
Be Your Own Cheerleader

be your own cheerleader

This is your year!

How are you going to make it your year?

You are going to be your own cheerleader.

You are going to remember (or learn) that everything gets created from the inside out.


Not the other way around.

It’s never outside in.

Your outside world never creates your inside world.

Your circumstances will never let you be happy, find joy, live life to the full.

Do you get that?

You are going to stop letting the world dictate your life, your feelings.

You are going to stop being swayed.

You are going to spiritually grow up.

You are going to REVEL in the fact that you now hold all the power, the joy, the LOVE and all you have to do is tap into your UNENDING supply of it.

You are going to stop letting people, places or things be the reason for your unhappiness


You are going to take responsibility for it.

You are going to create your happiness – ALL OF IT.

Did you not know that you were the one responsible for it all along? Did you know it was already inside of you all along – all you had to do was “tap” into it?

That it had NOTHING to do with what happens to you “out there”?

Sure, winning the lottery was nice for a minute, but it never created lasting happiness.

That’s why all the “stuff” out there is fleeting – because it’s always out there.

The good stuff of LIFE is always from within.

You created the feelings, the world in which you live.

No one else.

Here’s something else for you to chew on.

This is wisdom.

This whole inside-out thing is wisdom.

Creating from within to produce the life you want to experience is tapping into wisdom.

Be wise.

There’s unlimited wisdom for you right where you are.

So this year.

This decade.

There is something you must know on a soul level…

You must be your own cheerleader.

No one can do it for you.

You must be the one who creates the confidence within.

You must not care what others think.

You must not.

You must risk it all to get what you want. (And by all, I mean you must risk looking foolish to others. But who cares, their thoughts AND feelings aren’t your responsibility either!)

You must have your own back.

You must be your own cheerleader.

No friend, no BFF, no boyfriend, no girlfriend, no client, no husband, no partner, no sister, no mom or dad can do this for you and it ISN’T THEIR RESPONSIBILITY – so stop making it so!


You are SOLELY responsible for the whole SHOW!

You are SOLELY responsible for the whole SHEBANG!

So act like it, LOVE YOURSELF, and be your own cheerleader.

If there’s something in your life you don’t like or out grew, move on.

The BEST advice I ever heard was not to read my own book reviews.

I know MANY “famous” people who have said on various podcasts (mostly because I’m a podcast junkie and that’s all I listen to!) that they don’t read their reviews.

Good reviews are nice, like compliments and you can let them go to your head and coast.

One bad review can send you spiraling down into a hole.

Also, good reviews and bad reviews are just one persons opinion.

Here’s where the rubber meets the road baby –

Reviews don’t matter.

You need to pull yourself back to what matters – ALWAYS!

What is it you are after? What’s your big picture? Stay focued on that – no matter how crazy the dream is.


Changing the world?

Helping millions of people?

Whatever it is, I’m guessing it’s not about the reviews and for me it’s not worth it to get sucked into getting patted on the back from a few people who adore me.

Again – that’s not the world’s job to adore me.

It’s my job to love and adore me.

End of story.

It’s my job to have my back.

To know I did my best.

If I did – it’s the end of the story.

Let me ask you this: if you did your best, who cares what other people think?

If you are dedicated to your craft, always learning – you will naturally learn and get better – you don’t need to be critiqued up the wazoo.

Who likes that anyways?

If someone doesn’t like you or how you look or respond to emails – then move on.

Let them go.

You will be better for it.

BECAUSE – here’s the truth – there are people excited to work with you, excited to be the love of your life, excited to be your client, excited to read your book.

Those are the people that you want to align yourself with in the world.

People will support you.

As you will support them.

BUT the feelings, the world you create, the thoughts, the mindset, the money(!) –

That is all on you.

To get the perfect life you dream of and desire, you must create it internally first.

Anyone who knows, knows this is the law.

And not a stupid law, like my tinted windows on my car being too dark, it’s like a law that will change your life.

It will open all the doors.

This changes everything.

The fear can go – flee forever.

Then abundance of love, joy, peace can enter.

Abundance of money can enter too!

All of it!

Oh my dear soul – this is how you…

Live Your Legacy!

xx Lisa