Let’s talk INVESTING.
I woke up and decided I need to write a 6-week series on investing, so this is what’s happening – but it won’t be your dad’s type of investing and it sure as heck won’t be an all-boys club here!
You’re dealing with me remember – the person who relates everything to shoes – so it will be fun!
I have 6 main ideas that I want to share in this series. These are themes, basic common sense that isn’t so common anymore and things to keep in mind when being bullied by the masculine world of investing.
I love men, so this is not a slight on men, but when I’m speaking of investing and the whole world of money that goes with it, it’s still a masculine energy.
I want to add some of that feminine energy and thought leadership to that conversation.
The ‘truth’ is that these blogettes (cause I’ll try to keep them under 1000 words! HA!) have come to from my thoughts, my philosophy on investing.
I’m actually just sharing with you what is my truth on the subject of investing, which are my opinions, observations and thoughts that I believe to be true and go about making decisions from the collection of these beliefs – as we all do for all things!
And the ‘truth‘ is that you need to create your ‘truth‘ on the subject of investing or you already have your ‘truth’ and it can be different than my ‘truth’ and that’s okay and WE CAN BOTH WIN with different ‘truths’ (this is key by the way!!) I’m not trying to convert anyone here.
The reality is that many people just go along with what someone else says about investing without even really questioning if that’s good for them or not. I know that a lot of people that also haven’t given investing in general focused thought as to how they want their money to serve them.
That’s why I’m writing this series – so you can give your investments some deep consideration and see if they align with your goals to fund your dreams – not to just follow along with what society says, but really allow this: you do you!
My goal or “aim” if you will is to bring us all back to the basics and bring in a whole lotta common sense and questioning, which I think brings us back to the feminine energy and power. (Here’s the woo-woo!)
And yes, I’m trying to bring in some thought leadership from a place of deep love and care for all the people on this topic only because this type of perspective doesn’t fit in the investment world with the masculine narrative. (Push, Push, Push – and many other words I could insert here.)
The masculine world of money, politics, investing is not cutting it anymore for just slightly over 50% of the population are women and are bringing with them the air of feminine energy out into the open. That means we are not the niche market as some masculine investment companies have referred to us in the past, we are what will be the biggest market share in investing going forward, if not now!
That’s another reason why I’m writing this series – and trust me, it’s going to still be my mix of the spiritual and money and mindset because that’s all investing is. (Why do you think all my blogs are on the spiritual side or mindset side more than the money?! Because money – and all the things you are after come after those are aligned!)
Anyone who thinks their money and mindset and spiritual energy are all separate matters are clearly mistaken.
If you are a women or man, the feminine energy around money benefits everyone because it doesn’t carry with it lack, scarcity or competition and that mindset view really will change things over time.
I want to mention to you that for men, feminine energy does not mean that men need to be more girly, or visa versa – not at all – these are bigger themes unrelated to personality or the ego. These are fundamental shifts that needs to happen in mindset and those using the masculine and feminine as terms are merely the best way I can describe these energies, but they have no real relation to sex (as in sexy time!) or as in sex (male and female gender).
With that said, let’s do this!
6-weeks all about investing – keep your eyes peeled for these puppies!
Live Your Legacy!
xx Lisa