There is a time for everything under the sun. This includes a time to walk away.
I’m not sharing today about the times in our life when we really need to leave a bad situation or close a chapter in our books because they no longer serve us or grow us as people. These seasons most definitely come and I know and you know they are hard seasons to walk through.
My message today is something a little different.
It’s about walking away from thoughts that don’t serve you.
Months back I shared the story of the shoe girl that I adapted from one of my mentor’s stories, Earl Nightingale. You can click here to read that post because that story illustrates this point as well.
Today, I will share another story to illustrate my point on thoughts.
Once upon a time, there live a beautiful, smart girl. One day, this girl decided she was going to wake up at 5am, write her blog, work-out, buy her favorite latte on the way into work, have a kick-ass day working with her team. She created the feelings and the life she wanted – positive, happy, beautiful, and uplifting. Other’s around her felt her joyful spirit and heart. And it was so.
In a nearby kingdom, there lived another beautiful, smart girl. One day, this girl woke up on the wrong side of bed, and stubbed her toe and complained about her bad sleep. She was grouchy from the moment she woke up and said things like “I know today’s going to be a bad day.” She threw herself in her car and went to work, begrudgingly got a coffee, and everything she seemed to touch at work went wrong. She created the feelings and the life she wanted – negative, unhappy, and miserable. And it was so.
If you believe and understand that your thoughts are like magnets and are attracting themselves, because “that which is like unto itself is drawn” – then you know that you are in charge of all of your thoughts (no one else can put a thought into your head). You are also in charge of all your feelings (again, you are in control of how you feel). You know that you are the person who gets to create the life that you want to live, feel how you want to feel and think what you want to think. WHAT A WONDERFUL THING!
(OH – and a big FYI: Simple as this may seem, “Most People” believe that they have no control over their feelings and that feelings happen to them (like a child – my children haven’t learned this yet!). To these people, life just happens to them, they don’t deliberately create a life they want…..just food for thought.)
Whether or not you choose to believe me, you are attracting to you right now. The only difference is that some people actually take control of their thoughts and deliberately direct them into useful and positive ways, others simply let their feelings dictate how their day is going to go.
Knowing that you can choose your thoughts, maybe it’s time to walk away from thoughts that don’t serve you.
Do any of these ring true for you?
“It’s going to be a bad day?”
“I feel poor.”
“The world is hopeless.”
“Things are so bad right now.”
“I’ll never be able to do it.”
“I hate all that is going on in the world right now.”
None of these statements serve you. They don’t help you grow or move toward the life you want to live. Do you see how one negative thought can manifest or expand into your reality and show up in unwanted ways?
Here is my remedy to stop a negative thought:
- Stop the thought by quoting Shakespeare “Out, damn’d Thought!” (Get it?! Macbeth?! High School?!)
- Make the biggest fakest cheeziest SMILE that you can make.
- Take a SELFIE of that biggest fakest cheeziest SMILE that you make.
- Then laugh out loud – YES, LOL at yourself.
Notice after following those simple 4 steps, you have turned your negative thought away. Okay, my method may not be the most clinical method, and other methods are perfectly acceptable – I won’t judge. Even if you create your own method to ward off negative thoughts – just make sure to follow through.
Half of the battle is recognizing that you are having a negative thought.
Also, if you can’t identify a negative thought, then look towards how you are feeling.
Typically, for most of us it works like this:
Negative Thought = Bad Feeling
Positive Thought = Good Feeling
This helps when you are identifying a negative thought pattern and will guide you in figuring out what negative thought caused you to feel bad to begin with.
Bottom Line: Stop adding to your negative thoughts. Walk away from the thoughts that don’t serve you. They won’t serve you on your journey to financial health, physical health, mental health, or relationship health. If you are on social media, make a point to only share positive stories or words of encouragement.