When you hear the word MANIFEST do you picture some crazy voodoo lady with spunky hair, a magic wand and a mumu, who’s right off her rocker? I do! Well to be fair I come from a very conservative background where ‘crazy’ was defined as staying up till midnight playing dutch blitz (it’s a great card game, btw!) However, over the years and a plethora of books and courses later, I’ve fully embraced this crazy money magic called manifesting (and it really is money magic!)
So what does Manifesting and Money have to do with each other? Manifesting is just bringing forth into your world your thoughts and words. It’s just what’s going on in your head, your mindset, being revealed in your physical world. If you don’t believe in crazy hoo-doo huey-pooey magic, that’s totally okay, however I challenge you to be aware of the relationship you have with money. What’s crawling around in your head does manifest in your life in it’s many forms. Money Manifests have everything to do with your financial situation, whether you would like to admit it or not.
These 5 Money Mindsets you can MANIFEST in your life all come from one of my top 5 favorite books, The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity (read it!) by Catherine Ponder, a minister from Alabama in the 1960’s.
So I challenge you to read these and implement them in your life. I believe small changes to your money thinking will truly help you manifest your financial goals.
1. The golden rule of prosperous thinking is that you should not think or say anything concerning another’s financial affairs that you would not want to experience in your own. If you think of yourself as prosperous but of others as in financial lack, you are unconsciously inviting the same thing to happen to you.
2. Shop when you are in a good mood. Notice how much more you are able to purchase for your money when you are in a good mood. But if you shop in haste or while in low spirits, everything seems to go wrong, including the purchasing power of your money.
3. Appreciate your money. Stop thinking money is evil, or disregarding it by saying ‘Oh, it’s just money.’ When you begin to appreciate your money it will appreciate for you, rather than depreciate. Sounds silly, but talk nice about your money and to your money (If you are petting your money like a cat and saying things like “nice money, purrty purrty money” then best to keep that one to yourself, but hey – whatever floats your boat – no judgement here!) Cherish even the pennies on the ground.
4. Don’t send mixed messages. If you listen closely to the conversations of people about you, you will discover that this is a general attitude. People often discount the importance of money in one breath, and yet they admit that they are working very hard to get it in the next. They do not realize the cross-current they are setting up in their thinking, which in turn voids most of their efforts. Through such crossed-up thinking about money, they are working at cross-purposes, and often they will experience a crossed-up result.
5. Believe in success and prosperity for all. Never become disappointed, discouraged or upset by what others say or do in an effort to hold you down or take your good from you, as you begin to rise through prosperous thinking. In the long run, they cannot hurt you, only themselves. Instead, feel flattered when people try to hold you down or “down you” in any way. It’s a sure sign that at last you are succeeding and that others realize it.
Remember, there is more than enough to go around for everyone. Keep a mindset of abundance, not of scarcity or competition.