Yesterday, I was on a coaching call with my life coach, who I’ve been working with for almost 5 years when I realized my problem with confidence.
(Quick Massive Side Note: Any coincidence that my life has literally BLOSSOMED over the last 5 years?!? Maybe it’s time to find someone you trust, like a life coach, to work through all the stuff in your life (health, relationships, business, goal setting, etc.) but only if you are serious about wanting to push through to what you dream is possible for your life and make it a reality, and TRUST me – it’s so good when you do push through because everything you EVER wanted is on the other side of fear! Hear me? Okay, back to today’s post!)
So I’m talking through stuff around my business, and was talking about confidence and why I “feel” I have so much in some areas, but then in other areas, I “feel” I have none. So I asked her,
Where does confidence come from?
So, like any good coach, she turned it back on me. DAMN! I hate answering hard questions.
This is what I’ve come up with, and MAKE NO MISTAKE, this post is written by me for me, but I realize I’m not in this alone and that y’all need some confidence too, in fact, when it comes to money, the reason why most people don’t take financial action is because of their lack of clarity and confidence.
I know how you find clarity.
Clarity comes from taking action. Period.
When you take action, you make decisions, see what feels right, what feels wrong and begin to see and figure out what you want. So to get clarity -take action. Especially important if you are in a state of confusion or you feel you are stuck, taking action will help. Important here is to not let fear of failure stop you, try something and then if it doesn’t work, who cares, you now know that that’s not what you want for your life.
I do know how you find confidence too, I just didn’t ever consciously think about it.
So I searched the Googles and looked up the word confidence, and to my amazement, it read this:
Confidence: the state of feeling certain about the truth of something, or a feeling of self-assurance arising from one’s appreciation of one’s own abilities or qualities
AND THEN BOOM, it hit me.
Confidence is a FEELING and you need to create those FEELINGS inside of you & believe those feelings inside of you to be able to be confident in whatever you do.
Confidence comes from WITHIN!
One of the key ingredients in confidence is knowledge. When you learn and gather information and make sense of it, you gain knowledge and I do believe having knowledge on any given topic gives you the confidence to share that knowledge. In point of fact, I would not have the confidence to speak Mandarin, teach how to make balloon animals, shuck oysters, use Morse code, or to teach how to recognize bird calls (chirp-chirp) because I have not yet learned these things (although, perhaps on my bucket list 😉 )
But then WHY do I not have confidence around the stuff I already know?
It’s because I don’t think I’m worthy enough or smart enough or pretty enough or skinny enough or rich enough, and on and on.
AHHHHH – good ol’ negative self-talk comes back to bite me in the ASSets once more!
So what do we (I) do?
To do that you need to REPEAT CONSISTENTLY through:
- Mantras
- Affirmation Statements
- Prayer
- Meditation
- Declarations
And most importantly, do it all with BELIEF. You need to believe your inner voice. You need to shut out the noise of other’s voices in your head and really believe that God/the Universe has your back.
Changing the thoughts around your confidence will in time give you the belief you need to create the feeling of confidence, which will lead you to action and then to your desired results!
Do whatever you need to to do re-frame that inner negative self-doubting talk and do it fast, so you can stand in confidence with what you were put on this earth to do!
You were created to have all the confidence in the UNIVERSE to KNOCK IT OUT OF THE EFFING PARK!
So, knock it out of the park!
If you want to create confidence and clarity around your money, and this is resonating with you around the topic of YOUR MONEY, then it’s time to work with me closer on this. I have MANY ways you can work with me from 1:1 coaching, to my online money makeover course teaching you all about your money so you can create the feeling of confidence within you. You can email me directly at [email protected] or check out my course at