Recently I was robbed!
I can’t lie.
They stole my JOY!
To be fair, I kinda let it hang out there for the taking.
As much as it was stolen, it probably ran from me.
And if I’m being honest, I probably just let it go – but blaming seems to somehow feel better in the interim.
Blaming actually feels justified.
It sometimes feels good to POUR out our responsibility onto someone else, anyone else, even blame the poor innocent guy walking down the street.
We like to cling to the fact that life happens to us. That we can’t do anything about it.
We want life to sometimes happen to us because when we happen to life, it gets scary.
That’s when we have to step out of our safe zone and enter into the fear zone.
Clearly it’s safer staying in the known part of life versus venturing out into the unknown part.
We stopped happening to it.
So here’s what I did to get it back:
I decided to happen to life.
I decided that life was mine for the taking.
I decided life was best done on my terms and that THAT is A-O-K!
I woke up in the middle of the night with this:
“You’re going to have to get over what other people did or didn’t do for you – it’s all about what you did or didn’t do for yourself. The real power lies there.” – Lisa Elle
Yup, you can quote me on that.
OMG Squirrel, seriously, a cute squirrel is running about my feet as I’m writing this at the beach by the lake this morning. I’m not sidetracked ever!
AND this goes right into what I’m actually writing about today on how to get your power back.
To get you power back is actually easy.
First, you have to decide that you matter.
BOOM! I don’t know about you, but it feels like EVERYONE on the planet has come before me lately, mostly family, then friends, but somewhere this summer I’ve lost myself, my routine, my 3-6 hours of alone time I need everyday to process and be happy.
There is no one to blame but me.
I get caught up in all the activities & festivities and forget about me.
STOP BEING SIDETRACKED and hence, putting everything else first!
When that happens, I’m usually not my happy optimistic self and my life suffers, as do the people around me.
So, best to remember to put me #1.
(And for the people that think that’s bad, get OVER it!)
Second, you have to stop blaming everyone and everything, including you.
This means take responsibility for where you are right now.
Third, get some clarity on your big vision.
How do you do that?
Create some plans.
Plan out your calendar.
Set a goal.
Always ask if what you are doing serves your BIG VISION.
The truth is this: You’ll always find the answers when you tune in.
My deal for today?
I’m taking back my power and for me personally that means getting clear on what I want.
Not waiting for someone else to make me an offer, for someone else to step in and save the day.
I’m going to have my own back.
I’m going to be my own hero in this story.
In my story.
That FEELS better!
My JOY is back!
Live Your Legacy!
P.S. Shout out to MaryAnne M. who brought me my joy this morning – coffee at the beach while writing this blog! I’m blessed to have met you and your generous soul!
P.P.S. I hope you stand in your power this week. If you want help in uncovering what that looks like for you, PM me or email me at [email protected] <3
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