really allows you to live a more abundant life and setting boundaries actually sets you free.



Set boundaries.

Become unavailable for things that don’t serve you.

This is how you….

Live Your Legacy!

xx Lisa

Hey! If you are ready to up-level your MONEY and become unavailable for “baby money” then you need to book in with us for! and invest in funding your dreams!