What frequencies are you sending out to your money?
This is never a simple answer and changes by the second, however, there are overarching themes that you do send out with regards to your money.
Similar to getting adjusted at your chiropractor, this is a life-long process always needing to be adjusted and re-aligned to stay in optimal flow.
But that’s assuming you are even sending out the right frequencies in the first place – to which I would argue that you aren’t if you aren’t quite where you want to be financially.
Which, by the way, is everyone or probably 90% of us.
There’s always a new level of wealth to obtain, isn’t there?
But that aside, I want you to step into your wealth now because….
Wealth is now.
It’s not something you go toward or move toward.
If you are feeling that it’s out of reach or waiting upon this or that to happen, you will never be in a wealthy state.
So when you are always thinking it’s not here, you will always be chasing it and hence never really get there.
Sure, you can set goals and make plans for increase – as you should, but actual wealth is now.
It is a feeling.
Wealth is a feeling.
It is something you embody.
‘I am a Wealth Person’ is an idea – for at the end of the day – we are all the same inter-connected humans and we all leave this earth with our soul and not the bags of money we’ve accumulated.
Wealth is strictly a feeling.
You either feel it or you don’t.
Which do you choose?
And from that feeling that is where your wealth will come from if you choose to BE wealthy.
BEing wealthy is now.
It’s not about your neighbour who has more money than you.
It’s not about competition, it’s not about your past or the mistakes you think you made that lead you to the place you are at in this moment.
It’s not about the woulda, coulda, shoulda.
It’s simply a thought, that becomes a feeling.
I am a Wealth Person.
Choose that.
Be that.
And you will BE WEALTHY NOW and from that place, if you hold that space for your self and that intention, you will bring forth more riches than you know what to do with.
If your monkey mind or thoughts are spitting out constant thoughts on the ‘broke’ train or thinking anything not in alignment with pure abundance, your frequencies are blocked.
Your wealth vibes will not come through.
Wealth will not come through, no matter what you try when you are blocked.
You absolutely must keep a wealth frequency and that is 100% your choice, your decision and all in your head.
So make the BIG DECISION to be wealthy.
Big decisions you make in life, the choices, are always followed by a million baby decisions to stay in alignment with the larger goal or choice.
You need to keep going back to the original decision, choice frequency that you deeply desire.
You really truly are the one who decides if you are wealthy or not.
It’s the same decision you make when you…
Live Your Legacy!
xx Lisa