

Inspire Blog

I just deleted the whole page.

It sucked.

You know when you are doing the work and you aren’t feeling it. There’s no inspiration.

And that’s okay – cause I will say 99% of the work we do is just that… work. And that’s okay.

It takes the 99% to get the 1%.

What is the 1%?

It’s when you are living, working, breathing IN SPIRIT. 

Inspiration is wrought with all the markings of BEING IN LOVE – like when your heart is racing and your palms are sweaty – when you can barely catch your breath. (Like watching Virtue & Moir Ice Dance….holy inspiration!)

You know when you are ‘in spirit’ doing work and when you are not.

And like I said, it won’t happen every second, but if you are 100% work and 0% inspiration, then that’s going to cause your heart to fail, literally. It will wreak havoc in your life from not being able to fully express yourself. It will manifest itself as dis-ease within your body.

Why are you hiding from it?

Why are you hiding your work from the world? From me?

What if he didn’t sing your favorite song? What if she didn’t write your favorite book? What if you left the world with your gold still in you – Olympic or otherwise?

I get it.

You are scared.

Cause’ it’s scary. It sucks having to put it all out on the line. Vulnerability.

And half the time you will fail.

You’ll fail in love. You’ll fail in business. Your invention will suck. You’ll make mistakes and trip up.

But then……

There will come a time when you won’t fail. You won’t be the class clown. You won’t be looked upon as a failure.

There will come a time when you SUCCEED – you crush it, you rock it – you damn well have the world on a string.

And it’s not even so much what you get in that moment – cause you will ‘get’ to be proud of yourself (best feeling ever), but even more so, it’s what you end up giving to the WORLD….



You BRING FORTH the craziest of feelings, shiniest of lights, the deepest sense of purpose, the greatest joy.

You will have given your gift to the world. You will inspire others at their deepest cellular level, the kind where you know your souls are connected and you can overcome any obstacle.

You will breathe LIFE into another.


This then becomes the question to ask yourself in all things:

Are you breathing LIFE into others?


Are you taking it from them?

Surround yourself with LIFE breathers.

Distance yourself from the “suckers”.

LIFE breathers are all around you.

They show up in your life to inspire to bring you that second wind when you need it – cause if you are doing anything worthwhile it will turn up the ground of your soul and show up as every emotion under the sun – yes, the dirt and crap will come rising up from the depths of your soul…. that’s the growth part.

That’s why the spirit comes to dwell within – so that you can renew, restore, refresh your soil to grow up & out, and to find that light & share it.

Have you ever noticed when you get inspiration that nothing else matters? That the problems you were facing seem to dissipate? Get the feeling that anything is possible?

Anything is possible!

Sit with that for a min.

Anything is possible! What a gift to live in that space, and you have to protect that energy – protect that vibe – cause the suckers come out of nowhere and blow that light so fast… (and by suckers, I usually mean your negative self-talk – although, there are people that seem to have a knack for that too!)

When you live FULLY in that space of your deepest spirit you leave me touched, moved & full of possibility.

You leave me with my heart racing, sweaty palms, and the energy to continue on.

To those that have laid it all out on the field, the ice, the ground, the sky, the stage, the paper, the body, the canvas, the lab, the heart – thank you for being your spirit self-expressed – you have given me breath.

You have inspired me to do the same.



PS. If you are serious about living an inspiring life, you need to be with me in Wealth Spa™! Go to to learn more!