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Über Emotional Market


As a women, I know nothing about being emotional.


I’m the most steady constant person you will meet.


Yup, I’m a total emotional rollercoaster somedays (okay, okay, everyhour of everyday! 🙂 )  Infact, one day they will probably add the word “syndrome” after my name.

And right now is no exception, on top of normal everyday stresses and emotions, come the emotions of what is going on in the markets and the economy.

When the economy is “bad”, clients also begin to freak out more about their portfolios as well, and as a financial coach, my job is to make sure you don’t succumb to fear, desperation, panic, despondency, and depression or at least don’t act upon them without taking the emotions out.

Instead, I’m going to share with you my hope, optimism and excitement and give you a thrill while at it (or that’s my goal anyways!)

This chart outlines the cycle of emotions we feel when investing and important to note that emotions usually get in the way of a good financial plan.


The Cycle of Market Emotions

This is the emotional psychology behind investing or the feelings an investor feels as they go through the investment cycle.

The point of maximum financial opportunity is ideally where you should buy, although typically when we should be buying our emotions and feelings are running the ship and steer us the wrong way because we are feeling fear, desperation and panic and in no way will emotion let logic take over and run the ship. Emotion at this point is like Lisa and her Cadbury Fruit & Nut Chocolate Bar – you dare not get in between us if you want to live!

The point of maximum financial risk is when everything seems to be going fantastic and everyone agrees with you. That is when you should sell, although at that point the champagne is flowing and the party is in full swing, so why sell your position and bring that great “feeling” to a complete stop.

As humans, the FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) drives us to do crazy things sometimes in relation to investing and this typically happens when we are close to the top of a market or sitting at or around “THRILL”. Especially when everyone is having a party and telling you to jump on the bandwagon and buy that bio-tech company that will be like winning the lottery. I relate FOMO to sneaking out with my roommate in college past curfew to meet up at a pub with some cute guys from our dorm. Sleep is over rated anyways.

FOMO has always been my thing – it actually pushes us forward and to try new things. So it’s not always a bad thing, it’s just something to be aware of, and when it comes to investing, maybe try to take emotion and fear out the equation and let logic prevail. I know this is MUCH easier said than done, especially when in college and even more so when everyone around you will be a millionaire before you if you don’t invest in that hot stock or real estate right now.

Then we swing to the other side of market emotions where FOF (Fear of Failure) is presumed. This is where we have “failed” in our heads and feel the need to sell and get out, cut our losses and move forward. This isn’t always the best approach – don’t get me wrong there are many times in life we need to cut our losses and move forward. This is when I caution you to let logic prevail and add in your 6th sense (women have powerful 6th senses!) – trust your gut.

Also, having a financial plan or Investment Policy Statement (IPS) will also help make sure you have a plan in place.  As advisors, we create these for you so when you are “freaking out” we can remind you of the plan we put in place to help weather the storm.

Don’t forget: Storms are needed in life.  Storms are what makes us appreciate the good times.  If you never feel the bottom then you will never know the highs.  So these cycles are good things.  Be thankful for your trials, because let me be the first to tell you a whole lotta rainbows are coming your way soon!

BOTTOM LINE: So when fear of missing out, fear of failure, fear that the economy will collapse, or fear of any kind, rares its ugly head then it’s time to re-frame our brains, add logic and strip away crazy emotion this will probably help lead to better financial decisions and hopefully get rid of the impending doom and take appropriate action.


3 Ways to STRUT Your RRSPs

3 RRSP Strategies


I’m going to show you how to get 20-66.66% more into your RRSP every year without saving any more money!

And to make this exciting (because writing financial strategies can be soul-wrenching-boring!), I have to relate my strategies to things that bring me joy.

Today, I was debating whether or not to compare these RRSP strategies to shoes or wine. Shoes won out, but just for today. So if you think like me, you will know flats are okay, kitten heels are a bit higher and mightier, but a night out on the town warrants killer sexy stilettos where your legs look fabulous and elongated (or that’s what I tell myself 😉 ) – even if you can only wear them for 5 minutes.

I also created a little chart at the bottom of this article demonstrating the power of these three strategies.

Here are 3 RRSP strategies for this season:

The Flat Shoe:

Put money into your RRSP. Period.

Most Canadians don’t.

23.4% of taxfilers in 2013 according to Stats Canada contributed to an RRSP!

And fair enough, if you aren’t making much in the way of income, I wouldn’t recommend it and would use an alternative shoe for saving – however, most Canadians don’t even save on a regular basis in any account – RRSP or not!

So here’s the point: Save. Save monthly if you can – dollar cost averaging is always best!

If you are in the top marginal tax bracket, it is one of the few tax deductions available to you if you are an employee – so just do it. Put on the FLAT shoe and do it. Otherwise, you are basically barefoot!

IMPORTANT – Don’t miss this paragraph! Here are the numbers: I’m going to use an example of a client saving $10,000 a year for all my examples. If you put in $10,000 to your RRSP and you are in the top marginal tax bracket (approx. 40%) you will get a refund of approx. $4,000 in Alberta – varies province to province and by how much income you actually make. Any accountant can help you calculate this amount for your personal tax situation or your financial planner can do that as well. The money in your RRSP grows tax deferred until you pull it out, and then it is taxed fully as your income at that time.


The Kitten Heel:

Wanna spice up your savings and go out on the town in a comfortable kitten heel?  This is an easy boost in your RRSP savings, still only saving $10,000 a year.

Figure out how much you are getting back as a tax return. In the example above, you were getting back $4,000.

Because you know you are getting that $4,000 as a tax refund, why not invest it when you get it. If you do re-invest your return money and continue to do that over the years, you will now invest $14,000 every year, instead of the $10,000 you are saving up.

It will boost your savings by about 40% – that’s HUGE over the years. See the chart at bottom of post.

Or if you really need new shoes for that new trip – why not re-invest at least half of it, and blow the rest like you normally do. You will still get a 20% boost on your savings. I know my girls need a little quality shopping time too!


The Stiletto:

Ready to rock and make your portfolio extra hot? This is the ultimate RRSP strategy to boost your savings and make your portfolio sizzle!

Same $10,000 saved. Same example, but this time, we know already that we are going to put in $10,000 and get refunded $4,000.

So what do you do?

You get an RRSP Loan for $6,666.66 during that current tax year. (Yes – I know – I picked bad example numbers! YIKES!)

You invested $10,000 plus the $6,666.66 loan for a total of $16,666.66 into your RRSP.

Your tax refund is $6,666.66, which we use to pay off the RRSP loan we took out.

Here’s the fancy schmancy math formula that provided us with the loan amount needed to equal the tax refund:

Calculation for RRSP Strategy

Here’s an example: let’s say it’s December 2015. You have your $10,000 RRSP money saved in your bank account (or if you are smart, you’ve been investing a little every month dollar-cost-averaging!)  Either way, you call me up – yes, your trusted financial advisor and I will hook you up with an RRSP loan from one of MANY financial institutions (RRSP loans are easy to get, very inexpensive and very short term – typically 2-3 months in duration, from the time you take it out, until you file your return and get your refund and pay it back.)

Then you take out an RRSP loan for $6,666.66

Then you file your taxes.

You receive a tax refund in the amount of $6,666.66 because you put into your RRSP $16,666.66! ($10,000 you had plus loan of $6,666.66)

That’s a boost of 66.66% into your retirement savings! (See chart below to see how your retirement saving look over time!)

The loan for a couple months may cost you $40-$100 (about $22 a month at 4%) interest only payments on a loan of $6,666.66. Small Potatoes!

I’m not sure why most people don’t do this. Oh yeah…. Now I know why – BECA– USE my industry does a BAD job of sharing this powerful strategy!!

Guess what!  In all 3 scenarios – you still saved $10,000.  No more, no less.


(Be a smarty pants and show this to your husband or show off at next office cocktail party!)

This also works with any amount you have saved for your RRSP. I can do RRSP loans as small as $1000 – so there are no excuses for you not to boost your RRSP savings by doing either “heeled” strategy – kitten or stiletto!

When you do any of these strategies or want help with your RRSP planning – call me! I don’t just value financial planning, I also value a good shopping spree and wine. Who said you can’t have it all.

You can have it all – with some smart planning!

PS. I’ve decided my boy clients need to see this also, so I may have to re-do this whole post with a car or sports analogy and send it to them. Ughhhhh………… 😉



(I’m assuming you invest this money once annually with 6% annual compound growth at the end of the year for a client saving $10,000 every year utilizing the 3 strategies with a marginal tax bracket of 40%)

3 RRSP Strategies

The Small Print: The information contained herein is based on certain assumptions and is for illustration purposes only.

While care is taken in the preparation of this chart, no warranty is made as to the accuracy or applicability in any particular case.

Please speak to your accountant and/or financial advisor regarding your own tax situation or before you implement any of these strategies.

You need to have sufficient contribution room available to utilize these strategies.


Have RRSPs and want to boost your RRSP savings by utilizing one of these strategies?

Make good money and this still sounds GREEK to you but you think you need to look further into this?

CONTACT ME & I’ll hook you up with a


403-875-0123 or [email protected]



Miss Piggy Rocks It!

DIY Investing


Miss Piggy rocks it!  That girl gets it right every time.  Have you noticed how she doesn’t lift a finger, yet she totally always seems to kick-ass, have it all together and look hot while doing so? I think I discovered her dirty secret; she is not a DIYer.

I sure don’t want to do my own facial, waxing, taxes or dental cleaning.  For pete’s sake, I don’t even like doing my own cooking – because then I’m forced to eat it.  I do hire that stuff out and I’m way better for it.  Do the stuff in life you love; the energy boosters, not drainers.

Any true DIYer will tell the saving-a-buck-DIYers that it’s not cheap to be a DIYer in general.  Most DIYers are hobbyists; they enjoy doing their craft. If you want to be a DIY investor, it’s a lot of research, time invested in reading, learning the ins-n-outs, and the cost involved to pay for the top gurus to hand out investment advice; not to mention the cost on some of the great investment tools that are available online. And, truth be told, DIY investing can cost even more than what your advisor charges.  I know personally that some of the top gurus charge thousands for their investment newsletters per year – and so they should.

Ask anyone who ever took a stock tip from the office watercooler, or from your best friend’s dad’s cousin who divorced the Wolf of Wall Street. Ask them how it turned out!

Everyone who’s been around the block knows there is no such thing as get-rich-quick, without intentional planning and smart hard work.  In financial planning, there really is a thing called ‘the luck factor’, however, I will tell you from experience, luck befalls the folks who had a solid plan or goals in place and have been working steadily toward them.

My big point on DIY investing is this, if it isn’t your passion, hire it out.  If it is your passion, then totally do-it-yourself.  If you are trying to save a buck, and that’s your primary focus, then you may be better off putting your money under a mattress or hide it in your child’s messy bedroom – don’t worry – if it’s like my daughter’s room, your money will be safe – no one will ever find anything in that mess anyways!

Very VERY few people are true DIY investors; everyone gets info and advice from somewhere.  The question becomes, who are you getting your trusted investment advice from?  (Hey, I will be the first to tell you I get my investment advice from amazing experts, as do most advisors {very few do their own extensive research and portfolio managing}.  Trust me when I say, being a professional investor is a full time job for a team of people.)

At the end of the day, the advice you get from your Investment Advisor is usually worth a multiple of whatever investment fees you are paying for.  A 2010 study by Investment Funds Institute of Canada shows that people who work with financial advisors/planners have almost twice as many investible assets as investors who do not work with a financial professional.

I also find most investors get return CRAZY (or return comparingitus), which leads them to want to pursue the glamourized DIY world.  That seems to be all anyone ever talks about or cares about. Guess what! When it comes to investing, it’s not all about returns.  This is not about how much money you make, but how much money you keep!

When you go to the beach you need a large tote, not a clutch.  The clutch won’t hold shite. Point-in-purse, what you hold for investments is not even half as important as how you hold your investments, meaning the type of account it is held in and the tax consequences of that account.  Taxes will be a far bigger nemesis to you any day of the week than those of meager (but steady) returns.  Hence, why DIY gets more complicated if you have to learn the investment world AND also brush up on the tax code at night.  FUN!?!

So why not take a page from the amazing Miss Piggy – delegate some of the draining exhausting crap in your life (like all that financial stuff) and go kick it in areas of life that you love and leave you inspired and full of life.



Red or White?

Investment Fees


Life is full of choices.  Some way harder than others. Like Red or White? That seems to be the hardest question I’ve had to ask myself this week while on holidays.  A good problem to have.  However, other choices in life pop up – like should I choose bundled or direct investment fees when dealing with an investment advisor and these can be way more perplexing.

I think this will become a more pressing topic next year as investment fees will be brought to the forefront for all Canadian accounts with the upcoming mandatory investment fee disclosure to be front and center on everyone’s statements next summer (read my last weeks post on investment fees and CRM2).

I went searching through one of the investment firms that I use and found this amazing 3 1/2 minute video that illustrates this point better than I can.

At the end of the day – wine is wine, fees are fees, it really doesn’t matter which way you go (desired outcome will suffice)… and I’ll explain lots of that next week when I talk about the cost of being a do-it-yourself investor.



* Ipsos Reid Canadian Financial Monitor, IFIC 2010: The Value of Advice Report
Video courtesy of Vision Financial Solutions and Invesco



Transparency is Always Good

Investment Fees


I’m a huge fan of transparency…..always good to know all pertinent information upfront to make an informed decision. 😉

No one likes being kept in the dark (although I’m a huge fan of dim lighting and its effect on the aging process)!

And now you won’t be kept in the dark when it comes to the fees you are paying in your investment account.

Here’s the deal: As of next year, July 2016, every statement you receive will disclose all your management investment fees, administration costs, commissions paid front and center on all statements. In the industry we are calling it CRM2 (Client Relationship Model Phase 2 amendments to NI 21-103) and the Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) to enforce it among all investment dealers across Canada.

This most likely includes you, considering 4.6 Million households as of 2010 (or over 10 Million Canadians) hold mutual funds or equities in one form or another.

Trust me when I say, this is a good thing for you, the client. Transparency is always a good thing.

However, you may be surprised by the ‘sticker shock’ of this – warning: investment fees listed on your statements may appear higher than my 7-year-old on laughing gas at the dentist this week.

What you need to know is that the investment fees are not changing. However, the way in which they are presented to you is. It may appear that fees have increased or are changing simply changing because they will be bold and in your face, whereas before they were simply dealt with behind the scenes, talked about once and for the most part forgotten about.

It’s also important to note that investment fees have always been disclosed in the prospectus given to you when you purchased the mutual funds or other investments originally.

Also, it’s essential to know that your advisor doesn’t keep all that money. The pie gets split by many different hands; similar to realtor fees.

I think the more I live, I learn first hand; you always get what you pay for. Same goes for the value of investment advice. Even if it ‘feels’ you aren’t getting any value, there is lots going on everyday behind the scenes to bring you your investment.  And at the end of the day, there’s no free lunch when it comes to our capital markets.

In the end, you may be shocked to find out what’s behind the sheets (…of paper), just be glad you now get all information upfront and can go forward and make informed decisions.

The Value of Investment Advice by Ellements Group



Creating Change

I will never promote traditional “formal” budgeting cause I think it’s boring.  Yup, you heard me  – I think creating a big detailed budget is for the birds and rarely works for most people (although, I will say a good “excel” spreadsheet is a total turn on for me – just not when it comes to this.)  I realize that if you aren’t a spreadsheet-loving-penny-watching-crazy-er-I-mean-meticulous-money-manager then you ain’t ever gonna be one (and if you are one – GOOD ON YOU!)  I also know that tracking where every penny goes is a full time job – something we don’t have time for!  I’m not gonna make old dogs (or in this case my-shopping-friends) learn new tricks.

It’s probably gonna work for like a day, maybe an hour, and after you’ve written down your morning Starbucks on your budgeting log or entered in your new shiny budgeting app, you’ll be feeling proud and patting yourself on the back.  Then miraculously, after the new pair of shoes you just bought hours later, you can’t seem to find a pen to write down that purchase on your budgeting log, nor in your phone app cause your battery is about to die, and we must save the battery for the important “emergency texts” we are waiting for.  There’s always 3 sets of financial statements anyways…. “What Really Happened” Book, “What Hubby Can See” Book and “How Much Wine Did I Have That Night When I Bought All Those Shoes Online” Financial Hangover Book.  (Wine meets Shopping – The True Danger of Online Shopping – join our support group today – sign up for my blog below! 😉 )

Before you do the dance of joy because your new financial coach said you don’t have to budget, you need to know this.  The only way to create change is by action.  Action in your life will create glorious transformation.  If you truly want to “create change” in your financial life, then start with this easy tip – Start a PAC.  Yes, I want you to start a PAC (Pre-Authorized Cheque or Pre-Authorized Debit) with me!  (Literally!)  I want you to call up your financial coach, and start saving what you can every month.  Everyone who works can do this! PAC’s or PAD’s (whatev) start at $50 a month with most financial institutions.  So if you are working you can find $50 a month to save.  Then whatever amount you feel comfortable with – say it’s $200 or $500 a month, then I want you to add another $50 or $100 to that number to make it kinda feel like it’s going to hurt or pinch a bit.  This is because providence moves with you once you commit and take action!

I’m not going to tell you how or where to invest it or what type of account (your financial coach will) – just to start now.  And yes, this is over and above whatever your employer is doing for you right now in terms of savings and over and above whatever you are doing for ‘retirement’ savings.

This will combat the effects of any future online financial hangover and to put into effect the golden rule of “paying yourself first.”

This isn’t a marriage proposal, you can always cancel a PAC at any time.  This is YOUR money going into savings and going to work for you. And what this does for you is miraculous.  You are forced to save everymonth (cause if you start a PAC and you are like me – we are too lazy to stop it!) and you don’t have to think about it and typically you can go on your way living the lifestyle that you want and yes, I will guarantee you that your lifestyle will not suffer.  Infact, the opposite will happen.  You will begin to attract financial abundance into your life.


So trust me, call and set up a coffee with your coach now.  It takes a few minutes to get your PAC set up, and then you can kiss budgeting goodbye without guilt.  You can say your financial coach said so!