
Why Busy Is Holding You Back!

The cosmic univseral blessing is that we were ALL able to become UNBUSY in 2020.

Being BUSY is actually totally passé.

And if you haven’t received the memo yet, here it is:

Being BUSY is uncool.

There is nothing uplifting or beneficial you receive in your life from being in a state of busy.

It’s time to outsource and create lots of white space in your calendar.

In that white space you make time for your PLAY and CREATIVITY.

If you feel like all is suffering in your life and its not fun anymore, it could be because you are loading yourself with too much “should do’s” and not enough “white space”!

And now as we are going back to adding things back into our calendars, the key is to remember to do only the things you absolutely love to do.

But on the the topic of being busy – it needs to leave you forever.

Being in a state of busy means you are not taking the time to reconnect with your higherself and tune into the areas in your life which may be totally off kilter.

This is important if you want to be healed, create great relationships or create financial abundance in your life.

You want to bend space and time?

Become UNBUSY!

Leave room for the creative dance in your life – that is also a secret key to abundance in all the areas!

What’s one practical way to do this?

Schedule in “ME TIME”.

Mark it on your calendar.

This must be time alone – no partner, no kids, no work – purely the time you need to maybe walk, read, think, meditate, draw, write, pray and listen.

But even harder for us die-hard busy people is to make sure we are doing this every day and doing it consistently.

THAT is how you uplevel into a space where flow naturally aligns with your life.

THAT is how you connect with you and the divine.

THAT is how you connect to your abundant birthright.

Make time to be unbusy and allow for all the miracles to happen in your life –

They need the space too because let’s face it –


So become unbusy.

Really connect back into the deeper meaning you want from life and let go of all the extracirricular activities that – let’s face it – no longer impress – but STRESS!

That my love, that is how you…

Live Your Legacy!

xx Lisa

PS. If you want to unbusy your life and uplevel in all the areas, you need to start with your money and by that, you need to start with a Financial Clarity Call with me! Book yours now at –>