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Find Your Worth

Find Your Worth

In less than a few weeks, I’m leaving one of the companies I’ve worked with for over 15 years. 

Even though it’s 100% the right decision for me at this point in my life, I still feel like it’s a divorce. I still wonder how I will go on without this relationship in my life. I now have to identify with something new, something different. 


I didn’t realize that I have wrapped up a lot of my identity in who I work for or what I do for a living.  

So much of my worth as a person, my value.

And it gets worse….

I’ve also identified myself and my value with things like my resume, my skills, and if we are being BRUTALLY honest, things like my health, looks, financial stuff, relationships, where I live – ALL GOOD, BAD, or UGLY… doesn’t matter….

DOESN’T matter because – 

We all do it and it’s how we relate to the world, how we find our pecking order, our tribes, our places in this world.

And so I realize that is not going to change and that’s okay because we will never be able to fight the laws of attraction anyways.

Like will always attract like. 

This is where I have got stuck in the past. 

How do I separate myself from my accomplishments, the worldly things, the tribes I associate with (Motherhood, Work, Family, etc.)?

How do I just BE and then while BEING be okay with all that I am presently?

Be okay with the fact that I’m good enough?

That I’m worthy enough?

That I’m valuable enough?

I mean sure we sing songs in Sunday School about the fact that we are unique little unicorns, valuable, blah, blah… great for a 5-year-old.

Different for us older folk who’ve been around a little longer and realize we have to work for a living and work for all the stuff we think we want – not to mention that we are trying to survive and just make it day-to-day.

But how does one actually live like they are worthy of TRUE ABUNDANCE? In all the things, all the areas – the health, wealth & love? 

How do you FIND YOUR WORTH in a broken world?

And then comes the real questions that you are really asking here:  

“Who am I to be worthy of this? Who am I to be worthy of doing this great thing that my heart desires?”

And the answer always whispers from the deepest parts of your soul as it always will when you tune in and listen for it:

“Who are you not to? 

You were made for a moment such as this! For a decision, for a relationship, for a job, for a family, for a love, for a house, for a healthy body, for a purpose, for abundance such as this!”

And whisper grows louder and louder until one day it shouts at you and makes you practically pee your pants while you are walking down the aisle at the grocery store.

Oh ya… that small voice we’ve so kindly pushed aside for so long that just yelled at us – in a loving way of course…

You now can’t deny it. It’s there. It’s real. It’s not going away.

God really dislikes playing second fiddle in your life. Your universe that created you really REALLY dislikes you not LISTENING to the true desires of your heart.

The problem, and I say problem because it’s so hard to wrap your head around this one, is that I can’t do anything to become more valuable than I already am. 

We were born perfect and made perfect and born worthy and born valuable and let’s face it, there’s nothing – 


we can do to screw that up. 

Kinda takes all the fun out of life, doesn’t it?

But what am I supposed to strive for? What GOAL am I supposed to work for? Why am I supposed to make millions of dollars and why am I supposed to eat healthy? And why for God’s sake then do I have to get off the couch and turn off Netflix?

What if the secret to this whole thing was that there really was nothing to strive for? 

What if there was:

  • no course you need to take
  • no fancy school you need to graduate from
  • no amount of money you need to make
  • no high-paid job you need to get
  • no hot sexy relationship you had to be in
  • no big family you had to have
  • no hot car you need to drive
  • no fancy clothes, shoes or makeup you need to own
  • no special house you need to live in
  • no elaborate titles you need behind your name
  • no elite famous friends you need to have

What if you actually didn’t need any of that stuff?

What if you actually stopped looking for approval, validation and security outside yourself?

What if you could live in a space, the now, the present where you actually had all the stuff you were seeking?

What if the secret to it all never lied with the world outside of us?

What if all we had to do was listen to our higher self?

What if we stopped listening to the world, all the world – which includes:

partners, kids, parents, brothers, sisters, grandparents, bosses, co-workers, friends that mean well, some chick posting her blog on social media 😉  – 

What if we only listened within, what if we only took direction from our higher self, God, the universe, whatever you call it?

I think it’s like this:

You can do whatever you want in this life. No one is going to force you to follow your destiny, follow your desires. No one is going to force you to step into your destiny and get off the couch.

I also don’t think you have to honour God, your higher self or the universe in anyway shape or form. That’s 100% your choice. Just a decision you get to make. It’s not right or wrong.

However, I do think that there is this BIG MAGIC that happens when you do HONOUR that voice inside you, your God voice and hunker down on those desires.

I think that’s where you get to live in the magic, the adventure, to open up your world to all life has in store for you. 

I don’t think you get to live in that PROMISED LAND until you do honour that small whisper and those deep desires of your soul.

I also think that’s what it means to (and I do use a biblical reference here) “follow God’s will” for your life.

Which, I mean, let’s get real, could be the FUNNEST ADVENTURE of your life.

I’ll be the first to say I’m just a messenger, that my words, my message is just here to spark something that was already within you, for something to be revealed to you…

Your revelation.

Your life.

Remember you and God form a majority in this universe.

You can vote however you want to vote.

Where we fall, where I fall, is always this:

When I look outside of myself for the recognition, the value, worldly perfection, for MY worth. 

It’s not out there.

It never was. 

It never will be.

Do you get it yet?

True Abundance can NEVER be outside of your head, outside of your mind or outside of your soul. Neither is your worth.

Your abundance is not held with another person. No one holds that magic key. 

Your worth is not held with another person. No one holds that magic key.

It’s not with your boss, your company, your job, the lottery, a rich uncle or that sexy Latin lover.

Your abundance sure as HECK is not sitting in the opinions of others. 

(Other people always have their own prejudices, dysfunctions, hurts, fears, insecurities – which is their sh*t – not yours! It’s actually amazing we even listen to anyone anyways! 😉 )

So, craziest thing happens when you don’t need the peanut gallery in your life anymore, when you follow your own soul and find your worth within….

You get to…


xx Lisa


You Were Made For More

You Were Made For More

You were made for MORE.

You will never get to where you want to be if you keep playing at the same level that you created your current reality at –

Whatever you wish that to be.

You keep creating at the same level – you keep doing things the ‘old school’ way…

Serious Q:

Do you think for 2 seconds that your current way of doing things is going to get you to that next level?

You are an energy match for exactly where you are RIGHT now.

Look around.

All the good things in your life,

the love, the happiness, the deep joy –


All the crap.

That unhealthy relationship you have with work, your kids, your body, your relationships.

Your bad attitude toward certain people.

The friend or ex that pissed you off.

Your kids doing ‘stuff’ you don’t approve of.

Your boss being a total dingbat.

The guy that cut you off in traffic.

Wake up time!

That’s all on you.

You keep expecting. You keep expecting the world to live by the instruction manual that you wrote for them.

Do you realize how crazy that is?

Do you know how frustrating and maddening it is to live in a world that doesn’t do what you want them to do?

No seriously.

Better questions:

Do you honestly still expect the world to bend to you and all the people in it?

I see this ALL the time.

People expecting others, governments, children, partners, businesses, lovers to act in a certain way – particularly the way that they so desire.

Deep down we want everyone to act the way we want: Stepford Wives. Robots.

When are we going to throw away the manuals we’ve created for others?

When are we going let go of the expectations we have on others?

Do you realize this is what is HOLDING YOU BACK from MORE?

Let’s talk about how to create that miracle, that new life, that new level you want to go to, shall we?

You will never be able to shift into the magical life you deserve without taking full responsibility for what you created right now.

The good, the bad & the ugly.

What have you invited into your life so far?

Do you like it?

Do you want to keep it?

So here’s where we get to play!

That ‘thing’ –

That ‘next level thing’ –

That ‘dream’ you are after –

You have to shift into it first.

You have to play the role, you have to BE it now.

I’ve written about this many times.

So many people have this all wrong.

They DO, HAVE, and then BE or BECOME.

This may work for getting a degree: do the school work, have the degree and then you get to become a graduate or the doctor or the teacher. But that’s about where the masculine DO HAVE BE model really begins and ends.

For the rest of what you want to manifest, the GREAT THINGS you want to manifest – the MIRACLES – they have to come from someplace DEEPER, someplace HIGHER.

In reality for you to get to the next level and become and energetic match for the things, the miracles, you want in your life and the life you want you MUST:

BE, DO and then HAVE.

You first BECOME who it is you want to be in the world by internally stepping into the person you want to be.

You first shift your energy and you do that by living the way you see yourself in the future.

Then you DO the work and take the actions after.

Sidenote: The actions you do are far more inspired when you are already ‘acting’ the part of the person you are planning on showing the world!

Then you HAVE.

(This actually is how you finish a university degree – if you didn’t see yourself as a graduate first my guess is you never finished university – you have to see yourself as what you want to BE, but you have to do that now, not in 4 years time.)

Eventually, your reality catches up with your desires and all that you have been manifesting.

You get to physically see the results of what you were – but it’s no biggie, because you have BEEN (BE) that way for a while now, your reality is finally just energetically catching up to the you who you always knew you were.

Do you get what I’m putting down here?

This quantum physics stuff is mind blowing but not for everyone.

I get that.

You always get the message when your heart is ready to receive it.

And then it’s revealed to you like a lightning bolt and you don’t know how you ever lived before you learned what a miracle really is.

It’s like messing up what we’ve been taught for so long.

It’s like throwing away man’s rule book and playing by God’s.

God has anointed and appointed you LONG BEFORE you will ever see it.

Do you know how FREEING it is to LIVE in a world with no expectations?

Do you know how spectacular life is when you learn you were made for more and ALLOWED TO HAVE MORE?!?!

It’s amazing!

It’s like being in love!

It’s like every Christmas, Thanksgiving and Easter all in one!

It shifts your perception on reality.

It connects you the greatest deepest JOY you will ever find.

I pray that for you my friends. I do.

It’s my deepest wish.

It’s my deepest yearning.

It’s my deepest gift I could ever share with you, to which you already know.

You already know this.

You know deep down all of the truth.

Your soul, your heart, your deepest parts know this.

That you were made for more.

That you are more.

That you are more than what your present reality looks like.

That you are more than your past.

That you are more than this moment.

So find that JOY and stay connected to it, do whatever it takes to stay there.

You were made for more.


Live Your Legacy.

xx Lisa


PS. Still wanting to shift into your true abundance?!  It’s not too late, make sure you are part of this FREE 30-day shift into abundance!

Go to —>


Creating Your Money Philosophy

Your Money Philosophy


This is where it should start:

Thoughtfully & intentionally creating your money philosophy.

But it doesn’t.

Most of us get stuck with some weird distorted hand-me-down version of this from our parents – the same people who, no doubt, also taught us that Happy Meals were an actual food group or that “tails” were totally the bomb hair-style when you were 8.

Somewhere down the road good ol’ mommy & daddy’s money issues became our own, or if we were so smart to out-smart the parents, then we adopted the opposite money philosophy, usually about as deadly to our financial health as the ones our parents actually raised us to believe.

Either way, the most of us are ‘OOOOH’ for 1.

Enter: The Money Philosophy

My mentor, the brilliant Brooke Castillo on her podcast, gave me this idea and I have expanded on it in my own little way.

So I’m going to guide you on getting started and really thinking through your money philosophy and I actually encourage you to write this down.

It’s simple.

Yet, oddly digs deep and uncovers more of those dang money blocks!

AND it gets you to think for yourself and what works for your life.

You can’t really cheat – if you copy your neighbors answers on this one it will leave you miserable and unfulfilled, and this done right will do the opposite for you – uncover your MONEY brilliance!

Your Money Philosophy

Question 1

What are your baseline minimums when it comes to money?

  • What is the minimum you will keep in your bank account at all times?
  • What is the minimum you will earn each month?
  • What is the minimum you will save/invest each month?
  • What is the minimum you will spend each month?
  • What is the minimum you will tip when you go out for services?
  • What is the minimum star-rating hotel you will stay at?
  • What is your minimum quality of life your will have?
  • etc.etc.

Creating a minimum will help you determine the absolute lowest standard you will be able to live with, and then you can go about increasing it as needed.

Minimums give you a standard that you have to live up to and by constantly being in integrity around what is acceptable to you and what is not acceptable to you, and keeping your word to yourself you actually elevate yourself to the next level! You feel proud of yourself for at least accomplishing the minimum.

I encourage you to take baby steps here. Start small.

This is between you and you.

Question 2

What does money mean to you? List 5 words to describe what money means to you.

I got this question from my favorite money badass, Jen Sincero. Look up her books amazing!

For me, money means this:

  • Freedom: Being able to do what I want when I want
  • Fame: Not like being famous fame, but being recognized in your field, getting your message out there & helping more people
  • Fun: For F’s Sake! Everything ought to be fun! People who don’t laugh with me or even at me, I find boring. Loosen up! Lighten up! (when you are stressed out about money, that’s NOT fun!)
  • Flow: Living your life in flow, being able to give yourself what you need to THRIVE (also known as self-care) & high vibe it
  • Fancy: Means exactly that – I can buy fancy stuff – from designer latte’s, drive my baby Q around, go for high tea while holding up my pinky… you know, fancy stuff…

Question 3

This questions comes from Lisa Elle’s financial book, STRUT: How to Kick Financial ASSets in Sexy Shoes (wait, can one quote oneself without sounding narcissistic or ridiculously amazing?!)

What is your why?

This is where the rubber meets the road always.

What are you working toward that is bigger than just you? What are you doing to increase the good vibes on this planet? What makes you feel alive? What makes you feel like you are a 15-year-old in love for the first time or like the time you finally allowed yourself to make love to some carbohydrates after a year in the Keto desert?

What is your why?

Are you tuned into it?

Have you even sat still for 5-minutes to contemplate what this really is and then chosen to live you life by letters of your own law?

I could go on and on about what to include or think about when creating your money philosophy, but this one’s on you.

Create the MoFo out of your Money Philosophy and then make in non-negotiable.

Live by it everyday.



PS. For all my soulpreneurs in Wealth Spa, make sure to go to the membership site to download the Wealth Sheets that go along with today’s blog!

PPS. For those not in Wealth Spa, maybe it’s time you join the best place to grow your wealth – membership starts at $27/m for a limited time only! —>





What I Really Want to Teach My Kids

My 9-year-old baby brought me this yesterday morning in bed.

“Happy Easter Mama! This is you first thing in the morning.” She held out an orange plastic Easter egg, with glue eyes and a crooked smile, with pink tentacles.

There are no words…. and what are those pink scraggly things hanging off the bottom of my replicated egg face, I could only assume were…OMG…

“What are those?”

“No, mommy that’s your hula skirt.”

Thank God!

I breathed a sigh of relief. I’ve spent a fortune on chin hair removal only to have them come back and haunt me by my 9-year-old daughter.

Kids are smarter than they look! Even though I may have evaded my dark chin hairs from a 9-year-old artist (for now), there are some things that won’t elude her.

Like how I talk about money around her.

And then it got me thinking.

What do I really want my kids to know about money? I mean besides being responsible with it, and all the same old stuff we try to teach our kids about money (like give, save, spend wisely), or at least pretend to while we are busy bribing them to shut up so we can watch the latest episode of Scandal on Netflix. (Ya, like you’ve never done that….)

So here are a few things I really want to teach them about money and other stuff in life…. (I guess I should send this list to WINNERS so they can print it on canvas so I can hang it above my toilet to be reminded of it everytime I take a….)

1. Build your dreams first.

Make them first. Make them first priority. Don’t put anything above them. Not religion, not your parents, not thoughts on what society tells you to do. God gave your heart a desire and when you follow that and put it first, everything else will fall into place. When you don’t follow that plan, that desire, you end up in a bad place. Bad jobs, bad relationships, bad choices, BAD. And only bad by your definition, not by others. I mean on the surface you made your family happy, you married the right person, got the right education, got the right job, by societies standards – you are a success. But every day, your soul is yearning for more. And in a good way, you are here for a purpose – make sure to live that purpose, and live it to it’s full. You have a message to share with the world. Build your dreams first, or you will be helping someone else build theirs. Look for the win-win-win-win. It’s always there, even if it’s not showing its face yet.

2. You don’t have to work hard for money, but you do need to create loads of value. Money comes easy.

I’ve been under this presumption most of my life. That money is hard to get, you have to bust your ass 9-5 to get it. You don’t. You just have to create value and the money will follow. Create. Solve other people’s problems. Come up with ideas – lots of them and put it out in the world. The more value you create, the more that will follow. We all are allotted the same 24 hours in a day – so we all have the same opportunity to do what Richard Branson has done.

Years ago, I was listening to “The Strangest Secret” by Earl Nightingale and learned what Earl had to say about money, “Our rewards in life will always be in exact proportion to our service.” He was right. I’ve tried to disprove him in my mind a thousand times. I always look for the value. Doesn’t matter what it is in, whether a YouTube star, oil tycoon or drug lord (yes, Netflix again!) But it really doesn’t matter what you do to make money (I mean it’s your choice, and yes, I’m not talking consequences for your actions at the moment, I’m strictly talking value exchange.) If you create value, you have to be compensated for it in some way or another. It’s an irrefutable law. And like the law of gravity, this law can’t be broken. It always wins, and sometimes you need to learn this for yourself. So, create value and money will follow, if that’s what you want. Which leads me to….

3. Anything you believe you can do, you will do.

Sure, you do need tenacity. But tenacity, and persistence, consistency, and all the other characteristics, like clarity, confidence, and courage, will all flow once your belief is unwavering. You must be unwavering. It must be set in stone in your mind. If there is room for doubt, it will crack you – and just like a small leak which will sink a big ship, it will also sink you (or at least take you longer to reach your goals!). There can be no other conflicting beliefs. They must all align. (Man who chases 2 rabbits catches neither! – Chinese Proverb)

I know the reason I’m not where I want to be – way too much self-doubt! This conflicts with everything I’m trying to build. So, unless I get over that, get over myself, and tell all the people in my head (and in my real world!) to pretty much shut up and not allow negativity to crack my ship, then I will never do anything I believe I can do. Once my belief is a part of me, once I’ve accepted it as truth, and when nothing in this world can shake my belief – it shall be done.

Those are 3 things that I really want my kids to know! What are yours?

What is your message? What do you want to leave behind for your kids or the next generation? What were you put here for? If you are serious about your legacy and want to make sure your message gets out to the world instead of getting lost in transition or unclear intentions, you need to set an appointment with me. And let’s make sure you get this message out there.





How to Get Killer Confidence!

Yesterday, I was on a coaching call with my life coach, who I’ve been working with for almost 5 years when I realized my problem with confidence.

(Quick Massive Side Note: Any coincidence that my life has literally BLOSSOMED over the last 5 years?!? Maybe it’s time to find someone you trust, like a life coach, to work through all the stuff in your life (health, relationships, business, goal setting, etc.) but only if you are serious about wanting to push through to what you dream is possible for your life and make it a reality, and TRUST me – it’s so good when you do push through because everything you EVER wanted is on the other side of fear! Hear me? Okay, back to today’s post!)

So I’m talking through stuff around my business, and was talking about confidence and why I “feel” I have so much in some areas, but then in other areas, I “feel” I have none. So I asked her,

Where does confidence come from?

So, like any good coach, she turned it back on me. DAMN! I hate answering hard questions.

This is what I’ve come up with, and MAKE NO MISTAKE, this post is written by me for me, but I realize I’m not in this alone and that y’all need some confidence too, in fact, when it comes to money, the reason why most people don’t take financial action is because of their lack of clarity and confidence.

I know how you find clarity.

Clarity comes from taking action. Period.

When you take action, you make decisions, see what feels right, what feels wrong and begin to see and figure out what you want. So to get clarity -take action. Especially important if you are in a state of confusion or you feel you are stuck, taking action will help. Important here is to not let fear of failure stop you, try something and then if it doesn’t work, who cares, you now know that that’s not what you want for your life.

I do know how you find confidence too, I just didn’t ever consciously think about it.

So I searched the Googles and looked up the word confidence, and to my amazement, it read this:

Confidence: the state of feeling certain about the truth of something, or a feeling of self-assurance arising from one’s appreciation of one’s own abilities or qualities

AND THEN BOOM, it hit me.

Confidence is a FEELING and you need to create those FEELINGS inside of you & believe those feelings inside of you to be able to be confident in whatever you do.

Confidence comes from WITHIN!

One of the key ingredients in confidence is knowledge. When you learn and gather information and make sense of it, you gain knowledge and I do believe having knowledge on any given topic gives you the confidence to share that knowledge. In point of fact, I would not have the confidence to speak Mandarin, teach how to make balloon animals, shuck oysters, use Morse code, or to teach how to recognize bird calls (chirp-chirp) because I have not yet learned these things (although, perhaps on my bucket list 😉 )

But then WHY do I not have confidence around the stuff I already know?

It’s because I don’t think I’m worthy enough or smart enough or pretty enough or skinny enough or rich enough, and on and on.

AHHHHH – good ol’ negative self-talk comes back to bite me in the ASSets once more!

So what do we (I) do?


To do that you need to REPEAT CONSISTENTLY through:

  • Mantras
  • Affirmation Statements
  • Prayer
  • Meditation
  • Declarations

And most importantly, do it all with BELIEF. You need to believe your inner voice. You need to shut out the noise of other’s voices in your head and really believe that God/the Universe has your back.

Changing the thoughts around your confidence will in time give you the belief you need to create the feeling of confidence, which will lead you to action and then to your desired results!

Do whatever you need to to do re-frame that inner negative self-doubting talk and do it fast, so you can stand in confidence with what you were put on this earth to do!

You were created to have all the confidence in the UNIVERSE to KNOCK IT OUT OF THE EFFING PARK! 

So, knock it out of the park!


If you want to create confidence and clarity around your money, and this is resonating with you around the topic of YOUR MONEY, then it’s time to work with me closer on this.  I have MANY ways you can work with me from 1:1 coaching, to my online money makeover course teaching you all about your money so you can create the feeling of confidence within you.  You can email me directly at [email protected] or check out my course at