
How To Get Real Clear On What You Want

How To Get Real Clear On What You Want

The reason you feel stuck in your life right now is NOT because you actually are.

It’s because you are feeling uninspired – you are either stuck in boredom or the opposite, anxiety.

You aren’t living in the FLOW ZONE. (This is kinda the optimal goal!)

I would even go as far to say that your anxiety about life right now – the worry, stress and overwhelm or the boredom (if you are on that end of the spectrum) is mostly caused by not having enough clarity for what you want, and not being in flow.

Flow being defined as a state of mind when your consciousness is harmoniously ordered, according to Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.

Or in my words: being in that place where you are present focused, in the zone, creating, making a difference where your whole world just seems to clicks with ease.

So, how do we really REALLY get clear on what we want to get to a flow state?

Ask questions.

“Why does my life suck?” Is NOT a good question to ask yourself!

You’ll get bad answers and continue down your vicious circle into the realms of despair.

Been there, got the t-shirt.

The trick here is to ask GOOD questions to gain clarity.

“How can I make my life better?”

“What do I need right now to be the best version of myself?”

Ask BETTER questions, get better answers.

Better Answers = Better Clarity

And like I’ve always said, the person with the most clarity wins.

It’s true.

The reason you are struggling in ANY area of your life right now is because of a lack of clarity.

Self-Reflection reveals that to me in SPADES!

I see exactly where I need some SERIOUS clarity in certain areas and keep waffling.

Like, exactly what are my physical body goals?

What exactly are my money goals for the year, month, day?

I’m very sure I’m a walking contradiction, especially when it comes to my goals.

This year I have probably like 10 different financial goals!

How do I know that? Well, I make my goals my passwords, and then realize that every one of my devices is a different number – GEEZ.

This doesn’t bode well for manifesting!

Let me tell you – I’m like a firework – off in all different directions! (And not like a good Katy Perry Firework!)

The same goes for my health, physical goals…. even my hobby goals or fun goals seem to be a disaster.

And then it comes back to this – NOT having your own back in certain areas of your life!

You want to know why you have anxiety, stress, worry, and all the crap in your life?

Easy to answer:

  • Because you didn’t have your own back.
  • Because you think life happens to you.
  • Because you still have to be right about everything.
  • Because you haven’t really learned to LET IT GO (see last week’s blog!)
  • Because you didn’t follow through with your word to yourself.

And then it happens.

You feel like a completely sh*tty person for letting yourself down once again.

You know – deep down – that you created this mess your in.

Look at the body, the bank account, the relationships, the CRAP you’ve settled for.

Why are you settling?

Bad question.

We know why.

It’s the easy way out.

Better question.

What do you want to create in these few (very few) precious days you have left?

or another way of looking at it….

What’s it going to take to get you from where you are stuck and unclear right now to where you are living your best life?

Hand to paper.

Finger to keys.

Map it. Write it. Goal it. Intention it.

Paint it so clear in your mind that there is no turning back.

That what you want (having it all – in all areas of your life) is possible!

And baby, it’s possible.

It will happen for you.

Keep going with GREAT clarity.

and don’t forget…

Live Your Legacy!

xx L



PS. I’m doing a deep dive intensive for 10-days on how to APPRECIATE, elevate, up-level, increase, make better in ALL areas of your life. You won’t want to miss this! I’m going to help you kick ANXIETY, WORRY & FEAR to the curb and get clear on what you want so your life can FLOW!


  • Clarity & Mind
  • Self-Love
  • Surroundings
  • Cash Flow & Money
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  • Body
  • Business
  • Relationships
  • Flow
  • Abundance

PLUS – get one month FREE Wealth Spa Membership if you sign up now!


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