Do you want to find your financial sweet spot?
Do you want to experience financial bliss in your own life?

It’s time to STRUT your way to Financial Bliss!

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Do you want to experience financial bliss, so you know in your heart of hearts, that everything is going to be okay?
You’ve come to the right place!
My name is Lisa Elle.[/text_block]

OK – Truth time!
Have you ever met with a financial advisor who said, “Look Mrs. Client, you’ll be worth millions, you’ve just got to cut back on everything you’ve ever loved, like Starbucks and Coach Handbags!” ?
And then to hear the dreaded diagnosis, “You need to go on a budget!”
Budgets are worse than diets. Budgets make you feel fat and budgy and limited.
I cringe too.
Because I like Starbucks, handbags and shoes, and I will throw myself off a cliff if I don’t get my coffee, let alone allow a financial advisor tell me I can’t have my coffee and have to go on a budget.
This is how it usually goes… until NOW!
As a Financial Coach, I love financial planning but the truth is that what looks great on fancy paper, rarely works in real life, and certainly doesn’t resonate with the women I love to work with.
I’ve been a Financial Coach and Advisor for over 15 years and I’ve worked with hundreds of women. I have more credentials and letters behind my name than you can count.
But what I’ve discovered is that theoretical education does not hold up to what works in the real world with real women.
This is why I’ve combined my financial expertise with my passion for empowering women at a soul level. Also, I make money fun!
I care about you “getting” this and creating a positive change for you and your kids and for your children’s children.
I am not like other financial gurus who are all about the rules, can be extremely strict, and almost hold a yard stick over you like you’re a school child.
You are not a school child. You are an amazing and brilliant woman!
I am not here to punish you.
I am here to hold the space for you to define your own unique path, and create the finances to love your life.
This is why I’ve created a community of women who I call Bliss Babes!
These are stylish and successful women who are committed to creating their own Financial Bliss.
I would love for you to join us.
The first step is to receive my free Guide To Financial Bliss.
I wrote this guide to pave the path for you to strut your way to financial happiness.
This is my gift to you.
This guide will take you from:
Chaos to Clarity
Misery to Mastery
Stress to Success
Anxiety to Awe
Blame to Bliss
This is the ultimate road-map to getting in touch with your personal power so you too, can awaken your clarity, confidence and courage in your financial life, so you can fund your dreams.
To receive my free guide, simply enter your name and email address and click the “STRUT” button.
You too can be a Bliss Babe, and experience that blissful state around your money, and have fun along the way.
So go ahead now, enter your name and email address, and I will see you on the next page.[/text_block]

Hey Beautiful! Get your hands on BLISS now!

Your information will never be shared or sold to a 3rd party. We don’t like SPAM and promise not to spam you. We value YOU too much. Plus, you can unsubscribe at anytime. You are awesome in case nobody told you today!